We tell you where to find all the energy drinks in Stray.
Trader Azuz asks for 3 Energy Drinks for the Relic (Drone Memory) and 1 Energy Drink for the Notes. Here's how to find four energy drinks to buy all Azusa items.
- All drinks are inside vending machines. There are more machines in the game, but only four are highlighted, and you can interact with them. Look for the first red vending machine in front of the busker.
- Standing with your back to Momo's apartment, staying on the rooftops, look on the right side for another red vending machine.
- The white vending machine is in the alley where you originally came from. Just go back from the Guardian in a straight line back. In the alley, take the stairs to the right. There will be a machine gun and a B-12 memory.
- The fourth vending machine is much better hidden than the others. To find him, go to the designer grandmother and start climbing the air conditioner units outside, next to the woman. Jump up onto the wooden plank by the covered balcony and drop down on the other side to see the vending machine.
Automatic near the guitarist:
Rooftop machine:
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Path to the vending machine in the alley from where you got to this region:
The machine itself:
Automatic machine near the grandmother-designer (you can jump off the roof):
find all energy drinks in Stray" width="100%" class="lazy" data-src="/storage/uploads/guides/2022-07-22/2cae87712727baa8245fce655b1acb8e.jpg">
These are all the energy drinks you can find at Stray.
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