- The latest, most up-to-date and, most importantly, verified news about video games, films, TV series, anime and hardware. We try to keep you up to date with the latest developments. Our authors work on a daily basis. We work directly with industry giants such as PCGamer, IGN и EuroGamer.
- Detailed textual information walkthroughs for games. If it is really relevant, we write walkthroughs for every new video game on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch. These guides cover the most important details - story and side quests, extra objectives, secrets, pass-holes, bosses, item locations, achieves and achievements!
- Guides from ShowGamer.com- The best way to play the game, defeat the next boss, quickly upgrade your character, find the best weapons and armour, and unlock all the game is endings. We also have ShowGamer gaming channel on YouTube, where we try to publish video walkthroughs and video guides for the best games!
- Game reviews AA, AAA and AAAA. Our reviews of video games, films and TV series are taken into account by the aggregator Metacritic, and that is saying a lot! In the near future, we will try to bring you text and video reviews of hardware, games and films.
- Do you like to play by the wrong rules? It is not for us to judge you! Besides, a lot of peoplecheat codes or console commands are officially approved and permitted by the developers. Here you'll find codes for immortality, weapons, vehicles, levels and more! And sometimes we publish trainers.
- Last, but not least, we have compiled and constantly update for you a huge video game base for PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch. With our handy game calendar you can find the best, most popular and latest PC, Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo games!
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