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Walkthrough Smuta — Guide 100%

A detailed guide to all story and side quests.
Walkthrough Smuta — Guide 100%
Svetlana Ivanova
Date of publication
4 April 2024

Walkthrough Smuta

Select the desired difficulty. Each is described in detail. The combat system is not particularly interesting, so in terms of complexity you can put even the easiest.


  • WASD - movement
  • LKM - light attack
  • PCM - heavy attack (causes ~10% more damage, so don't use it)
  • F - fire a firearm
  • V - change melee weapon (from one-handed to two-handed)
  • Press X - summon a horse
  • Q - intuition (illuminate interactive objects, including chests, forty, enemies and NPCs with quests)
  • TAB - open in-game menu
  • C - go into stealth mode
  • T - get torch
  • Shift - run
  • Spacebar - block
  • Spacebar and S - parry
  • Spacebar and A/D - bounce to the side
  • Spacebar and W - kicking

Through the snow

Go forward, to the right and watch the cutscene. Talk to Kirsha, go together to the inn and talk to the innkeeper.

First duel

Inside the house, talk to Kirsha, go outside, talk to the priest, merchant and servant to complete the additional quest "The Inn". We get 15 points of honor, which will increase Yuri's level. For each level you get a development point. With the help of development points you can open the boxes for amulets (rhombus) or artifacts (circle).

Talk to Kirsha outside and fight a duel. Talk to the Poles. We learn about the mercy and wrath system. It affects Yuri's character, but the plot will remain the same. So we choose the phrases at our discretion. Defeat the Poles and talk to Kirsha.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

The first day in Kruczyny's manor

You can go around the manor, use intuition, find a magpie in the far right part, which will lead us to the chest. Or go straight to the chest to get a small dexterity potion that slightly speeds up the dodge recovery time by 15 seconds. Talk to Grigory, fight, get 150 experience points and the Tsar's Golden Artifact (Ratnik - an enemy with full health will take much more damage from Yuri's light attack). Put a development point into the round slot of the Ratnik branch to install this artifact. Each branch has two round slots, and for each artifact category you will have 5 artifacts to choose from. That is, only two of the five will work, but they can be swapped freely. Drinking water from a well or charka will restore your health. All such places will be marked on the map.

Communicate with Prokhor. If you wish, do the additional quest "Prokhor's request". Just talk to everyone, decide whether to cover the stableman in front of Prokhor or not. Earn 300 experience points.

Talk to Grigory after Prokhor. Night will fall. Crouch down and visit three places to overhear the conversation. We go to Grigori. We decide whether to tell the truth or cover up for the servants. Either way we get 100 experience points. Near Kruchina's house we talk to Alyonushka, inside - with Nastya and the owner. We leave the territory of the estate.

Arrival in Nizhny Novgorod

If you go left along the piers, you can find a gatehouse (changes the time of day, you can also change your image) and a chest behind the last pier with a serpentine amulet that gives 15% health. Go outside the gate, follow the marker and talk to Khariton. Go outside. Earn 100 experience points.

Defense against brigands

At the market square talk to Filatov and get the artifact "Yamshchik's Glove". At the first opportunity unlock the round slot of the "Travel" branch. The artifact will highlight forty nearby. Follow the marker, kill the enemies and go back to Filatov.

Connections and favors

Talk to Vaska Varganov in the marked place. Get 50 experience points.

Problematic Mercenaries

An additional quest called "Fun Fights" will appear in the journal. We can fight in the arena, earn experience points and a small stun potion. Optional.

Go to Prokhor, talk to him, then visit the nearest courtyard and defeat three mercenaries. Talk to Prokhor.

Unexpected nobleman

An additional quest "City Guard" will appear in the journal. It can be done only in the Sagittarius costume. We'll get it later in the game story.

Talk to Khariton, leave Novgorod, kill wolves and find a camp with bandits. Kill the bandits, talk to Irena. In the far part there is a chest. Leave the location.

Meet Stremoukhov

Go to the right, to Semyon's estate. Talk to him and win the battle. We get 200 experience points. Talk again.

Monastery business

Go to the monastery, talk to everyone, go to the village and talk to the headman. Kill the brigands, talk to the real headman. In the far part of the village, behind the house there is a chest. Go back to the priest. Get the artifact "Candle from the Trinity Monastery (allows you to use intuition on horseback, and its radius is increased). Go outside and get 100 experience points.

Wolf Hunt

Talk to Semyon and together we find ourselves on the hunt. Kill wolves and bear, talk to Semyon again. Leave the neighborhood to return to Novgorod.

Raid with the Germans

In the magazine will appear an additional quest "Raid robbers. Talk to Prokhor, but first deal with the story quests. Without the quest "Novgorod headman" will not leave the location.

We visit the Kremlin, talk to Pozharsky, go to the specified place and kill three Germans. We also find a chest with an amulet on the side. Return to the Kremlin to Pozharsky, leave the location.

Novgorod headman

First go to the exclamation mark on the upper left to pass the additional quest "Robbers' Raid". Defeat all the enemies inside the cave and leave it to get the reward (amulet, experience).

Go to the south, talk to Minin and his voivode in the camp. Unlock the Sagittarius class. We get a red suit, a white horse, new equipment. Go to the Sagittarius, attack the scarecrow. We get the amulet of Alatyr, which increases damage.

For a good cause

Talk to Minin and go to the village at the bottom of the location. Talk to Kalashnikov and Mosin. Talk to Kalashnikov again, go to the specified yard and at the end there is a chest with compromise. Show it to Mosin. There is also a magpie in the village. Chase her until she leads to the chest. Inside we find the artifact "Tamga of Khan" (the horse is constantly galloping at maximum speed).

Go to Degtyaryov's warehouse, go back down and find a guardhouse on the right (a small wooden tent camouflaged with branches). We wait until evening, kill brigands, wait in the gatehouse until morning and talk to Degtyaryov.

Mysterious caves

Talk to Minin, visit the village to the west and drink water. Talk to the headman, go to the marked place where the guardhouse is. Wait for the evening, kill two brigands, deal with the third and interrogate. Nearby appears the entrance point to the cave. Go inside. Do not go into the corridors marked with a "cross", otherwise we will fall into a trap. Memorize the path. Kill two enemies, go to the third. If necessary, heal. Go to the right and find four more enemies. After defeating all of them, we leave the cave the same way.

Tools for the militia

Go to Minin, who will send us in pursuit. Leave the location in the specified place. We need to catch up with the wagon with gold.

The continuation follows...

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