How to get through Volcano Manor in Elden Ring - game guide

We tell you how to complete the quest Vulcan's Manor in Elden Ring. All quest chains location of quest items...
How to get through Volcano Manor in Elden Ring - game guide
Julia Kushnaryova
Date of publication
12 April 2022

How to complete the quest Volcano Manor in Elden Ring - game guide

We tell you how to get and complete the quest Vulkan's Manor. Vulcan Manor is located on the Altus Plateau. Complete tasks in Riyya's quest chain.

Talk to Tanith

First, go and talk to Queen Tanith of Vulcan Manor. The Queen will give you the key to the living room. Not far from the queen, you will find a corridor. Use the key to open the door on the left. Bernal is in the room. Chat with him. In the living room, talk to Riya Diallos. Patchwork is located near the entrance to the estate. It is possible to find all the characters if you completed quest tasks.

Request to Vulkanovo estate No. 1

Take the letter and the bloody finger from the table in the living room. The first task will start automatically after the letter is raised. Paley can be used to infiltrate another player.

Next, head north to Limgrave.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

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Interact with the red symbol to enter the world of Old Knight Istvan.

> Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Fight him and get a set of armor as a reward. Tanith will give you the Magma Shot spell. Chat with all the characters in Vulcan Manor.

Request from Vulkanov Manor No. 2

Just like in the first task, you need to take a letter from the table in the living room. The task is activated automatically. Head south of the Bridge of Iniquity to the Altus Plateau.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Head north from the old Altus Tunnel. So you can reach the place that we indicated in the screenshot. The red symbol is located on the left. Interact with him.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Fight Riley Idle in his world. As a reward, receive the Serpentbone Blade from Tanith. Chat with the characters at Vulcan Manor.

Optional Bernal request

Chat with Bernal in the living room. This time, head to Leindell.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

The route is laid from the place of grace.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

From the marker in the screenshot, head down the stairs. Move straight ahead.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Get to the top and jump down to the platform. Head up the stairs.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Climb up the stairs. Soon you will reach the building. Pass through it and reach the place of grace. When you exit the building, there will be a staircase in front of you leading down. Following?? follow her. Head forward and turn right. The path leads to a balcony with a lever. Pull the lever and the door to the building will open.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Turn around and jump down. There is a building in front of you. Inside the building is a red symbol. Interact with him. Fight the enemy. As a reward, receive an armor set and Gelmir's Fury from Bernal.

Patchwork's mission

Chat with Riya, who is in the room in front of the dining room in the form of a snake. Also chat with Tanith, Patchwork. The latter will entrust you with the task. Go to the place. To go to another world, use the red symbol. Fight the enemy and take the reward.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Secret area of Vulcan Manor

Go to Riya's room and talk to her. She will tell you about the snake and ask you to inspect the room. Chat with Tanith to enter an additional dialogue.

Visit the first room in the corridor on the right. You needthem a xiphoid key. In the room in the corner on the right is an illusory wall. Hit her and she will disappear. Come inside. The way to split:

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

  1. Head through the gate and keep going until you reach the Nomad Warrior Cookbook. Turn left and hit the illusory wall. Go to the room with the closed door near the living room. Pick up the ashes of the explosion.
  2. This path is considered the main one. Walk down the stairs and continue forward to Grace Prison City Church. Then tell Riya about the dark side of Vulcan Manor.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Church doors need to be opened. Turn right and follow the path. Reaching a fork with three paths:


  1. Turn left and head down. Get to the room with the Seal of the Erd Tree.
  2. Turn right and get to the key and medallion.
  3. main path

Continue on the main path. The door is locked. Drop down to the rooftop on the left and head forward and enter the building. Walk down until you reach the guest hall of Grace.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Now you need to leave the building. Open the door and jump to the dark islands between the lava. Get to the stairs on the right. Climb up and get into the area with cells. On the right is a large rectangular cell - this is an elevator. Use it and go upstairs. From the elevator, turn right and take the blacksmith's stone of darkness . Turn around and use the stairs. Defeat the mini-boss and take the sword.

Take Amnion the Serpent from the Altar - this is Riya's key item. There is an elevator in the same room. Use it to get to the top.

After reaching the top of the temple, climb up the balcony wall and jump onto the rocks. Make your way through the lava.

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Soon you will reach the building. Get inside through the window. Inside, open and go into the room on the right. Continue to the room with the stairs. There is a door on the right side of the room. Open it and go into the room. Ashes are on the altar. Take it.

Use the stairs near the altar. Turn around and go to the door with the sword key.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

Go through the door. You will be taken to a location with cells. Jump on them to go down. At the bottom, the path splits:

  1. Head south to collect the Key Item . Turn left and use the stairs. At the top, you will find a blacksmithing stone of gloom .
  2. Main path. Continue straight ahead to the room on the north side. Examine the corpse in front of the fireplace and take the items. There is a door on the right, go through it. Keep moving forward. You will reach the door and enter the main area of Vulcan Manor.

Give Amnion the snake to Riya

To complete the quest, you need to give Riya an item from a secretethnic area. The area needs to be reloaded. Riyi shouldn't be on the estate. If she is in the manor, then you need to complete the third task before the battle with the final boss. Chat with Tanith and report Riya's absence. Tanith will give a potion of forgetfulness that Riya needs to drink.

Vulkanov Manor Request #3

Take the letter from the living room table. Travel northeast from the Ancient Resting Site of the Snowwaller Ruins at Giant's Peak. To get into another world, interact with the red symbol. Fight the enemy.

Как пройти квест Вулканово поместье в Elden Ring

God Eater Serpent Boss

Chat with Tanith and take the talisman. Tanith will take you to the boss area. Head to the boss's lair. On the left is the snake hunter's spear. Defeat the boss and collect Rickard's Greater Rune and Blasphemer's Memory . Return to Vulcan Manor and talk to the characters.

    Game from the guide
    Elden Ring
    • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC, Xbox Series S/X
    • Genre: Action, RPG
    • Release date 24 February 2022


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