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Stellar Blade — Endings Guide

A detailed guide to getting all the finals and endings of the game.
Stellar Blade — Endings Guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
26 April 2024

Endings Stellar Blade

There are 3 main endings in Stellar Blade: Return to the colony, At the cost of lost memories, and Creating new memories. The two endings involving memories are mutually exclusive: one requires you to reach 100% completion of Lily's progress bar, the other requires you to progress below 100%. The progress bar increases as you collect memory cards and various documents. It looks as follows:

The only possible way to get all endings in one playthrough is to ignore all collectibles until the first point of no return when the Abyss Levoir location is completed, then make a save in the PS+ cloud. The game doesn't support manual saves, so the only workaround is to back up your saves to the PS+ cloud (be sure to disable autosync or disconnect from the internet so the cloud save doesn't automatically overwrite). Then go to the ending where Lily's progress is below 100%. Afterwards, load the cloud save you made to return to the end of the Levoir's Abyss location, collect all the collectibles until you have 100% progress, and replay the rest of the story.

However, trying to get all three Stellar Blade endings in one playthrough will ruin the gameplay, as you'll have to skip all the side content (so you don't waste time) and explore many locations, ignoring other sidequests to collect all the collectibles before the progress bar is 100% full, plus you'll repeat the same storyline after Levuar's Abyss and hardly want to go through the game a third time for the side quests. Since the game has a trophy for the New Game+ mode, you'll have to play through it twice anyway (if you're trying to collect all the achievements). For this reason, I recommend getting to the final two achievements on the first playthrough. To do this, collect all the collectibles to see the ending with 100% of Lily's progress. And in "New Game+", focus on the quick playthrough, ignoring side-quests and collecting collectibles.

What affects Stellar Blade's endings?

During the game's final confrontation, you'll have a long dialog with Adam that gives you 2 options: either hold his hand to accept the offer, or don't hold his hand and refuse the offer. If you accept his offer, you'll get the "Return to the Colony" ending, while refusing will lead to one of the other two endings depending on the memories you've collected.

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Stellar Blade Points of No Return

There are two points of no return that you should be aware of:

  • The first point of no return. After you pass the Levoir Abyss. After that, most of the content will become inaccessible. The entire city part of Zion becomes inaccessible, as do all the collectibles hidden in that location. If you want to get all three endings in one playthrough, you must back up PS + and download it after getting the flashback ending at less than 100% progress.
  • Second point of no return. After you pass Spire 4. Passing this point will block all other locations, there will be no way back - only the final part of the game.

Ending 1. Return to the colony

Regardless of the number of memories you have collected, if you accept Adam's offer during the final confrontation of the game, you are guaranteed to get this ending. Be sure to download the save file to the PS+ cloud while you're in the Nest camp, before your conversation with Adam, so that you can roll back and decline Adam's offer later on. This way you'll see the two endings of the game.

Ending 2. Creating New Memories

Both of the remaining endings are the result of rejecting Adam's offer at the end of the game. However, which ending you'll see will be decided long before that. By collecting memory cards and documents throughout the game, you will pump up a progress bar with Lily's face on it. You'll see this ending if your progress reaches 100%, meaning you'll have collected almost all the documents and memory cards.

Ending 3. At the cost of lost memories

In this ending you need to refuse Adam's offer + Lily's progress indicator should NOT be 100%. That is, you need to skip some files and memory cards.

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