All unique weapons and armor in Expeditions: Rome

Where to find all the unique weapons and armor, how to get them and what they give
All unique weapons and armor in Expeditions: Rome
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
3 February 2022

There are several varieties of unique weapons in Expeditions: Rome. In the inventory, it is highlighted with a golden border, and each such item has some kind of unique property (described on the yellow rectangle). In this guide, we will tell you how to find all weapons and all unique armor in Asia Minor, Africa and Gaul.

All unique armor and weapons in Asia Minor

  • Archelaus' unique sword . Perk: Slashing damage inflicts a Bleeding effect on your target, which will deal damage every turn. Automatically according to the plot of the game.
  • Unique harp . During the mission to strengthen the first captured region, search all the chests.
  • Evryta's unique bow . Perk: After landing a killing blow using Intercept, you will retain your stance. This will allow you to perform another "Interception". In the temple of Apollo to the right of Theophilus, a crack in the floor. On the left side, where the fire is, look for a pick to break the floor.
  • Erita medallion . During the Divide and Conquer quest, eavesdrop on a conversation between two women near Zenobia, follow Erita and kill her.
  • Unique Rod of Asclepius . Perk: Each time you kill a character, a random follower recovers 10% of their maximum health. To the right of the Temple of Apollo there is a location called the Top of the Mountain. Behind the wall look for sunduk with the subject.
  • Occam's unique razor . Perk: +50% damage against Encircled Enemies. In Troad, kill the guard in the central building and clear the gambling house. A weapon is hidden in the chest.
  • Traitor Unique Armor . Perk: Allows you to dodge the first ranged attack, such as Surveillance or Intercept, once per round. Automatically according to the plot of the game, when you catch Cassius.
  • Achilles' unique spear . In Troad, climb the mountain to the left and find the object on the tree to the right of the villa. Examine it in inventory to get a hint. Find items: a small peninsula to the east of Troad, the southern beach on Lesvos, the first island of the game, and to the north, on the western edge of the peninsula.
  • Unique spy hamata . Talk to Sextus, take the old Kalida Armor and give it to him to improve it.
  • Unique Damian Peak. Perk: Inflict Ready if you end your turn next to a character with a shield. Get it automatically in the story, after defeating Damian.
  • Unique aegis . Buy wine in Troad for 2000, give it to Luculla, then return to the tent after a while and pull out the blueprint from the chest.
  • The unique crown of Mithridates . Automatically after the capture of Chalcedon and Asia Minor.

All unique armor and weapons in Africa

  • Crocea Mors . Perk: Each hit inflicts an Appraisal status effect that ensures that the next attack in the same turn will deal a critical hit. Learn from Gaius in the camp of Lucullus. Then you need to take a drawing from Aurelia in Rome, in the Senate.
  • Unique Gladiator's Trident . Once in Africa, search the room next to the office of the late Lucullus.
  • Queen's Guardian Unique Armor . Perk: After receiving lethal damage, the character will save 1 unit of health. According to the plot, automatically, after saving Cleopatra.
  • Unique helmet of African Scipio . Can be bought from a vendor in the Sky Court for 50 or 1000 denarii. You choose the price yourself. Perk: If you end your turn without attacking anyone, you can attack twice on your next turn.
  • Unique fluffy talisman. There is a quest in the Heavenly Court that involves visiting the other world. Complete the quest and find an item in the area with the giant cat.
  • Unique Staff of Varmaxan . After dealing with the ambush according to the plot of the game, search the corpse of Varmaxan. Perk: Each hit has a 20% chance to knock the enemy down.
  • Izil's unique bow . Perk: Arrows fired from this bow cannot be deflected by shields. Automatically when you conquer Avdila by killing Izil and talking to Cleopatra.
  • Notable Roman helmet . Perk: At the end of your turn, you gain focus, ?equal to half of the remaining movement points. During the ambush. After killing everyone, when one enemy escapes, a helmet will drop from him. Choose automatically.
  • Unique electric khopesh . Find material that will happen in the story. Show the electric blade to Sextus and then to the blacksmith in Memphis. Craft an item at the legion camp.
  • Unique Spear of the Golden Wolf . Talk to Lanja in the Sky Court and help her with a side quest. Perk: Killing a prone character restores 15% of their maximum health.
  • Tutankhamun's unique dagger . Perk: Attacks with this weapon bypass enemy armor. In the quest The Number of Death, visit the tomb, kill the enemies and go behind the wall in the far part. Behind it will be a meteor blade. Show the blacksmith in Memphis and his wife. Get a weapon.
  • Unique battle scepter . Perk: At the beginning of the battle, inflicts the status effect "Covered with Poison" on all allies. Defeat Ptolemy and take the weapon from his corpse. Will take place at the end of the African campaign.

All unique armor and weapons in Galia

  • Unique Labrys Zairichi . Perk: Each hit has a 50% chance to reflect damage taken to another nearby enemy. Complete the mission "The Third Extra" after Africa, in Rome. Kill the enemies with Dejanira and search the chest.
  • Unique parazonium . In the market of Rometalk to Sextus and buy a blade for 600 denarii.
  • Ansil unique shield . Perk: At the end of your turn, your shield's strength is restored by the number of movement points you have left. After returning to Rome, visit the market and talk to Sextus, from whom you can buy a shield worth 2000 denarii.
  • Unique boar mascot . No perk. During a random boar event in Gaul. Leave the settlement at the request of the women, and get the item.
  • Orgetorig unique armor . Perk: killing a leader gives +50% to armor and its maximum value. Get it automatically in the story, during one of the first quests in Gaul.
  • Dumnorix's unique shield . Perk: The shield does not lose durability on impact, but cannot deflect arrows. Defeat Dumnorix in the story quest and collect the shield.
  • Oghma's unique bow . Perk: Critical hits inflict a Rout effect on the enemy, which causes him to act unwisely. Complete "The Enemy of My Enemy" mission. You will need to meet Vercingetorix, who will give you a bow.
  • Magister's unique toga . Upgrade the arsenal in the camp to level 3. Upgrade Cineros' Old Toga.
  • Champion's unique plume . Upgrade the arsenal in the camp to level 3. Upgrade Bestia's old plume.
  • Unique ranger hooda . Upgrade the arsenal in the camp to level 3. Upgrade the old Kalida Hood.
  • Unique gallery primpila . Upgrade the arsenal in the camp to level 3. Upgrade the old Caeso gallery.
  • Unique primpil muscle . Upgrade the arsenal in the camp to level 3. Upgrade old Muscular Caeso.
  • Unique mask of Marcellus . Perk: Doubles the Fright effect and ensures that at least one attacked enemy receives the Rout effect. According to the plot, at the end of the campaign in Gaul, when you kill Marcellus.
  • Unique sword of Vercingetorix . Perk: When you make a kill, you turn a random enemy into an ally for 1 turn. Does not affect leaders and main characters. Only triggers once per turn. At the end of the campaign in Gaul, when you defeat Vercingetorix (in the same battle as Marcellus).
    Game from the guide
    Expeditions: Rome


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