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Walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty — Guide & Soultion

All story missions of the game.
Walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty — Guide & Soultion
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
25 September 2023

Walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Dog Eat Dog

This is the first story mission of the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty add-on, which begins after Jay, the main character of the DLC, contacts you. This will not happen before completing the mission of the main game “Human Factor”. When this happens, accept the call and show interest in the task. Follow the marker on the mini-map to the border of Dogtown in Pacifica. There shouldn't be any difficulties with the search. In the end, when you pass a certain section of the border, a cut-scene will start, and you will be greeted by Jay (the hero is played by Idris Elba).

Continue the conversation. The choice of dialogue phrases does not affect anything. Soon you will unlock the new Relics perk tree and gain 3 skill points. Follow the alley behind Jay, go to the gate behind the dumpster on the left and open it. You will find yourself in a hostile area.

Crouch down and watch the mini-map, which shows the enemy's field of view. Try to go stealthily or try to run to the garage door behind the enemy in the green shirt. Enter the garage while enemies are trying to kill you. Crouch down and make your way into the room on the right (through the broken wall). You will be asked to move a sheet of metal.

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Once you go down to the floor below, you will see a room ahead. Go there, jump even lower with lleft side and go up the stairs. Go forward until you find an electrical panel. Examine the panel to the left of the equipment and interact with it to start the computer. Go back to the door you came through and look for the access point on the left side. Connect to it, go back outside and climb onto the platform Jay is standing on. While she is moving, chat with Jay. The choice of dialogue options does not matter.

Follow the path to the car hanging over the edge. The headlights will turn on and you can jump down to the illuminated area below. Go up the ramp, use the beam on the car on the right and get to the next platform. Walk past the sparkling car, move further and find the elevator on the right (it has just descended to your floor). Enter and go down, walk further around the world and talk about any topic. Go across the platform and use the machine ahead to go up a level. Follow the illuminated path, jump onto the platform with Jay and choose any answer during the dialogue.

Jump from platform to platform, guided by the light, until you reach a large opening where you need to jump. Jump onto the platform ahead, go left and get to Jay. Follow the marker through the tunnels and go up the stairs to reach the next platform. Go through the opened door to hear a warning from the Jaysand - there are enemies ahead.

If you are spotted, you will have to fight three enemies. Once you destroy them, return to the main quest. Walk along the corridor, find the elevator on the right and go inside. It will close automatically. After leaving the elevator, follow the corridor through the door on the left side, go up the stairs and go around the wreckage of cars ahead to get to the Black Market . This is a safe area! Move through the wreckage of the cars to the marker on the construction site. Once up, leave the Black Market to meet Jay. After talking with the girl, continue to the construction site. Go back inside, go to the end of the path where the marker points. You will find a green door. Go through it, go up the stairs, go outside and move left. You will have to go into the elevator, but first, turn on power to it.

Jay suggests restarting the generator on the left side. Climb up to the panel and use any option to repair the generator. Enter the elevator and go up to the rooftops. Choose any answer. Once at the top, exit and go up the path to see Jay. Choose any answer, after which you will witness the crash. Follow the marker and go down the garbage chute to complete the task.

Hole In The Sky

The task will begin immediately after the previous mission. Move towards the crash site, mark?marked with a marker. You will not be able to drive a car, so go on foot, guided by the mini-map. Once you reach the barrier in front of the crash site, talk to Jay, go up to the barrier and turn left near the cars blocking the path.

At the end of the corridor on the right, behind the last car there is a hole in the wall. Go through it and go up the stairs on the left side. You need to find the moment for two enemies to pass by. Go up, but be careful: there are two more enemies higher and to the right. Let them leave their positions, go to the right and look around (opponents can still spot you). There is a bridge in the right rear part. Wait, and when the path is clear, go across this bridge towards the marker. Once at the end of the bridge, you can climb onto the scaffolding. Don't worry, there are no enemies here. After going up the second stairs, talk to Jay. Dialogue doesn't matter.

After a short conversation with Jay, go through the door on the right and go up the stairs to the top of the crane boom. At the end of the arrow there is a hole in the floor. Jump down and get ready for a shootout. Destroy the enemy on the platform. Another enemy is on the platform to the right. Walk along the right side to reach the wreckage. When you approach the wreckage, you will be ambushed by three more opponents. Destroy them, then face three more enemies ahead and three??I have opponents behind you. Deal with everyone and continue towards the marker.

Follow the gap in the wall, enter the building on the right and destroy four enemies. Go further, return to the street and go down the escalator. Deal with the enemies, one of whom is using a large machine gun. After killing everyone, go to the plane, go inside and find the body. The dialogue doesn't affect anything. Go to the back where Jay opened the door to the safe room. Rosalind will attack you, and you can hit her back. Your choice doesn't matter. The woman is aggressive. Choose any answer. Return to the front of the plane, go through the giant hole on the right and take out the enemies on the ledge. One of them uses a powerful suit, moves very quickly and deals serious damage. When you defeat everyone, a second enemy wave will appear. Two opponents will have machine guns. After killing everyone, you will complete the task.

Spider and the Fly

After rescuing Myers from an entire platoon of Barghest soldiers, V and the President are forced to defend their position against yet another swarm of deadly would-be kidnappers. But the show is far from over, as an even greater threat looms in the old bunkers that the duo will have to navigate through during their escape.

Follow the objective markers with Myers. Talk to him. Quickly take cover to avoid being hit by the drone. Keep going with Myers. There is an additional door in the room that requires 9 bodies to open - this will help you get to your goal faster. If you cannot open the door, go out onto the scaffolding and follow the signs. A drone inspects the outside of an old restaurant. Sneak up and use cover if you want to avoid fighting him. There are several guards in the next area; you can fight them with Myers or sneak out of the building.

Take Barghest's car or steal something nearby (you can't call your own car here). The Barghest now act as the police force in Dogtown, and you'll have to avoid their vehicle patrols unless you want to fight. If you do get into a fight, know that you can leave the car and run to your destination if necessary. However, to enter the gate, you will have to disengage from combat; If you can't shake the guard, try driving around a bit, avoiding enemy cars, and then backtrack. It may be easier for you to get out of your car and make your way to the gate if the guards do not move away from the nearby roads.

Talk to Myers. Survive the ambush, but be aware that it can get quite intense as more enemies arrive. Run from the Chimera and follow Myers. Survive against the Chimera. You can't damage this robot, but you will have to stay in cover to avoid taking damage until the elevator arrives. During the cutscene, choose dialogue options to survive.

Boss fight

The battle with the Chimera tank is long and difficult. Ammo boxes are placed throughout the arena. The chimera does not move from its central position. The Gatling gun destroys concrete pillars, so it's best to keep moving. When the enemy fires missiles, make sure you run away from the ground markers. Beware of the red laser, as this is the boss's most damaging attack. To avoid the laser, either hide behind cover or, if you're lucky, jump over it.

To deal damage, shoot at the Chimera's weak points - aiming for the leg joints and various vents on the body. Towards the end of the fight, the Chimera will release toxic gas that will engulf the lower floor, so make sure you are above it.

Lucretia My Reflection

V and the President somehow escape the clutches of the Chimera and Barghest and emerge into the dusty, decrepit streets of Dogtown. They quickly establish a less-than-ideal base of operations before V is tasked with finding Solomon Reed, a NUSA sleeper agent who has been out of sight for years. Johnny isn't too happy with the way things are going, but V has no choice but to follow the plan while trapped in Dogtown.

Take the Chimera Core - it's next to Myers. Follow the objective signs and then talk to Myers and Johnny. You will come to a fork in the tunnels. The correct path leads to the gate.

If you can't open the gate, go back and find the steam valve. To get to the valve, jump to the path above (slightly to the right) and jump down to the valve. Crouch under the pipeline and follow the exit.

The left fork path is a simple case of walking and crouching around some obstacles. When you approach the forklift, activate it and then drop down into the pit behind it.

Both forks lead to the same exit. Follow the objectives, then talk to Johnny while looking around the hideout. Take the battery from the sparkling drones near the entrance and connect it to the generator battery.

Talk to Myers. Deal with the situation with Taylor and Jacob. If you let the two punks stay, you can talk to them before talking to Myers. When you wake up, talk to Myers and work through several dialogue options.

Go to the Capitan Caliente restaurant. You can open the front door with enough bodywork or hardware. You can pay Ronnie, who has a tiny stall outside the restaurant, to give you a hint on how to enter. Follow the wires from the restaurant window to the balcony and open the fuse box to open the door. Watch out for the mines just outside the door. Look for a shelf that can be moved. Use an old phone. Go to the basketball court

Talk to Reed. Go to Reed's car. Fight off the ambush with Reed, making sure you don't get surrounded. Destroy the Barghest unit at your destination; when you're done, a heavy gunner will come out of the elevator.

Talk to Myers and Reed. Leave the shelter. From this point on, you can explore Dogtown and complete side quests or gigs. In two game days, Reed will call.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Action, RPG
  • Release date 26 September 2023