ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Escape First 3

Walkthrough Escape First 3

    The puzzle game Escape First 3 is the second installment in the "Find a way out of the room" series of games. Supports VR goggles but can be played with keyboard and mouse. There is a multiplayer mode for up to 6 people. Below we detail the walkthrough of Escape First 3.

    Abandoned School (The Abandoned School)

    There are 3 rotating tables in the library. If you turn one clockwise, then the other two turn counterclockwise. You must make sure that the inscriptions on each of the three tables light up. To do this, turn the far table from the front door. To interact with the table, press LMB or E. Rotate the table with the chair once, and then rotate the table next to the library entrance 3 times. If everything is done correctly, then the inscriptions will glow.

    Books are now highlighted on tables. You must find those whose names match the glowing inscriptions on the tables. The Night of the Murder book is on a shelf at the bottom of the bookcase next to the entrance. Place it on the table with the word Murder. There is a Friendship book on the table near the entrance. Place it on the table with the identical glowing word. Betrayal's book is on the windowsill. It must be put on the third table.

    The library door will open. You will see a photograph with the date October 31, 1973. Walk right down the corridorgo to the stairs and hit the furniture. Turn around and follow to the biology room. Examine the cabinet and find detergent at the bottom. Use it to remove the letter from the table on the right side of the entrance to the office. Get sponge , which lies in the lower part of the cabinet to the left of the blackboard. Remove the stain and study the inscription.

    There is an alphabet board. Make the right sentence - DEATH WAITS and SMILES in the Dark. A page will appear on the door. Examine it, go to the corridor and turn right. This will take you to the main office. Look under the middle cushion on the couch and take the key . Open the suitcase on the chair on the left side and take the plates with numbers . Examine the letter on the table and see the date in the format 10/-24/1973. So you need to subtract 24 days from the previous date. You will receive October 7, 1973 . Remove the rack blocking the path to the second door, use the plates to form the desired date - 10 7 1973. They need to be placed in squares on the floor, next to the second door.

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    Walkthrough Escape First 3
    We enter this date on the floor tiles

    After opening it, enter the room and turn the targets for playing darts. Inner circle once, outer circle 3 times. Composethose pentagram. A hook will fall and you will see a text message on the wall. Go to the corridor and turn left. This time, the furniture blocking the path to the stairs will disappear.

    Once up, turn left and enter the Chemistry Room. There are signs on the board. Use the first, fourth, sixth and seventh. There will be inscriptions on the board with different names - Jack, Linda, Amy, Betty, Paul, Alex. Examine the cabinet in the corner and open the drawer to get a page of codes . Place it under the board, open the drawer of the box and move the hammers. You will find a blank page . Go to the teacher's desk and take the pencil . Apply on a blank page to get a list of names .

    Match the list with the names on the blackboard. Check the page with codes and plates. The first name is Jack. It's third on your list. The third line of the sheet with codes indicates 38643G. Look for a plate with the same numbers (it will be the fourth one) and place it in the first empty slot. By analogy, insert the remaining tablets in the sequence fourth, ninth, seventh, first, third, sixth. A box will open. Take the key and open the box to get the xylophone hammers . The tablets located earlier form a melody.

    Play it on the xylophone, go into the corridor and turn right. IN ?in the biology classroom, there is a note on the teacher's desk. After studying it, you will learn about the progress of all students. Open the drawer in the desk and take the exam papers with grades. Spread out on desks, go into the corridor and read the inscription on the wall. Move to the left, look into the geography room and see the numbers on the table.

    Underline the words on the board according to the numbers on the desk.

    We play them on the xylophone. We go out into the corridor. We follow to the right, we go into the cabinet of biology (Biology Room). Read the note on the teacher's desk. It contains notes on the progress of students. We open the drawer of the table, we take out the examination sheets with grades. We lay them out on the desks of the students. We go out into the corridor. We read the inscription on the wall, go to the left. We go into the office of geography (Geography Room). On the table we see the carved numbers. You will receive the phrase DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME HERE. Go to the corridor, turn right and you will find yourself in the locker room. Open all the lockers and read the notes.

    When you study all six notes, you will see the Star of David on the floor. Examine the note next to it. Place all notes on top of this star:

    • Jack
    • Linda
    • Amy
    • Batty
    • Paul
    • Alex

    You will be able to leave the school.

    The keeperLost Souls (Keep of Lost Souls)

    After examining the room, look for objects with which you can interact. Read the book from the table, go to the forge and study the pages with the blacksmith's instructions. Take the ax lying on the table and hit the padlock on the locker. After opening the door, take away the metal scrap . Remove the bracket from the chest, open it and take the steel . Go to the forge, hit the flint with steel and kindle a fire. A fire icon will appear in front of the stove.

    Examine the cabinet and take the workpiece . Place it in the furnace, pull the bellows handle and supply more air. Take the red-hot billet and place it on the anvil. Take the hammer from the chest and hit the blank. There is a chisel in the chest. Apply it to the workpiece and hit with a hammer. You will receive a key . Open the door and go to the second room.

    Read the note on the table. After examining the parchment from the wall shelf, approach the sacrificial stone to see the blood. There will be a blood symbol next to it. Take the scroll from the stone and apply it to the second door. You will see 4 characters. There is a mug and a picture of water on the table. Open the chest next to the wall and examine the painting. This is a symbol of the earth. Catch any rat and place it on the sacrificial stone. Return to the firstmove, take the sword from the rack and chop the rat's head. Use it on the blood symbol on the bottom of the door.

    It will glow. Take the mug lying on the table, draw water from the cauldron and apply it to the symbol of water. On the door on the right. It will glow. Take the branch from the torture bench and use it on the earth symbol. There is a torch on the wall. Use it on the fire symbol on the left door. Go through the opened door and look around the room.

    Walkthrough Escape First 3
    One of the activated symbols

    There is parchment on the bench. Return to the first room and take a piece of parchment from the locker. In the third room, put it on the table. In the second room, there is a second piece of parchment in a chest against the wall. Place it on the same table in the third room. Visit the second room again and find the third piece of parchment on the floor. In the third room, on the shelves of the rack is the fourth piece of parchment . Put everything on the same table.

    Examine the drawing, take it in your hands and read the composition. Look at the stones in the corner. There are no three stones here. Two stones lie nearby. Place them in the fireplace. Go to the first room, take the hammer and hit the stone in the masonry. Behind it you will see the key . Take the stone to a far room, take the firewood on the table and place it in the hearth. Return to the first room and take the steel . Kindle a fire in the fireplace. Firewood can be set on fire with a torch, not steel. Go to the second room, take the pot and put it on the fire. You need to find all the ingredients.

    "Mineral Deus Trae"

    In the first room, take the key from the masonry (where the stone was knocked out) and return to the third. Open the cage with the crystal and take it. Throw into the pot.

    "Might of the Earth"

    Take that very branch and throw it into the bowler hat.

    "Bein the Iron"

    In the first room, find copper and throw it into the pot. In the second room, a nail sticks out in the skeleton's hand. After taking it, throw it into the bowler hat. There is a rusty sword on the floor in the second room. Throw it in the same pot.

    "Human Flesh"

    In the third room, there is a hand on the bench. Throw it into the bowler hat and go through the opened door.

    Inspect the premisesie, there are symbols at different points. You need to interact with them in a certain order! go up to the second tier, take the torch and activate the symbol of fire. Return to the second room, find a mug of water next to the door and go to the fourth room to apply it to the water icon on the second tier. There is a branch on the fence of the first tier fountain in the fourth room. Climb up and apply it to the symbol of the earth. Take the mug from the floor and go down to the first tier. Apply it on the second water symbol. Pick up the torch and activate the fire symbol on the first tier. Climb to the second floor, pick up a branch and apply on the earth symbol next to the fire symbol. The spell has been lifted!

    Return to the first room, look at the book with instructions for the blacksmith. You will see information about the ancient sword. Pick up the scrap metal and place in the forge. Inflate the furs, take the red-hot workpiece and put it on the anvil. Hit it with a hammer, take the handle for the sword from the table and attach it to the workpiece. Taking the sword , go to the fourth room and cut the ropes. Turn the gate and go outside.

    The Secret Inheritance

    Look around. The symbols on the page in the glass case are similar to those on theke below. Rotate the disks like this:

    • First - 6 times
    • Second - 7 times
    • Third - 1 time
    • Fourth - 3 times
    • Fifth - 6 times
    • Sixth - do not rotate

    After opening the lid, take the puzzle piece from the top platform. Take the translation note . Enter the word SECRET on the disks of the cabinet where there is a device with lamps. Take out the two pieces of the puzzle and the key . Use the key on the cabinet door under the holes. Take the puzzle piece and the other key . Insert the key into the side lock on the box by the sofa and take the last piece of the puzzle from the round table. Make a pattern from the pieces, right on the box. Open the drawer and take the light bulb and 6 buttons . You need to find four light bulbs. You just picked one. The second is on the table by the drawer, the third is on the round table, the fourth is on the cabinet shelf below.

    Place all bulbs in the device and pull out the top drawer. You will see a hint. Turn on all the lamps in the correct order: second from the top, first and third in the middle, second in the third row. Part of the page lies in the device compartment. Attach it to the second part under the holes and get a complete instruction. Insert the buttons into the holes and take the key . Apply it on the lid of the sofa box, openand take the hint sheet. You need to count the number of objects of the same color in the room:

    • Red - 9
    • Blue - 6
    • Green - 2
    • Yellow - 3
    • Purple - 2
    • Orange - 3

    Enter the code in Roman numerals - IX VI II III II III to enter a new room. There is a clue in the desk drawer. Turn the chairs as indicated in it. One of the paintings will move. Take the handle from the fireplace shelf and place it in the slot on the safe behind the painting. Turn the handle until a diamond-shaped socket appears. Take the diamond-shaped stone lying on the table plate. Place in the nest, open the safe and take two paintings . Place them on the wall to the third. Another picture is near the fireplace, another one is on the sofa. Examine the resulting drawing:

    Walkthrough Escape First 3
    Collected paintings

    Type the symbols that are shown in the pictures. The sequence should start from where the chest arrow is on the left. After opening it, take the magnet . Use it on the vessel to remove the lid. The vessel is on the table. Take the key , open the lock on the scissors. Take the scissors and cut the rope holding backwow books. You will receive a hint.

    Collect books:

    • Red Book (letter E) - on the fireplace shelf
    • Yellow book (letter N) - on the table
    • Blue book (letter I) - on the bookcase shelf
    • Green Book (letter N) - in the fireplace
    • Purple book (letter G) - in the safe

    Use the hint to place the books in the correct order. Click on book D to move the bookcase. You will see a door. Enter the word Ending to complete the passage of Escape First 3.



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