Fans of the Uncharted franchise can rejoice as Sony Pictures has officially announced the launch of a sequel to the successful film adaptation starring Tom Holland. Executive producer Stephen O'Dell confirmed that Tom Holland, who played young Nathan Drake, and Mark Wahlberg, who played the protagonist's mentor, will return to their roles.
However, at the moment, plot details for the second film are being kept a closely guarded secret. Moreover, the project does not even have an approximate release date for the big screens, since the filming process has not yet started.
Let us remind you that the first film was released in February 2022. Although the film was based on the popular Uncharted series of games, it did not repeat the plot of any of the parts of the franchise, but was an original story about the early years of adventurer Nathan Drake.
Despite mixed reviews from critics (40/100 on Metacritic), the film was warmly received by audiences (6.1/10 on IMDb) and grossed an impressive $407.1 million at the worldwide box office. This success was probably the reason for Sony Pictures to greenlight the continuation of the adventures of young Drake.
Although specific release dates have not yet been announced, fans of the Uncharted franchise can look forward to new details about the sequel and hope that it will retain the spirit of the original games and provide viewers with even more exciting adventures.
The action game also received a content update.