Frequently Asked Questions about Weird West

Answers to all popular questions about the game
Frequently Asked Questions about Weird West
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
3 April 2022

FAQ Weird West

How to buy a horse

Get to the town of Birdhouse and find a horseshoe marker there. He points to the stable. You can buy a horse there. Approximate cost $300. Stolen horses are used once. After you arrive on the stolen horse to your destination, it will run away.

How to increase weight

Unfortunately, the number of cells in the inventory cannot be increased. You can only fill in 48 cells. On the other hand, you can buy a horse and use saddlebags.

How to upgrade weapons

Pretty simple. Each character has the same set of weapons and skills. Weapon abilities can be unlocked with petrified relics. As for weapon upgrades, you need to visit the mines and collect ingots or nuggets. You will also need a pickaxe to break deposits. In the forge, you can craft ingots from nuggets and vice versa. Ingots can be stored in a bank, but nuggets are used to improve weapons. Do not mix up and do these procedures in a circle (do not create nuggets from ingots, and then ingots from nuggets).

How to highlight objects

There is no such feature in the game.

Where to find a blacksmith

It is located in the Greenwood parking lot. You will find this place according to the plot of the game. The blacksmith is locked in a cage on the surface. The keys are in the house in the far left corner and one of the bandits.

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Where are threelever

One lever is in the cage room to the right of the room with the table and the entrance to Shelby's stash. Look for the second lever in a large adit with water, where there were sirens. In the left corner. You need to jump to it with a jump and somersault (Space and Shift) from the nearest hill. Look for the third lever in the cave where Alonzo, Jane's husband, is located. You need to jump from the place where Alonzo was locked to the ledge on the right, and find the lever behind the curtain on the left.

Where does the horse go?

Stolen horses disappear after the first ride on it. Only bought horses do not disappear. Also, in each new chapter, you will have to buy a horse again. Not counting the chapter with the Werewolf, who has a horse by default.

    Game from the guide
    Maneater: Truth Quest
    • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC, Xbox Series S/X
    • Genre: Action, Simulator, JRPG
    • Release date 31 August 2021


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