According to Chris Gore, founder of Film Threat, Marvel Studios has recently made significant personnel changes. In an appearance on YouTube channel The Critical Drinker, Gore described a quiet “purge” in which activist producers were fired from the company.
Gore noted that this “purge” at Marvel contrasts with the situation at Lucasfilm, where he believes the situation remains problematic. He emphasized that there is little to be gained from Lucasfilm and the Star Wars franchise in the future.
Kevin Feige, Gore reported, has essentially admitted the failure of Phase 4, pointing to the need to rethink his approach. In this regard, Marvel plans to abandon the use of Kang and other secondary characters who are not associated with the classic heroes.
Gore also noted the financial success of male-led films this year, which, in his opinion, contradicts the common belief that such characters are “boring” at studios.
Another significant change, according to Gore, is the firing of employees who do not understand comics. He noted that the changes at the company will be long-term and will take time, which is why Marvel is now being transparent about its intentions. Gore suggested that Marvel may face several failed projects in the near future before the results of the changes become noticeable. He expressed hope for a successful release of the upcoming Fantastic Four film.
The action game also received a content update.