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All materials on showgamer.com are protected by copyright. Partial copying is permitted with an open (for search engines) link. ShowGamer (2015)

ShowGamer.comPassage of CARRION

Passage of CARRION

At the beginning of the game, move through the pipes marked with arrows. One of the pipes will be under water. The monster is not afraid of her.

Then use the RMB and move the mouse to rip the bars and doors off the hinges. Start devouring people using similar mechanics. The way up is blocked by a barrier. Go to the door on the right and press Space to squeeze through. Lower the lever, go back and follow up. You will soon find a save point. After saving, go down to the eye and press "Space".

New lands - Wasteland

Move to the right, still opening the passages with the RMB. Along the way, you will need to lower the lever, and then follow down. Get to the mines, follow to the left and find the save point. To open a new eye, you need to find two more such points. Keep moving, destroying the bars. When you find the second save point, follow to the left. The path further is closed, however, there is a flask in this room. Destroy it by holding RMB and moving the mouse sideways. You will receive a new ability . Move up to the cubes blocking the way. Press E to put a web between them and switch the lever.

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Dump of dangerous objects

Follow up the pipe, turn upclimb higher and use the web again to get to the lever. Switching it, you can go to the right. Don't go up. Instead, move to the room on the right. After killing the enemy, lower the lever. Back out twice to the left and drop down to where the third crevice is. Save and follow to the eye to move to a new location (to the right and up) from the hall with the third crevice.

New lands - Wasteland

Follow the left, down and enter the door. You will control the person. Run left and down the stairs. go down below and interact with the pipe to open the passage. Climb back and follow to the left. Place the explosive on the wall at the bottom left. Wait for the partner to leave the detonator, and then activate it.

uranium mines

You again control the monster. Move to the right until you return to the beginning of the mine. Use the web to activate the lever from below. Climb down and squeeze through the pipe. Move right, down, and left to activate the first rift. Use Shift to determine the direction of their location. Get to the next crevice. You have to kill a lot of enemies. I advise you to kill everyone first, and then eat. After that, climb up and follow to the left, activating the levers. Will they appear?I am opponents with shields and spikes. Go around them and attack from behind to avoid hitting the shields with the tentacles. You can't eat them. Destroy the flask to get new DNA. Now you can destroy ventilation grilles and wooden barriers. In addition, it is the ability to deal damage to enemies. To use it, you should not press, but clamp E. There will be a third crevice nearby.

New lands - Wasteland

Use the eye to return to new lands.

Dump of dangerous objects

Find the other eye by breaking the boards and return to the junkyard of dangerous objects. Return to the hall where you found the third crevice (when you used the web for the second time to pull the growl). It is located at the bottom right, and you need to go from it to the left and down. You will find yourself in a new location.

Dump of toxic waste

Destroy the boards, follow to the right. In the next room there will be a lever behind the cubes, but you cannot use the web. First you need to reset the excess biomass (orange cells next to the green ones at the top of the screen). To do this, go down the pipe, get to the water and press the "Space". The monster will drop half its weight, leaving a cocoon. Now, instead of destroying the boards, you will again throw the web. Climb up and use the web on ?? Return to the water and consume the cocoon to re-open your attack dash. Squeeze through the door, which is now accessible (after activating the lever). Use the first cleft. Your eyes will open right away! Move up, kill the soldiers, follow the pipe to the left and go up to the eye. He will return you to a familiar location, but in a new part of it.

New lands - Wasteland

Climb up to get to a new location.

New Lands - Swamp

Follow up and activate the generator to turn off the laser beams. Move on and soon find the first drone. Grab it using the tentacles. In this case, it is important not to hit the shields. And then hit the walls until it explodes. Passages will open back, to the right and down. Climb down and use the central hatch.

It will allow you to control the person again. Walk to the left, use the many ladders until you reach a closed opening. From it, follow to the right, down the stairs and jump even lower. After that, move on until you find a descent down. At the very bottom there will be a lever. Pick it up, go back and move the grate. Climb up and get to the place where the passage is closed. Below and to the right there is a podium.Insert a lever into it to close the hole. Walk left and pull the chain. You will be able to proceed further and collect biomass samples.

Now move down and to the left across the water. Kill enemies. you can use the adjacent rooms to collect biomass and then smash the boards on the left. Enter the hole.

Botanical Garden

First, move to the right, through the lasers and up the pipe. After killing the enemy, activate the lever on the left. You will open a passage on the left. Through the left pipe and get to it. Get down and kill the soldiers along the way. At the very bottom, activate the lever and follow below to find the first crevice.

Follow to the right, kill the enemies and hit the boards. Climbing up, activate the lever on the left. Follow back to the main hall. Here you will have to kill three drones! Let them attack you, and then grab and hit the walls. Don't jump on the rampage! Follow up, kill two flamethrowers. They are very easy to attack from below. Climb up, lower the lever and find the second crevice.

Move to the right. You will fly through the laser, which will close the passage. You've seen this trap before. Climb up and to the right. There is a closed door there. But you will go down to the fan and use the web to switch the lever on the right. So can you?Do not get into the right room. Break the flask there to get a new skill . Now the monster can temporarily become invisible. This consumes energy. To charge energy, look for shields, tear off covers and interact with them. Moreover, a monster can become invisible only without excess biomass! Only with a green health bar.

Open the passage, leave the biomass in the water on the right and fly back to the left. Fly invisible through the lasers and activate the third fissure. So you will return to the opened eye. There is a door above it. Fly through it and activate the lever. Drop the biomass and fly past the laser using invisibility. Enter the eye.

New Lands - Swamp

Follow up, to the right and return to the hatch surrounded by two lasers. Fly past them in stealth mode and enter the hatch.


Leviathan Reef Base

Follow the only path through the pipe and clear the room. At the bottom, activate the lever and you will see that a passage has opened just below. Return to him through the nearby pipe and follow to the right. Climb a little up through the pipe and kill the enemies. First move left to the previous screen and pull the lever to openth door. Go through it, up, destroy the walls and drop the biomass into the red pool. Return to the right and use the web to switch the lever. After killing the enemies, go down and go through the door.

Get to the reservoir and swim to the left. Activate the lever behind the pipe and go back down. Swim through the opening. Activate the first save point on the left side.

Kill all the enemies, swim to the right through a couple of pipes and find the second save point. Kill the robot from below to open the passage down. Kill the enemies, swim to the left and break open the container to get the new ability "Hydrophilia" . With it, you can squeeze between small cubes. Previously, you couldn't do this and simply used the web to activate the lever behind those dice. Such cubes are at the top of this room.

You will immediately turn into worms. Swim through several of these passages up until you find the third save point. Please note that your character turns into worms only in water! This happens automatically. Walk to the left and kill the huge robot. You will need to attack him with the PKM, chat a little, but then retreat behind the obstacles so as not to fall under the machine-gun fire. After the victory, fly down through the water between the cubes and use the large open eye??om.

New Lands - Swamp

Activate the lever on the left. Follow the left, down into the pond and swim between the cubes on the left. So you will find yourself in the laboratory. Lower the lever and follow to the right. Go around the turret (you can't shoot it down) at the bottom and use the sewers to get to the next level.

Science Center

First, swim down, with a large biomass, make your way between the cubes and break the wooden planks above the lever. Climb up and to the left to dump your biomass into the red pool. Return to the lever and activate it with the web. Water will appear at the top right. Take the biomass, follow there and make your way between the cubes.

Kill the enemies in the big hall. The robots are currently locked, so follow the right through the door. Climb down, to the right and kill the enemy in the back room. Activate the lever. Two passages above the robots will open. Return to that hall and follow through the upper right passage. After killing the enemy, follow through the toilet stalls to the right and activate the first save point.

Next, you will need to climb up through the offices, killing enemies. At the very top, behind a wooden barrier, there will be a pipe. Break it, fly up and activate the second save point.

Fly down and activate the laser. The door will close below. Above it there is a passage to the left. Follow there, climb up and drop the biomass into the water. Return to the locked door and fly down, removing the bars. Web activate the lever, fly up and with the help of invisibility fly past the laser. First of all, kill the soldier in the room on the left, deal with the rest and activate the lever. He will turn off the lasers. Fly down and you will be at the door on the left. Fly even lower and activate the third save point on the left.

Climb down and activate 2 levers. You will open one of the required doors, but also release the first robot. Kill him, climb back up to the third save point and fly through the door above it. Activate the lever and go back through the doors. Be sure to use the lever to the right of the pool where you left the biomass to use the web. The right door will close, but the left door will open. It is important!

After that, follow to the right from the door, which was surrounded by lasers. You will return to the offices that you moved up. Fly down and to the left to return to the room with the robots (already one). This time, fly into the passage above the left robot (to the left). Activate the fourth savepoint. Use the same technique again, leaving the biomass in the familiar pool and activating the p?? duck. Return the biomass, fly down and activate the two levers to release the second robot. You don't need to kill him! You can immediately fly down. So you get to the new lever. After opening the way further, follow to the right.

Open another door, break the flask and take the new ability "Parasite" . You can now control the minds of other enemies. Press TAB and take control of the enemies. Activate one lever, follow to the left and activate another. Press TAB again to stop mind control. Climb to the hall with robots and follow the exit signs to the right. Get to the room with the enemies. Take control of one of them and kill the other two. It will be easier. Activate the lever, go down and soon you will reach the eye.

New Lands - Swamp

Follow the left, toggle the lever to change the water level, and then go down the pipe. Move between the cubes in the upper right to move to a familiar location.

Leviathan Reef Base

Move to the right and up to the save point, under which there is a door and an enemy. Grab it with a parasite and press TAB. The monster moves to the position of any captured enemy that is not protected by the suit. So here too . Using this mechanicy, go through the door to a new level.


Leviathan Reef Base - Bridge

You will be at the closed eye. Leave the biomass, fly to the right through the door and activate the lever. Go to the cubes and activate the same lever with the web. Follow right. Grab the enemy's mind and pull the lever. Swim through the water through the cubes to the right and activate another lever. At the top, activate the far lever. Come back, once again capturing the body of a soldier with the parasite (yes, you can capture even dead enemies if their corpses remain). Climb up from this room, because the passage is now open.

Open the flask and get a new ability "Acanthosis". By holding Q, you grow hard spikes on the monster. Activate the save point at the top and follow to the left. When killing enemies, you must return to the already open eye. Take advantage of it.

New Lands - Swamp

Move to the right and activate the computer to return to the person's memories. Climb up the stairs until you are next to the drone. Open the doors with the lever, go left and up for the key. Don't worry, the drone won't shoot! Climb down and open one of the two side rooms. In it you will findelectric shocker. Go back and hit the robot to go right. Having done this, unhook the two drones from the two chains to open the exit. Outside, run past the soldiers until the drone recognizes you as a monster. The scene will end. That's how this creature appeared.

Fly up to the right and find the sewers, which will lead the monster to a new location.

Nuclear reactor

First fly to the right and down. There are two ways. Move to the left and knock out the metal plug. As you understand, such plugs can only be knocked out if you are behind. Go down even lower and knock out another plug. Leave the biomass in the pool and follow to the right. Activate the lever, go a little lower and use the web to activate another lever. Fly down and follow through some pipes until you reach the first save point.

Capture the mind of the enemy in the toilet just below. Go left and kill all opponents. It will be easier. Move the monster there, activate the lever to open the way back up. Do not rush to go to the screen above, but reuse the pipe through which you passed before. Right and above the last lever. Break the boards at the top and knock out the plug. Break the boards that block the path to the lever. Now reset the biomass again and use the web to activate the second one?? lever, to higher. Follow through the opening. Open the passage with the lever and activate the second save point.

Swim to the right, between the cubes. Kill all enemies and activate the lever to open the passage to the right. Get to the pool and swim through the pipe to the upper left room. After killing the enemy, fly to the left and drop the biomass into the red pool. Go back and activate the lever with the web. Activate the second lever to open the passage on the right. But you can't get to it. Flip the lever, fly up to the right and into the lower room where there is some water. Spend the parasite through the cubes to the corpse of the enemy and activate the same lever with it. Disable the parasite and fly to the right through the opening. Activate the third savepoint.

Follow on, kill the enemies and the drone, fly left past the turret and down through the pipe. This is the only way. So you get to the flask. Break and get a new ability "Harponorrhea" . You will see that the third form of the Monster has appeared (red HP cells). When in third form, hold E to pull objects. This way you can attract those metal plugs and now you don't have to sneak up on them from behind. Pull the plug on the right. On the other hand, if you are in this form and get close to the plug from behind, then nothing with n??th not be able to do. From this side, it can only be knocked out in the second monster form.

Pull one plug, making your way through the pipe (you can also pull boards) and go down. Drop the biomass and knock out the first plug from the top. Return the biomass and pull on the second plug. Fly up and pull the plug. Follow up and along the pipe above the turret. Pull out the plug on the left and get to the fourth save point. The eye is open!

Remove the plug on the lower right, kill the two robots in the corridor and fly to the left. Kill the enemies, activate the lever and take the blue core from below. Fly up and insert it into the reactor. A path will open to the left. Follow there, fly to the left, activate the lever by pulling out the plug, and take the second core. Take it through the pipe up to the second reactor. Use the eye.

New lands - Mountains

Remove the plug, fly to the left and return to the hall where you activated the last scene with the man. Fly again to the right and up, pull out the plug and get through the reservoir to the sewer.


Polygon of armored vehicles

Look around, kill enemies with flamethrowers and use the lever from above. The elevator will go up, and you canone mine to climb after him. But don't rush. Climb down to be at the bottom of the mine. Capture the soldier with the parasite and call the elevator down. Now follow up and you can squeeze through further. See the flickering device? If it detects you, it will release a spear. It will attach itself to a monster and explode after a couple of seconds. Therefore, do not follow under it, but instead use the door to the right of the device. Kill the enemies and lower the lever. Go back down by calling the elevator and go around it.

Go down to the right and down and use the opened doorway. After reaching the new area, kill each opponent. There are many enemies here. You can break glass. Also here you will find a closed eye. It consists of six sections. There are 6 save points to find!

To begin, select the second shape and knock out the plug on the top right of the closed eye. Fly to the right and activate the first save point. Move to the right and swim through the pipe in the water below. Get to the red pool and reset the biomass to the first form. Use the pipe to go back. Follow to the right and throw the web at the lever between the cubes in the middle. A passage will open on the right. Follow there.

You will enter a hall where drones with propellers are activated. Shoot them with webs to stop the propellers and then grab the probes??tsami and hit the walls and floor. Move higher and possess the nearest enemy. Lower the lever and get into the robot. Kill all opponents and only after that move here to TAB. Climb down and activate the second save point.

Drop the biomass to the second form, go up to the left and knock out the plug. Take the biomass and clear the hall from the soldiers. Kill the enemies in the hall on the right and activate the lever to open the doors. Go down below and activate the lever. You will see the door open. She is in the hall with her eye closed, to the lower left of the turret. Call the elevator to go down. Having done this, wait a bit and call the elevator back. Climb down and hide to the left or right of the shaft so that the elevator goes up. Climb down and swim left on the water to the third save point.

Drop the biomass in the pool on the right to the first form and fly through the corridor with the turret using invisibility. Disable the turret with the lever on the right and return the biomass. Then fly up from the turret. The path to the left is blocked by a turret with a spear. Fly up and activate the fourth save point. Go down to the left of the activated point and go through the door. Activate the lever and take the last ability "Keratosis" from the flask. Now the monster can grow strong armor.

There is a charger nearby. After filling the energy, return to the turret. She shoots a spear. Hold Q. After the explosion, all the energy will be spent, but the monster will remain unharmed. Fly further and kill two robots. Use a new shield. Climb up. The path to the right leads to a savepoint that you have already activated. Fly higher to get into the room with the spear. Let it shoot at you, hold Q and fly up to the big barrier above. After the explosion, it will shatter into fragments, and you can climb up.

Clear the hall and activate the fifth save point in the upper left. Move to the right and activate the lever. You will return to a familiar place. Climb up the elevator shaft (side) by calling it down. You will see a spear that you could not overcome before. Now use Q to protect yourself from the explosion. Enter the door to the left of the spear and disable it with the lever. Exit back, swim under the elevator and up. There is no need to reduce biomass. However, you can try to act stealthily with invisibility, but this is difficult. Instead, activate the laser and destroy all bots, including drones with propellers. Then finish off the soldiers in the room on the left. You can move into one of them. There you will find a corridor at the end of which there will be a lever. Lower it and the passage on the right will open. Fly there and activate the afterbirth??th savepoint. Lower the lever and go right. Follow to the right and below, killing enemies. After defeating the drone, stock up on energy and fly under the spear. Protect yourself with a shield and fly down to destroy the passage with an explosion.

Fly below and see an open eye. You need to destroy the passage with an explosive spear. There is a shield in the room on the upper left. Recharge your energy and use the same spear. Fly to the eye.

New lands - Mountains

Recharge your energy, break the boards and fly down. The spear will hit you. Use the shield and blow up the passage on the right. Lower the lever nearby, and then fly into the sewers.


Go down and see a door in the middle. Enter it and find an eye with six sections. You need to reactivate 6 save points. To fly to the right, you need the first form of the monster and invisibility. So for now, backtrack. Fly to the right and down from the door and drop the biomass into the pool. In the first form and with invisibility, fly through the laser to the right of the closed eye.

Go through the first elevator shaft by calling it upstairs. The second elevator cannot be called because the remote control is broken. Therefore, use the parasite on the enemy below and call the elevator upstairs. There are two ways down! First go down on the right and flyto the very end. It will be a dead end, but you will be able to use the parasite on the soldier. Having done this, shoot the glass on the right and jump down. Go to the left as a soldier, open the passage with the lever and shoot the glass above the lever in the next room! Having done this, stand over the lever as a monster and apply the web. The elevator will go up. Climb up and use the pipe to move to the left, into the elevator shaft. Going down, you can activate the first save point.

Fly to the right, where the soldier moved. After reaching the core, activate the lever and take the core. There is a door to containment area #9 here. Go there to be able to grow an additional tentacle. With the core, return to the reactor. You will need to take the elevator up, then call down and go around through the save point. Activate the reactor. Follow the pipe to the left of the reactor and get out of the room with your eye closed through the left door.

You will return to the main hall. Many passages opened up. To get started, go up to the right.

Bunker - Excavation Site

Fly through the door, hit the lasers and kill all the enemies. The main thing is to destroy the robots so that the way back is open. However, you are interested in the door in the center of the location. There will be a soldier nearby. Fly through it, kill p?the cold people and assemble the third form. Pull out the plug at the bottom, go back upstairs and in the red pool reset the biomass to the first form. Follow where the plug was removed. Use the web to activate the lever on the left, and use the tentacles on the right. This must be done quickly. Activate the second save point and fly through the door on the left.

Grab any soldier and lead him to the free robot on the left. In the first form, activate the lever to open the path for the robot. Kill all enemies. When the robot is destroyed, the alarm will turn off and the path to the right will open. Get to the third save point.

Go back to the main hall of the bunker and go down the lower right opening.

Bunker - Berth

Follow through the room, killing enemies. In the next room, kill the enemies by capturing the soldier. Activate one of the two levers with the monster, move into the enemy and go under the spear. The spear will fly towards you. You run to the left and blow up the concrete slab near the pipe. Disable the turret and follow this pipe to the left, to the fourth save point. Drop the biomass to the first form in the red pool above and swim to the left. Follow the top and activate the lever to disable the turret. Now fly to the main hall and go back upstairs. Destroy all drones with propellers, thenan upward passage opens. Fly there through the pipe and get out into the central part of the bunker.

Fly up to the left, into the new part of the bunker.

Bunker - Outpost

You need to come here in the second form. Knock out the plug and follow through the pipe to the left. Eliminate all enemies first. You can use a parasite. Then go up. You will need to lure drones with propellers from the station on the left and kill everyone. Only then will a passage open at the top right, which leads to the fifth save point. Pull out the plug, another one below and fly right to the first save point and the center of the bunker. It remains to go down to the left and down.

Bunker - Caves

Use the shield and fly past the first spear through the pipe down (the right one leads back). Kill the enemies, fly through the door and into the pipe on the left. Kill all enemies and fly up (including the drone) to activate the sixth and final save point!

Fly to the right, down and through the pipe to the left. Pull the lever to fill the room with water. Swim down and to the left. Kill the enemy, recharge your energy and activate the lever. Swim down, leave the biomass and in the first form, activate the same lever with the web. Take the biomass and swim into the corridor with the spear.Activate the shield, fly over the spear and to the right. The explosion won't hurt you. Fly through the door and through the eye.

New land - Mountains

Activate the lever, fly down and to the right, simultaneously activating another lever. You will return to the portal with the eye from the beginning of the game. Move to the laboratory where the game started.

BSL-4 laboratory

Break the glass on the left, remove the wooden boards and fly into the pipe to the left. Fly the only way, destroying glass and people.

Storage of anomalous objects

Keep moving. You need to get to the capsule. There is water on the bottom right. Remove the grate and swim through the pipe inside. Break the capsule and take the parasite. Press TAB to transform into a human. The way forward is simple. Follow the right and up the stairs. Upstairs, activate the green panel and open the door to the right of the eye. Move to the exit, take the elevator and go right. Enjoy the titles!


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