The Lamplighters League — walkthrough and guide

I decided to write a guide for newcomers to The Lamplighters League. He analyzed the basic mechanics, game aspects and gave practical advice.
The Lamplighters League — walkthrough and guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
4 October 2023

Walkthrough  The Lamplighters League

The Lamplighters League is an exciting tactical game from the Harebrained Schemes studio that will take gamers on a journey to different parts of the world. Along the way, you will meet delightful characters and fight vile villains led by the powerful Opals. As you progress through the story, battles will become more dangerous, unpredictable and complex. Don't despair — I've played The Lamplighters League for a total of about 10 hours and have prepared a detailed beginner's guide that is guaranteed to help in the early stages of playthrough.

In this guide, you will learn about the main aspects of the combat system, completing missions on the world map, character abilities and other related elements. The guide will be useful to everyone, regardless of whether you are a beginner in the genre or an experienced strategist.

Complete the training

The Lamplighters League combines real-time action and turn-based combat. You can move around freely, exploring areas, but as soon as you are discovered, a turn-based battle will begin (for example, like in Jagged Alliance). When trying to be stealthy, keep an eye on each enemy's detection radius (and noise).

Be sure to complete the in-game tutorial! In this mission you will get a brief overview of the controls and basic mechanics. You will also take part in several battles, learning about key aspects of combat:

  • Covers : Marked with a "shield" icon. The accuracy of shots decreases if the squad is behind cover. This works both ways — whether you or your enemies are using cover.
  • Action Points ( AP ) : By default, all squadmates have two AP, which can be used to move, attack, reload weapons, or activate abilities. There are certain passive skills and perks that allow you to increase your action points.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

Explore the shelter

The Sanctuary is your team's hub in The Lamplighters League. Here you can talk to agents and find out their background. In general, dive even deeper into the game’s lore. In addition, you will have access to the following items:

  • World Map —  Displays available missions and time until Judgment Day.
  • Agents — Allows you to unlock skills, equip equipment items, and select cards.
  • Allies — These are the non-player characters you will meet and rescue during the story campaign. They provide access to additional bonuses such as healing, equipping accessories, or passive boosts.
  • The supplier — a banal merchant who has consumables, throwing weapons and armor.
  • Resources — in the upper right corner you can see the amount of resources that you have accumulated to date.

Check out the fighter class

Your squad in The Lamplighters League consists of unique characters with different abilities and passive perks. However, they all fall into one of the three classes described below.


  • Environmental: May break weak walls.
  • Special skill: ram —  runs in a straight line, pushing away all enemies it meets along the way.


  • Environmental: Climb over certain walls and nets and reduce detection radius of certain types of enemies.
  • Special skill: Forbidden move — approach the enemy from behind to covertly and silently eliminate the target.


  • In?Environmental: Break open locked doors during entry.
  • Special Ability: Electric Mine — Lure enemies out of their current position (such as cover) and then attack one of them.

Stealthily kill enemies before the battle begins

As mentioned, in The Lamplighters League you can explore mission areas in real time. This stage is called the penetration phase. During it, you will be able to use the special skills of each class listed above.

Here is a short example of how to proceed during the penetration stage:

  • Let's say you notice several enemy troops near explosive objects, but a couple more are further away.
  • Ungroup the team by pressing the G key. This will allow you to control each character individually.
  • You can use the Spy class to approach lone targets from behind and kill them with Sucker Punch.
  • You can then throw the saboteur's electric mine. This will force the opponents to begin exploring the area, then they will crowd into one place and at least one of them will be injured or even killed. Electric mine can alsomay lead to the detonation of explosive objects or electrify water
  • While the enemies are standing next to each other, you can switch to the Brute and use a battering ram to hit all the enemies at once.
  • Infiltration mode is like a puzzle. The ability to switch between characters and activate their special abilities in real time will help you pre-clear an area long before you get into turn-based combat.

Use reconnaissance mode to check your surroundings

In addition to the above, you should activate the reconnaissance mode. When this mode is activated, the game is paused. You will be able to rotate the camera to examine units and objects in your line of sight. Scouting helps you plan your next move, especially if you're not sure how many enemies are ahead. You can also mark various objects, such as explosive barrels, to activate them later. Mark items that can be picked up later.

Look for supplies and resources

Quests in The Lamplighters League take place on small to medium sized maps. In between battlesExplore the area and collect various resources that will allow you to unlock new opportunities in the Vault. Other items will be useful in the task itself.

  • Supplies —  used to purchase consumables, grenades and armor.
  • Information — currency used to conduct search missions.
  • Ether and healing — a currency that NPCs and your allies need to unlock passive abilities and other bonuses.
  • Second wind — This glowing ball restores the charges of a class special skill. Make sure to use the item on a character that needs a skill cooldown.
  • A piece of fate — this object, surrounded by dark clouds of smoke, gives an additional card (more on this below).

ALL agents receive skill points

If you've played other turn-based strategy games like XCOM 2, you know how difficult it can be to manage an entire team while simultaneously thinking about which characters or classes should participate in missions to gain experi

In The Lamplighters League, everything is done differently, because all agents on the team receive skill points. Even if they were not involved in the task. In general, characters you have recently recruited will receive the same level as others.

Use maps

This mechanic allows characters to equip upgradeable cards that grant a skill or action, or provide a passive bonus. For example, the Sage's passive reduces the cooldown of skills by one turn when landing a critical hit. This is great for agents like Eddie, as he has actions that allow him to fire multiple pistol shots, increasing his chance of a critical hit.

You also have the Tyrant and Obelisk cards, which affect the accumulation of stress. Stress is displayed as a bar above the enemy's health. Once filled, you can instantly destroy the target.

Doomsday Clock

The Lamplighters League metagame consists of a variety of missions and side objectives that can be selected atart of the world. Most missions require a full squad, while side missions require you to send a single agent (who automatically succeeds upon completion of the mission). You should pay attention to potential rewards such as resources and skill points.

The main goal in The Lamplighters League is to disrupt the plans of three houses: Nicastro, Marto and Strahm. The corresponding progress of each house of the Opal is indicated by a circular glyph or sign at the top of the world map. Any missions you complete will reduce the progress of one faction, but those missions you ignore will increase the progress of the other house.

As one of the houses is improved, hostile mobs will be replaced by elite units of that faction. As soon as the heir of a certain house scores 40 points, the faction will automatically win, and you will be defeated. Thus, it is extremely important that you check the house panel by pressing the R key and keep an eye on the Doomsday Clock. You will see the number of points that each of the enemy houses has accumulated.

Game from the guide
The Lamplighters League
  • Platform: XBOX ONE, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: RPG, Strategy
  • Release date 4 October 2023


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