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Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Walkthrough — Gamre Guide

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Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Walkthrough — Gamre Guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
18 May 2024

Walkthrough Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

Use the Spacebar to interact. Approach the car, press the Spacebar and select the car key from the inventory. Look in the glove compartment, you can study the game manual, look at the photo with the murdered woman and read the letter. The car won't start. When you leave, you can lock the car or leave it open. I chose to close it.

Examine the bulletin board to the right of the car. Go deep into the screen past the car, turn right and examine the gate from the cemetery. A new target will appear. Go even further into the depths of the screen. Turn left first to inspect the carriage and get a new objective. Make your way to the hotel gate and interact with the dog standing on the right. The note says to find the year in the previous letter. It is the year 1962. Walk to the left of the gate, interact with the gate, and then open the door with the code lock by entering 1963 (the letter says the next year from the current date). When you enter the code, select the top of the lock (press W) and click the space bar.

Take the game console from the cabinet on the right. Examine the electrical panel, which requires a different code combination. Examine the computer. You can save yourself. Read the message on the wall to the left of the computer that says it all started 116 years ago. Subtract that value from 1963 and enter the code 1847 on the electrical panel. Examine the panel. You need to make a simple equation to add up to 2014. Set the toggle switches to:

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Eventually a gate will open. Make your way into the hotel grounds. Turn to the left and go inside the same building. Examine the closed door on the right. If you can open it, you will create a shortcut to the computer and save point. You can examine the TV across from this door. Use the toggle switches and WASD keys to adjust the picture (orient yourself by the sound - there should be less noise). You will see a man at the gate.

Exit the building, go to the upper left corner, to the side entrance. The door is closed, but under the tree to the left of the bench is $1. Another dollar can be found in the stone bowl to the right of the gate. You may not be afraid of the dog (go over and pet it if you wish). Go to the main entrance of the hotel, look around the code panel and pick up this code - 1847. You need to be guided by the number of drops of blood on the buttons.

Inside the hotel

Overhear the conversation in the office behind the door on the left side. On the right side, in the corner hangs an information board with several notes. Read them. If you wish, you can turn on the music player on the pedestal in the corner. Go to the right side, examine the coffee machine, and try to call the elevator. Read the note on the elevator. The phone number is covered in blood (or paint). There is a door with a code lock at the back of the room.

Return to the hall and go to the back of the screen. To the left and right at the entrance in the hallway look for 2 dollars. On the locker to the right is a case with a three digit code lock. Go through the right passage into the library and examine all the books. Go down the stairs to the basement. Go through the left opening to the closed door and the table with the cut poster. Use the WASD keys to move the parts of the poster to get a whole picture.

Take a dollar out of the drawer. You can look in the restroom, then decide whether or not to wash your hands. Take the aisle on the left. There's another document case on the shelves, but you'll need a three-digit code. Examine the blueprint on the stand and go left. Collect another cut poster:

Return to the library and go up the stairs at the back of the screen. In the foreground, there is a locked book on the table. You can't open it yet. Go to the shelves of books, where there are traces of blood on the floor, and try to pull each book out. In one of them you will find a dollar.

Return to the main hallway and walk to the left of the stairs (not deep into the screen, just to the left). Examine the large clock with the zodiac signs on it. The door will appear to be locked. Go through the passage to the left of the stairs to find another door with a code lock. You can also examine the wall with a carved cross.

Go up the stairs in the hall, examine the barrier to the exhibit, examine the door on the left (you need a code). Walk to the left and down. Examine the document case (needs a three digit code), go left and look at the bust where you can insert something. Go further and collect another poster.

There's also a dollar on the cabinet. Go even higher and save on the computer. Go to the right, as the door labeled 2014 will be closed. Examine door 1847 and go further down the hallway. Examine another document case (you need the code). The next door will be closed. Go back to the computer and door 2014. Walk to the right and down the hallway. Collect the fourth poster:

Collect the dollar, go back to the door 2014 and go left. Examine door 1963, there is another coffee machine next to it. Go further down the screen, examine the locked door and the door with a code lock. Follow further down the hallway and collect the fifth poster:

When you're done exploring all parts of the house, go back to the very beginning where you overheard a conversation to meet the man. He is staying in room 1963. Go to the room on the left and save yourself at the computer. You can look through the phone book. There is a phone on the locker at the back of the screen. Adjust the TV in the background to see a woman painting in the garden by the fountain.

Go behind the counter to the right, examine the code lock on the wall locker, read the letter and take the dollar. The note has a clue that you need to enter the past year. Interact with the lock again and turn the squares to get 1962:

Get the key to room 2014. Go to the fountain in the garden and look at the drawing. Go back upstairs and open room 2014. Examine the woman lying on the bed and read the information about her on the bedside table on the left. Enter the room on the right and examine the painting with the labyrinth. Go up the wooden ladder to the attic, take the dollar and examine the document case. Go to the room to the left of the woman, examine all the videotapes to get the playing card and the dollar. Examine the television with the video player. Leave the room and talk to the man. He wants the lost pages.

Go downstairs and follow the ghost to the exhibit. Examine the page near the exhibit. Examine the keypad and the locked door on the right. You need to press the keys so that you get the word RENZO. Look at the bust in the center of the room. It shows the same 3x3 field and randomly placed letters. Enter the room, read the description on the coaster and look around at the different puzzle boxes.

 Walk to the left, read the note and examine the different symbols for the planets. Walk from the statue to the back of the screen and save on the computer. Examine the VI door on the right, the door at the back of the screen, and the keyboard with the painting beside it. Go left and jump into the hole in the floor. You will enter the temple. Examine all the paintings, interact with the book on the right to get a dollar. Interact with the confession booth. Confess all sins to create a shortcut to the first floor. There is also a door III on the right.

Go back upstairs, go through the exhibit and examine the door in front. There is a code panel with buttons next to it. On the right hangs a picture with numbers arranged in random order. You need to enter the code 1847. Note where the numbers are in your case and press the corresponding buttons.

Go through the opened door to see a dead body. Examine the corpse of the girl and collect the key so that it resembles the numbers 1847.

Walk to the left side and examine the locked grid with the letters N, E, W, S. There is a clue with simple equations on the left. You will know the value of one of the letters, then you can calculate the values of all the other letters. All these letters will be comparable to the numbers 1, 4, 7, 8. You need to click on them in such an order that you get the year 1847. Go behind the bars, enter the red tent and examine the two sets of books. You will find a dollar and a playing card. Examine the fortune balloon and read the note lying nearby. It was left by a certain Lorenzo (1798).

Return to the main room with the murdered woman. Go to the right and down to pick up the handle near the tree (in the corner). Go left and down opposite the open grate. There is an E-shaped key hanging on the tree. Exit here and save.

To be cointinued...