Himitsu's branch and Ending in Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll
This guide lists the options you should choose when it comes to Himitsu or entering her branch. We do not affect all other decisions and you can point to any options. The main thing is to choose what we have indicated below.
Day 1-7
Go to lunch with Himitsu - +1 Himitsu
Lie - -1 Catherine
Go to Himitsu - +1 Himitsu
Go to Himitsu - +1 Himitsu
Result: Himitsu +3
Day 5-7 (we went to Himitsu and Catherine branches)
Go home with Himitsu - +1 Himitsu
Go for a walk - +2 Himitsu
Result: Himitsu +6
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Day 8-13
Stay home - +1 Himitsu
It's none of your business - +1 Himitsu, -1 Catherine
Go for a walk - +1 Himitsu
Result: Himitsu +9
Weeks 3-4
At the bar - No effect
Refuse - No effect / ALTERNATIVE ENDING
Outcome: Himitsu +9 and BEST ENDING "Two teas for that gentleman!"
P.S. If there is Himitsu +7 or less - the alternative ending "Exit the friend zone"
Гость, надо сначало стрелять из пушки по малышу несколько раз и он потеряет сознание на несколько секунд потом сразу можно его поднять и поместить в пушку и стрелять
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