Passage of all quests of the Hardspace: Shipbreaker spacecraft utilizer simulator
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Walkthrough Hardspace: Shipbreaker
In the tutorial, you need to first open the orders with the TAB key, then use the anchor to dismantle the two antennas. To do this, you need to fly closer to the ship, point the cursor at one of the antennas and click on LMB . As long as you hold LMB , the light object will follow you. If you attached the anchor to a heavy object, then the hero will gradually move closer to him. You need to send the antennas down to the green arrow. Anchor an object, point it and press F to release it (so it will follow faster).
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
When the cutter becomes available to you, scan the ship and look for weak spots. Get close, pick a cutter(key 2 ) and start dismantling. In the same way, place the blocks on the green arrow to complete the tutorial.
Walkthrough Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Walkthrough Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Before you end the day, don't forget to purchase repair kits at the terminal before entering the Habitat.
So, you will need to remove the reactor from the cooling system and quickly send it to the platform. I recommend not to engage in nonsense and immediately get rid of the nano-carbon panels under the reactor. This can be done by sawing the connecting points (use a scanner). When the panel is down, move it with a cable to the processor, then attach another cable to the reactor, and the other end to the barge. In the same way, remove the nano-carbon panels and send them to the processor. Quest completed.
Walkthrough Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Walkthrough Hardspace: Shipbreaker
In addition to this quest, standard tasks with a reactor and metal will be available to you. First, in order not to affect the battery, you need to enter the ship's compartment and turn off all atmospheric?? Regulators (two of them). If you do not do this and depressurize the ship, then it will explode, and you will not be able to complete the quest for the battery. Be careful!
We are writing a walkthrough of the game right now. Very soon our author will update this material. Thanks for understanding!
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