Where to find all collars for Shcherba in STALKER 2

The locations of all four electronic collars for Sherba's task.
Where to find all collars for Shcherba in STALKER 2
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
28 November 2024

Collars for Shcherba in Stalker 2

The four electronic collars that you need to find for Shcherba in STALKER 2 can be found in the Red Forest, Zaton, Wild Island, and Malachite.

Although each of them has a quest marker, finding the collars is not as easy as it seems.

We tell you how to get all 4 electronic collars in Stalker 2:

  • Red Forest. Head to the "Container Warehouse" location in the western part of the region. First, get rid of the soldiers, and then go around the warehouse until you find boxes that you can jump on. After doing this, look into the closed area behind the containers to find a huge mutant. After killing it, you will receive an electronic collar.
  • Malachite. Head to the northern part of Malachite and find a landmark near the marker. There are soldiers in this area who will have a collar. You can either negotiate with them and get the collar by paying 1500 coupons, or kill them and take the item from their corpses.
  • Wild Island. This collar can be found in a house by the lake on Wild Island. As with the Red Forest, you need to kill a mutant and take the item from his body. A couple of stalkers are standing near the building and waiting for the mutant to appear. You will be attacked by a psi-dog, capable of creating clones of itself. The clones disappear after the first hit.
  • Backwater. To get this collar, go to the north-eastern corner of Backwater, to the Hydrodynamics Laboratory. Climb into the building through the window and fight the zombified soldiers. If you haven't figured it out yet, zombies are a sign of the presence of a psi-mutant. Find and defeat the controller to take the collar from his corpse. Use psi-blockers.
    Game from the guide
    STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl
    • Platform: PC, Xbox Series S/X
    • Genre: Shooter, FPS
    • Release date 20 November 2024


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