On September 10, a new story based on the Life is Strange franchise, called Life is Strange: True Colors, will be released. In addition, already on September 30, the developers plan to release Life is Strange: Wavelengths, which will be dedicated to Steph Gingrich. In order to avoid any overlaps, and in order to have time to release high-quality products, it was decided to postpone the release of Life is Strange: Remastered Collection.
Now the release date of Life is Strange: Remastered Collection is considered uncertain, although the official statement indicates the approximate date - the beginning of 2022. We remind you that the remaster includes two games at once - a complete collection of Life is Strange episodes and the Before the Storm expansion. The release will take place immediately on several major platforms - PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and Nintendo Switch.
The action game also received a content update.