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YouTube removed both channels of Stas "Ay, How Simple!"

Perhaps this was influenced by the political position of the blogger.
YouTube removed both channels of Stas "Ay, How Simple!"

Two YouTube channels of the blogger Stas "Ay, How Simple!" were removed without any warning. Stas wrote about it on his VK page.

Stas's main channel was under threat due to three strikes for "discrimination" that Google found in the news releases of the blogger. There was only one strike on the second channel.

I don't know what to do with it. Hands go down. Until today, I thought that YouTube at least had their rules, but no. Remove anyone if they are objectionable, now you can at the snap of your fingers.

Most likely, videos of a political nature influenced the removal of the channels. The blogger has stopped making videos about computer hardware and various equipment since February 2022.

Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
22 December 2022