What is the code for the lock on the box in Evil Inside?
Turn around and open the drawer to the left of the front door - the drawers with the book, notepad, and candle on top. Inside the drawer is a piece of paper. Take the piece of paper and turn it so you can see the numbers, pictures, and colored lines that lead to the numbers.
The top pictures are the code, and the colored lines that lead from them lead to the correct number associated with the picture. If you look at it, you get the code 29*1.
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The black line doesn't seem to go anywhere except off the page. However, if you look VERY closely, you'll see a yellow line that leads off the third picture. This yellow line leads to the number "5".
So the correct code for the lock is 2951. Go to the chest and enter the code to open it. You'll get a key.
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