Children of Silentown guide - where to find all the stickers

We tell you how to find all the stickers in the game.
Children of Silentown guide - where to find all the stickers
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
26 December 2022

Stickers in Children of Silentown

In total, 24 stickers can be obtained in the game. There are 20 stickers you can find in the game locations, four more are associated with obtaining four endings (each of which is activated by a different song at the end of the game). In this guide, we will tell you how to find 20 basic stickers.

  1. At the beginning of the game, go to the second floor and inspect the mirror.
  2. Once outside, examine the ax on the left. There is a large pipe nearby. Interact with her to get the "Pipe" sticker.
  3. Approach the old woman near the cat and talk to her. You will receive a "Charm Bracelet" sticker.
  4. Look in the chest on which the cat was sitting. You will receive a "Wool Ball" sticker.
  5. Move to the baker. Examine the ajar cardboard box to get a "Broken Toy" sticker.
  6. Go to the left of the baker's house and interact with the spyglass. You will receive a "Spyglass" sticker.
  7. When Lucy leaves the backyard of the barn, return to the same place, to the left of the haystack. You will receive a Mysterious Footprints (6/20) sticker .
  8. When you distribute sandwiches, give one of them to the dog Ugolyok. You will receive a "Puppy" sticker.
  9. In the third chapterve go closer to the house so that it becomes transparent, and pick up a stone. Throw it into the well to get the "Well Depths" sticker.
  10. After the cut-scene with the dog leaving the village, inspect the gate to get the Ember's Wool sticker.
  11. Examine the door to Olivia's house to get a "Hard Lock" sticker. This can be done when you climb over the fence.
  12. Go to the cat in the tree. Look at the house on the right. Examine the three windows. One of them will have a ruler. Upon examination, you will receive a Large Metal Ruler sticker .
  13. When you play hide-and-seek, climb into the barn and inspect the note to get the Blue Blue Caricature sticker .
  14. After using the snail to close the squirrel's passage, be sure to free it to get the "Snail" sticker .
  15. When you hide from the monster in the cave, having received a strange rune, first go all the way to the left. Apply the key to the hole in the tree and pick up the sticker "Old kettle" .
  16. Interact with the purple flowers in the foggy part of the forest.
  17. Examine the box in the house. It cannot be opened. Go down to the basement and inspect the broken glass to get the Glass Shards sticker .
  18. After getting a jar of fireflies, go left and take the doll out of the log to get a sticker "Kucla."
  19. Examine the windmill to get the Windmill Sticker .
  20. When you open the cave doors with the beast, standing on two buttons, examine the wall with rock paintings. You will receive a Mysterious Paintings sticker .
    Game from the guide
    Children of Silenttown
    • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch, PC, Xbox Series S/X
    • Genre: Adventure, Quest
    • Release date 11 January 2023


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