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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Agatha Christie The ABC Murders

Walkthrough Agatha Christie The ABC Murders

Chapter 1

Listen to a letter received from an unknown person. Next, you will find yourself at the train station. After the next download, you will finally be able to control the character.

Talk to Japp

The first thing you should do is chat with Japp. This is a man with a mustache in a light-colored suit, standing near the Escher agency and talking to a constable.

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When Poirot asks what time the murder took place, Japp will start looking for something in his pockets. You must find three clues. First, click on his mouth to mark the first clue for yourself - "Little smile". The second hint - click on the top buttons of the vest - "calm". Next, hover your mouse over the hat and forehead. After completing the dialogue, you will have a new task - to study the crime scene. Enter the store by clicking on the door.

Examine the crime scene

You need to point to three areas: the middle of the floor, the top stack of newspapers, and one of the round boxes on the shelf by the window, roughly in the middle.


Click on the merchant's table to examine it. First, look at the orange-bound book ABC. Turn it over by holding the left mouse button. You should see what page the book is open on. Next, click on the bag with the red liquid at the bottom. Look inside the bag to make sure it's strawberry juice and not blood. Finally, click on the table area to the right of the book. There, the cursor should also change its shape and turn into red glasses with a white frame. The place has been explored.

Now click on the corpse. Examine the pack of cigarettes at the bottom of the screen, next to the victim's hand. Next, click on the fallen can on the right side of the head. See the red round spot on the floor, to the right of the corpse (behind the back)? A little further there is another part of a jar. You must study it too. There are two more points left: the head (abrasion on the forehead) and the hand pressed to the stomach.

Now click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the screen to open the menu. There are three points here - a journal, goals and questions (evidence). Select the bottom section. Here you must answer the questions posed using the collected clues. Below are all the answers.

Question number 1. Was Mrs Asher killed on the spot?

Select evidence: a pool of blood near the head and no footprints on the floor. Poirot will come to the conclusion that the woman was killed on the spot.

Question number 2. How can you explain the presence of the ABC handbook on the counter?

Select the following evidence: the letter is signed with the abbreviation ABC, there are no prints on this guide, the tobacco shop did not sell such guides. It turns out that the killer left this guide as a message.

Now examine the cash register on the counter. Exit the zoom by right-clicking. Hold down the left mouse button to find a hint on the side. There will be a small lever with images of an open and closed lock. Click on the OPEN button. The device should open.

Inside, you will see a closed cell in the middle that you can click on with the left mouse button. To open it, you need to enter the code. There is a hint on the cell - "--2". You need to find two more digits of the code. On the right side of the machine there is an inscription "8--". On the left side there is an inscription "-5-". The overall code is "852". Press the buttons on the cash register with the numbers 8, 5 and 2 and the sign of pounds.

Get the key from the cash register.

Open the inventory by clicking on the tab in the lower right corner of the screen. Move the mouse cursor over the "key" image, hold down the left button and drag this key to the door on the left side. So you open the door and go to the apartment of the murdered Asher.

Explore Mrs. Asher's bedroom

Click on the bed and examine three points: blood on the corner of the pillow, a white handkerchief with blood and an inverted portrait. The stand with the photo will need to be rotated so that you can see who is depicted in the picture.

Examine the box on the table. Click on the right mouse button. Now use the left mouse button to rotate the wooden box. At the bottom, find an empty space between the planks. Move all the side bars in turn counterclockwise until you find the button shown in the screenshot below.


Click on this button. Now find an empty spot on the side and just move one piece of wood to the left:


Click on the second button. Turn the box to the right and move one piece of wood to an empty place on the adjacent side. Click on the third button. Look for the next piece of wood that can be moved away on the previous side. Move aside the top piece of wood and press the fourth, last button.

Open the box by sliding the top bar all the way to the left. Take out the photo of the girl and look at the caption on the back. This is Mary Drauer, the niece of the deceased Asher.

Examine the cabinet standing against the far wall. On its surface there is a round labyrinth. You must line everything up so that you can draw the wooden flower to the center. Only the second and third largest circles can be rotated. The circle in the center does not rotate. The same can be said about the outer circle. It is noteworthy that you can move the flower to an adjacent circle. Then the outer circle will rotate, but the one on which the flower will stand will not.

One way or another, note that the flower can come out of two points. Make the following diagram and draw the flower to the center.


Next, open the nightstand by clicking on the handle in the center, between the doors. Examine two objects - a bottle with some kind of medicine and a letter. Both objects must be rotated so that the inscriptions can be seen. It remains to answer the last question.

Question number 3. Is theft a motive for a crime?

Choose the following options: there are no valuables in the store, the cash register with money remained in place. So the theft wasn't the motive for Asher's murder.

Next, examine the area on the left side of the bedroom. Hover over the old fireplace, the faucet, and the plates with empty bottles. Next, look at the mirror.

Explore the area around the tobacco shop

Go outside and talk to Nancy Bodley. Hover over it and select the "red glasses with white frames" icon. Examining it, select a cigarette, a blue plate with cigarette butts on a stand on the left, and matches to the left of the cigarette butts. You will come to the conclusion that this woman definitely smokes, and must have been a regular customer of the tobacco shop.

Remember the strawberries in the paper bag at the tobacconist? This strawberry is sold by Nancy Bodley. Exit the zoom after Nancy refuses to continue the conversation with you.

Interrogate Mary Drauer

Return to the tobacco shop and go to Ashley's bedroom. Mary Drauer, whom Japp told you about on the street, will sit here. First examine her: an eye, a mouth and a black dress between her breasts. Next, talk to Mary as you see fit. Either way, your answers only affect the trophies you can get. In terms of plot, it's unlikely.

Before proceeding to the next task, let's answer the next question.

Question number 4. What was Mrs Asher doing when she was killed?

Choose the following clues: a pack of cigarettes near the woman's hand, one wound on the back of the head, and a mess on the shelf with packets of tobacco. So she was trying to take the cigarettes off the shelf.

Find Franz Escher

Just go back to the shop floor and watch Inspector Japp bring in Franz Escher.

Inspect items that Franz Escher scattered

Asher is drunk. He immediately sits down on a chair and falls asleep. To begin with, you must inspect the items that Escher scattered at the entrance. Note the following points: there are new stockings in a box on the floor and a book with clients who borrowed from her.

Find a way to bring drunk Franz to his senses

Go outside first and talk to Nancy Bodley. Tell her that her fruit is rotten and then yell at her to stop lying. Next, you will find out the time period when Nancy went to the tobacco store. Knowing this time, you can answer the fifth available question. First agree with Nancy about everything.

Question number 5. Is it possible to set a time range for when Mrs. Asher was killed?

Select the following evidence: Missy Asher was alive at 5:30 pm, body was found at 11:00 am. But another question immediately pops up.

Addendum to the question. Is it possible to reduce this time interval and why?

Choose the options: the body cannot be seen while standing at the front door of the tobacco shop; Nancy visited the store at six o'clock in the evening, but did not see anyone. It turns out that Nancy was already after the death of Asher, which occurred between 5:30 and 6:00 pm. But she didn't notice anyone, as Asher's corpse lay behind the counter.

See the white bottle on the ground between the fruit stand and Nancy? Check out this bottle. Then click on it again. Poirot will ask Nancy to borrow the bottle. Return to the store and use the bottle on the sleeping Franz Escher.

Interrogate Franz Escher

First examine Franz: blood on his lips, a bruise under his right eye, a torn sleeve on his left shoulder. Now talk to the man about everything.

Reconstruct crime

First, click on Mrs. Asher to make her turn around. Next, select "Question" for the killer to ask. Then strike. Next, turn the book over to the other side, and not just put it on the shelf. Successfully!

Read the letter

Examine the newspaper lying on the round table near the red sofa. For this you will receive an additional prize.

Go to the door located behind the sitting detective's friend and pick up the letter B from ABC (the killer's alias) from the floor. Talk to your friend again. Approach the table on the right side and turn on the fan to earn an extra point. Sit in a chair by the table and get an additional trophy and score.

Compare the new letter with the first message

Click on the center of Poirot's desktop to see these two letters in front of you.

Next, click on the top letter and highlight the letter I at the beginning of the first sentence. Highlight the same capital letter I that occurs three times in the second letter.

Now highlight the slightly slanted A in Andover in the first letter. Find the same word in the second letter and highlight the capital letter. However, the same letter A in the pseudonym that is listed at the end of each of the letters.

Next, notice that in both letters the small ws are badly typed (the lines disappear). Highlight these letters in one and the other letter. Ready!

Question number 6. What's so special about murder in Andover?

The answers are: the first victim was named Escher (Latin letter A); on the table was the ABC Andover handbook.

Question number 7. What can we understand about the next victim?

Answer: The letter points to a crime at Bexhill. I will call the next victim with the letter B.

Leave Whitehaven

Before you leave, go to the cabinet with two tall lamps. Look at the surface and relearn the ABC handbook. Rotate it to have Poirot read the information. Finally, look in the mirror near the front door (+3 points). Leave the apartment.

Go to Scotland Yard

Get into a car parked on the road.

Tell Japp about Letter B

Click on the gate to enter Scotland Yard. Click on the medal board hanging on the wall to the right of the door. To get extra points, select the following objects: hover over the center of the board with medals; move the cursor over the figurine of a soldier with a weapon; hover over the white certificate hanging on the wall to the right of the medal board.

Look at the map hanging behind Japp. Highlight London and Andover.

Next, click on Japp and select the "points" icon. Select the following three objects: the phone with the receiver off-hook, an empty cup of tea, white folders near the inspector's left hand, on the edge of the table. Be sure to tell Japp that the name of the next victim begins with the letter B (3 points). Say the killer is unpredictable. This will give you a new trophy. This completes the first chapter of the Agatha Christie The ABC Murders walkthrough. The second part will be added in a few days!



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