AMC TV channel presented the first teaser trailer of the upcoming fourth season of the post-apocalyptic series Snowpiercer, which will be the last for this story. The clip shows a squad of soldiers in winter gear approaching the heroes and a menacing “They're coming!” is heard.
At the end of the third season of Snowpiercer, the Eternal Mover team, led by Melanie Cavill (Jennifer Connelly), decided to stay aboard the train while Andre Leighton's (David Diggs) group traveled to an uncharted world called New Eden.
The first episode of the final season is titled Snakes in the Garden. In it we will see how Till and Ben will face new dangers, and the inhabitants of New Eden will face unexpected challenges and unknown enemies.
The final season of Snowpiercer will premiere on AMC on July 21.
The action game also received a content update.