This is one of the toughest opponents and fights you will face to date. Although, if you know how to act in general, defeating Iremeriss will not be difficult.
The main goal in this fight is to quickly eliminate Iremeriss. Although the battle will continue, focus on this to make things easier. First, she deals significant damage with her attacks and activates Incubi. Secondly, during her life, every turn (possibly every other) two ships with 8 ordinary opponents appear on the sides. Yes, a character with an AoE attack like Idira can quickly deal with every group, but why not avoid it? Third, when her health drops to 50%, Iremeriss regains her health and two turrets appear. They do not have to be destroyed individually, since they will disappear with the death of Iremeriss. Unfortunately, this does not apply to other opponents, but defeating them will become much easier without Iremeriss.
The biggest threat is the Incubi, while the Grotesques don't seem as dangerous. I can't guarantee that this tactic will be effective on all difficulties, but this is what the plan looks like: Take 4 melee fighters and place them on the front line (for example, Marajai, Heinrichs, Ulfar and Abelar). On the back line, place Hecate and Irlet with sniper rifles. AND??let can use his strategic skills to enhance the armor and evasion of the entire squad. Then move forward past the Incubi to Iremeriss. As momentum quickly builds, some fighters will be able to perform heroic deeds that restore all points. As a result, two moves and Iremeriss is defeated.
This is an action movie based on Game of Thrones.
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Watch the trailer for the game Metro: Legacy.
Reviews praise the scale but criticize the plot.