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The authors of Blacktail released a gameplay video explaining the main points

The game invites us to visit the enchanted forest in the form of Baba Yaga.
The authors of Blacktail released a gameplay video explaining the main points

The SplatterCatGaming studio team released a video in which we were told about the main gameplay aspects of a new game called Blacktail . This is an adventure in which players are invited to play the role of a young Baba Yaga.

We will go to an enchanted forest full of dangers and try to survive there. The heroine was expelled from her native village, and now she will need to get used to the new environment, where the enemy is waiting for her at every turn. In parallel with this, we will try to understand the past of the character and understand what her main fears are.

The game is scheduled to release on December 15 on PC and current generation consoles.