The new trailer for the second season of The Witcher is dedicated to the difficult relationship between Geralt and Yennefer, as well as the one wish that changed their fates.
The trailer showed some new footage from the second season of The Witcher, which premieres on Netflix on December 17 this year. Although in the first season we were shown Geralt as a lone monster killer, it is already known that in the second season he will appear in a different image. This time, he will find himself in a relationship web.
Showrunner Lauren Hissrich recently revealed that Geralt's place in this fantasy world will change in Season 2: While he's actively avoided connections in the past, he won't hold back this time and they'll make him a little vulnerable.
In the second season, he will have a relationship. It's an exciting moment for me to see this lonely guy learning to be a father... Geralt has to find the right level of warmth and empathy.