Hollywood actress Patti LuPone said that the premiere of the new superhero series “Agatha: The Darkhold Diaries” will take place in 2024. The leading actress did not provide a more precise date, so we are waiting for the next news.
Earlier it became known that this project will become a spin-off of another popular series “WandaVision”. While watching it, we met the antagonist of the show, the sorceress Agatha, who had to be defeated by the Scarlet Wedma. Both projects are closely related to other film projects from Marvel Studios.
Agatha: The Darkhold Diaries will feature actors such as Kathryn Hahn, Debra Jo Rupp, Sasheer Zamata, Joe Locke and others. A total of 9 episodes are planned for release.
The action game also received a content update.