All about fish and fishing in Stardew Valley

In this guide I will show you where, when, what time to fish.
All about fish and fishing in Stardew Valley
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
4 May 2024

Fish in Stardew Valley

Fishing rods

To start with fishing rods, there are only 4 types of fishing rods in the game:

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.


In STARDEW VALLEY as in other games for pumping skill give any reward, in this case it is a recipe for crafting.


Fishing tackle


Reduces the maximum waiting time for a nibble by 3.75 seconds.

Cost: 500 g

You can buy it at a fishing store or make it yourself.

Craft: Iron ingot (2)

Decorated spinner

Reduces the maximum wait for nibble time by 7.5 seconds.

Cost: 1000 g

Can be bought at a fishing store, crafted by yourself, received as a reward for collecting the Lake Knot or received for winning an ice fishing competition at the Ice Festival. Used with Iridium rod (put it in the tackle slot).

Craft: Iron ingot (2), Fabric (1).

Mini Trap

The progress bar in the mini-game decreases 66% slower. One of the most useful gear with a variety of uses and a very good bonus.

Cost: 500 g

Can be bought at a fishing store or crafted by yourself after reaching level 6 of the Fishing skill.

Craft: Copper ingot (1), Tree sap (10).

Cork Float

As a rule, the strip increases only slightly, so this gear is not particularly useful. The size increases by exactly 24 pixels, that's 25% to 13.6% of its length depending on your level of fishing.

Cost: 750 g

Can be bought at a fishing store or crafted yourself.

Craft: Wood (10), Hardwood (5), Slime (10)

Lead Float

Not a very useful tackle. Not hard to make so the strip doesn't bounce by clicking on it when it's near the bottom.

Cost: 200 g

Can be bought at a fishing store for 200g after reaching fishing level 6. Sometimes it is sold by a traveling merchant for 450-1000g.

Treasure Seeker

Increases the chance of treasure appearing by 33% (20% instead of the base 15%). Great gear for finding artifacts or materials.

Cost: 750 g

Can be purchased at a fishing store or crafted yourself.

Craft: Gold bar (2)

Bearded Hook

With this hook, the strip is sticky to the fish, rising and falling to keep the fish in the middle. The strip only moves on its own when the fish is on it. It can still be controlled manually, but it is not easy given that it is pulled quite hard. The best thing to do with this tackle is to catch slow fish. Using the hook with fast fish is not recommended, because the chaotic movements of the strip can make it even more difficult to catch such fish.

Cost: 1000 g

Can be bought at a fishing store or from a Traveling Merchant, won at the Ice Festival, or crafted yourself.

Craft: Gold bar (1), Iron bar (1), Copper bar (1).

High Quality Float

The quality of the fish caught with this gear is increased by one star

It can be crafted from the recipe Willie gives you in the cutscene after completing the special quest “Need juicy bugs!” or found from the clue in the scrap of diary #4.

Craft: Tree Sap (20), Copper Bar (1), Sun Essence (5)

Outlandish bait

A special tackle that increases the chance that a rare fish will bite your fishing rod.

You can't buy or craft a gimmick bait, it can only be found in chests, smashing machines and barrels in the mine, Skull Cave or Volcano Dungeon. It can also be dropped from random monsters in the Skull Cave. Can only be used for the Iridium rod.



Normal bait. Reduces nibble lag time and the chance of catching trash.

Cost: 5 g

It can be purchased at a fishing store or crafted by yourself after reaching level 2 of the fishing skill. The worm tank produces 2-5 baits daily. You will get 30 baits for collecting River Knotweed

Craft: Beetle flesh (1)


Increases the chance of finding treasure by 100% (30% instead of the base 15%). Useful if you need materials or artifacts, but fish bite slower with it than with regular bait.

Cost: 1000 g

It can be purchased in the fishing store, in the casino store for 1000 coins Ki, sometimes from Krobus for 200 g or crafted yourself after reaching the 9th level of fishing skill. You can also get the magnet for winning the ice fishing contest at the Ice Festival or get it as a gift from Willie at the Winter Star Feast.

Craft: Iron ingot (1)

Wild bait

Reduces nibble delay time slightly less than regular bait. Recipe can be obtained from Linus in his four hearts event.

selling price:15 g

It can be crafted by yourself after getting the recipe from Linus. After reaching a friendship level of 4❤ hearts with him, visit his tent after 20:00. Also, after you learn the recipe for creating Wild Bait, you can find it in the treasure chest. Wild Bait can also be dug up from the worms on Ginger Island.

Craft: Beetle Flesh (5), Fibers (10), Slime (5)

Magic Bait

Reduces nibble lag time and the chance of catching trash. Gives you the opportunity to catch fish that are not appropriate for the conditions in which you are fishing.

Magic Bait can be purchased at Mr. Key's Shop for 5 for 20 Key Gems or crafted yourself after purchasing the Magic Bait recipe at Mr. Key's Shop for 20 gems

Craft: Beetle Flesh (3), Radioactive Ore (1)

Crab Traps

The recipe for making crab traps is opened after reaching level 3 of fishing and then you can buy them from Willie in the fishing store for 1500 g, another way to get them is to collect the “Crab Knot” in the club, as a reward you will get 3 crab traps.

Trash can get trapped in any body of water.

Trash. This is just garbage. Stone(1-3), Coal(2-3), Iron ore(1-3).

Fin. A piece of wood fished from the sea. Purified quartz(1-2), Wood(1 or 3), Coal(2-3).

Wet newspaper. Trash. Torch (3), Cloth (1).

Broken disk. This is the demo CD for JojaNet 2.0. There seem to be a billion of them released. Purified quartz (1).

Broken glasses. Looks like someone lost their glasses. They're shattered. Purified quartz (1).

Fish from the crab traps

It can only be caught by using the bait in the crab trap.

1. Both clams are in the ocean;

2. The crab is in the ocean;

3. mussel - in the ocean;

4. Shrimp - in the ocean;

5. Snail - in fresh water;

6. Lobster - in the ocean;

7. The langoustine - in fresh water;

8. Utrica - in the ocean;

9. Litorina - in fresh water.

Legendary fish

Not only are they hard to catch, but they're only caught once.

1. Sea Devil - caught in all weathers and at all times of the day, but in the fall / north of the Jojamara store;

2. Glacier Fish - Catchable in all weathers and at all times of day, but in winter / on the south side of the island in the Ash Ash Forest;

3. Crimson Fish - caught in all weathers and at all times of the day, but in summer / on the pier near the beach;

4. Legend fish - caught when it rains and any time of day, but in the spring / north of Pelican City in Mountain Lake;

5. Mutated carp - caught in all weather and during the day, but year-round / sewer.

Common fish

There are a lot of them, so we'll make do with the most profitable five.

1. lava eel - caught all year round in any weather and at the same time of day / Mines;

2. Toothy terpug - caught in any weather and at any time of day, but in winter / river or Mountain Lake;

3. octopus - caught in all weather and in summer, but from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. / in the ocean;

4. Catfish - caught in all weather and rain and in spring, summer and fall. / in summer only in the Hidden Woods pond south of the farm, whereas in spring and fall in the river;

5. Fugu fish - caught in sunny weather and in summer, but from noon in the afternoon until 4 PM / in the ocean.


Not only fish can be caught.

1. Marine - in the ocean;

2. Green - in the river near the Mines, northeast of the Carpenter's House and just west of the Adventurer's Guild;

3. white ones - in the sewers there.

The most lucrative fishing spots

The more successful your catch, the more experience skills you are given. You will also get better traps and rods, which will make your fishing in New World much easier. Moreover, as you progress, you'll spend less and less energy on fishing. The latter is not particularly important at the beginning of the game, but when you are in a fishy place and the bite exceeds all possible expectations, the strength is crucial.

The fishing rod cannot be upgraded. Neither can the tools you use, which are revealed to you as your fishing level increases. In order to gain strength for a great fishing trip, prepare yourself five healthy meals:

1. escargot - one snail and one garlic;

2. Thick chowder - one milk and one mollusk;

3. Lobster - one milk and one lobster;

4. Fish stew - one crayfish, one mussel, one barbel and one tomato;

5. Taso fish - one tuna, one tortilla, one red cabbage, and one mayonnaise.

Crafting 25 wood, 25 stone and one iron cruet will help you create a recycling machine. In addition to recycling garbage, glasses and newspapers, you can use it in fishing. For example, make extremely useful items - coal, refined quartz, cloth and so on. All of them will prove far more valuable than the stuff sold in the store. Jojakola and rotten plants are not recyclable.

You can choose one of two professions - fisherman or hunter

A level 5 fisher is given a bonus of 25 percent of the fish's value. At the 10th level of the fisherman similar increases to 50 percent. A pirate with this level can find treasure with twice the probability.

A level 5 trapper can use fewer resources to create crab pots. The initial requirement for this is 40 wood and 3 iron bars. But over time it can be reduced to 25 wood and 2 copper rods. A level 10 sailor never catches debris in crab pots. A level 10 wizard does not need to bait into them at all.


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