ShowGamer.comGuide Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - who is the traitor from the plutiflings (Wolzhif quest)

Guide Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - who is the traitor from the plutiflings (Wolzhif quest)

    During Volgif's personal mission "The Stolen Moon" you will need to find out who betrayed the Plutieflings. Let's talk about who it was.

    How to complete "The Stolen Moon" in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

    When completing the personal task of Volzhif, whom you can rescue from the basement of the "Heart of the Protector", you will be asked to find the traitor. A group of Plutieflings, along with Volgif, went to rob a store, but someone betrayed them. You can talk to Irabeth and she will guide you to the shop.

    Go there, interrogate the remains of the golem (the password is "Irori's Hand") and move its head from its place. Go downstairs and ask all questions to the store owner. Now you have all the clues you need to use to spot the traitor:

    1. Long and straight horns
    2. Red hair
    3. Green cloak
    4. Man

    Only Melnur fits this description of all Plutieflings. Point to it.

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