Gaijin Entertainment, known for numerous online military action games, has announced an agreement with Artstorm studio, which created the popular mobile game Modern Warships. Now this title will appear on PC. According to the partners, this is only the first result of the collaboration.
In Modern Warships, players use more modern vehicles, including rocket-armed ships and futuristic fighters. Therefore, Modern Warships is not a competitor, but a great addition to the rest of Gaijin games.
The founder of Gaijin, Anton Yudintsev stated:
We are excited to work with Artstorm and bring their innovative games to a new audience. Modern Warships will be an important part of our line of online games.
Sergey Petrov from Artstorm was more generous with compliments, and said:
Gaijin Entertainment is a leader in the online gaming industry with extensive knowledge in publishing online games similar to Modern Warships and we are thrilled to be working with them. This partnership will allow Modern Warships to launch on new platforms and reach more players while our team focuses on developing new features and content for the game.
Modern Warships is coming to PC later this year.
The action game also received a content update.