Guide to artifacts in STALCRAFT

Everything you need to know about artifacts in STALCRAFT.
Guide to artifacts in STALCRAFT
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
12 December 2022

Artifacts in STALCRAFT

Artifacts are anomalous formations that endow the player with certain abilities, increasing the speed of movement, maximum HP, or protecting the player from the effects of the zone, such as radiation, bio-contamination, etc.

Where to find artifacts

It's pretty simple, playing Stalcraft, once every 3-6 hours. there is a surge of deadly anomalous energy, called a BLOW, as a result of which artifacts appear in the anomalies. The player can pick them up, after which he is faced with the choice of selling it or using it for his own good, such as assemblies.

What are the artifacts?

Artifacts are divided into several types, it all depends on what anomalies you got it in:

  • Gravitational - are born in anomalies like Funnel, Carousel and trampoline.
  • Biological - are born in anomalies like Kissel, Pooh.
  • Thermal - are born in anomalies like Frying, Circus, Park (The Frost artifacts also belong to thermal artifacts.
  • Stagnant - are born in anomalies of the type Stasis.

The quality of an artifact also depends on its percentage:

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

  • Ordinary - (quality from 0% to 100%). The most common artifacts appear in all locations starting from the "Swamps".
  • Unusual - (from 100% to 110%). Appear at locations starting ?? dump locations.
  • Special - (from 110% to 120%). Appear in the center of the zone from the location "Sprout Plant".
  • Rare - (from 120% to 130%). Appear in the center of the zone from the location "Army warehouses".
  • Exceptional - (from 130% to 140%). Appear in the north from the location "Yan's Neighborhood", "Red Forest".
  • Legendary - (from 140% to 150%). Appear in the north from the location "Backwater".
  • Unique - (175%) Currently unobtainable.

Improving artifacts and how everything works

What gives the improvement of artifacts (sharpening)?

In our game there is a so-called system of improving artifacts, or in the people "Sharpening". Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of some manipulations to raise the potential of artifacts, as well as their characteristics. At the conditional "Spiral" to increase the speed of movement or reduce the effect of radiation.

How to increase the potential of an artifact?

It's very simple, you need to do a few things:

  1. Find a scientist, located at all the base.
  2. Have energy that can be obtained by splitting unnecessary artifacts or unstable batteries.
  3. Have a Catalyst (Not required, but it doubles the chance to increase potential), it can be obtained by bartering at the Exchange. (3 Glowing Sugar *Obtained from orange airdrops* + 5 Anomalous Dust *Obtained by closing anomaliesfaults*).

What to do after?

After that, you approach the scientist, put the artifact and the catalyst in special slots, and then upgrade them:

  • With a successful sharpening, your potential will increase by +1.
  • If NOT successful, you will lose the catalyst but increase the chance for the next increase in the potential of the artifact.

How to restore the maximum charge of the artifact?

You will need to find proto-artifacts (Obtained by closing an anomalous rift) suitable for your artifact. It all depends on what anomaly they were born into. (See the first paragraph "Types of artifacts"). Approach the scientist and restore the charge.

Additional Information

When upgrading artifacts by +5, +10, +15, you get additional artifact properties. Reducing the impact of infection, increasing the main characteristics, or obtaining new effects such as "Healing Efficiency", "Health Recovery", etc.

Artifact Assemblies, Containers, and How to Build Them Properly

Containers, what are they for?

There is a huge amount of armor in the game, but it becomes comparatively weak without a good build. Compare for yourself, a person who has 300 reduced damage without assembly, and the same player only having 30 health, and 80 more healing efficiency, thanks to the assembly. The chances will no longer be equal. So, these same containers are needed for twow to make your character even stronger by assembling.

container for you

But how do you choose your container? You need to go to the characteristics of the armor (RMB -> "Modification" / "Statistics") and see the compatibility with containers and backpacks. Then go to the directory and choose a container for yourself.

When you have decided on the container, I advise you to study the characteristics of the artifacts themselves, after which you can go to the website and build an assembly for yourself there.

If you are too lazy to assemble them yourself, I can offer several ready-made assemblies for some containers (See next paragraph).

Several ready-made assemblies for some containers (For beginners)

Builds for speed

Berloga - 4:

  • Sea urchin / Ostov
  • Battery / Spiral on (On - radiation)
  • Bracelet / Vortex
  • Snowflake / Helium


  • Battery / Spiral on (On - radiation)
  • Bracelet / Whirlwind (Or repeat the first row of arts)
  • Snowflake / Helium


  • Sea urchin / Ostov
  • Snowflake / Helium
  • Snowflake / Helium
  • Bracelet / Vortex
  • Battery / Spiral on (On - radiation)

Assemblies for infections

There is also a table for creating assemblies for the withdrawal of various infections under the protection of your suits. (Assembled individually for your suit protection.)

Stalcraft Infection Builds" alt="Stalcraft Infection Builds" width="60%" class="lazy" data-src="/storage/uploads/guides/2022-12-12/dd4fdfe5f6d9168d90b26049175b6714.jpg">

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