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China bans minors from donating to streamers

And also watch their broadcasts after 22:00.
China bans minors from donating to streamers

The Chinese authorities have introduced new restrictions aimed at restricting the freedoms of underage video game players. From now on, in the Middle Kingdom it is not allowed to spend money on donations to streamers and watch their broadcasts after 22:00 if you are under 16 years old.

The government of the People's Republic of China entrusted the administration of streaming sites with control over compliance with the rules. Apparently, the restrictions will be set automatically when registering an account, where a user from China must enter their real personal data.

These steps, as well as other activities in the video game industry in the country, are aimed at protecting children from corruption and excessive enthusiasm for foreign content.

Edward Dmitriev
Date of publication
9 May 2022