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Fallen Aces Walkthrough: Episode 1 Heart of Glass — All Secrets

This noir action game consists of several episodes, each of which is divided into separate chapters. In this guide we will tell you how to pass the game, complete side quests and find all the secrets of the first episode of the game.
Fallen Aces Walkthrough: Episode 1 Heart of Glass — All Secrets
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
17 June 2024

Walkthrough Fallen Aces

Chapter 1. Wake Up Call

There are a total of 7 secrets in the first chapter. Exit the room by pressing Q to kick the door. Pick up the phone, you can open the safe by entering the code 415. Go outside, turn away from the door with the lock and stun the enemy. After picking up the key, open the door. Ride the elevator down, use the ventilation and press the button. Back upstairs, take the elevator down and clear the hallway of enemies. Pick up the key from the table and exit the building.

Go to the alley opposite the building, jump on the dumpster and go even higher. Use the open window to find the first secret (1/7).

Прохождение Fallen Aces: Эпизод 1

Get out through the window, turn right and at the corner of the building take a running jump to the left onto the adjacent building. Climb even higher and cross the wire to the other side. Walk along the building to the left and look down. Go down a little lower through the ventilation and climb inside the building opposite, through the window (move the curtains). This is the second secret (2/7).

Return upstairs to the roof of the building from where you just went down through the ventilation. Take a running jump onto the narrow ledge of the neighboring building and look for the secret at the very end (3/7).

Continue through until you reach the comic book store. Go around the outside and climb through the window into the office. Take the key and note. Leave the store through the other door. Go to the right side of the burning house, go up the steps and turn towards the tunnel on the right. Jump over the fence to the ledge with the secret (4/7).

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Climb onto the bridge beams and cross to the other side. Search the dumpster near the donut shop to find key 204 (secret 5/7). Jump onto the roof of the cafe and find the secret (6/7). Before you enter 148, across from the donut shop, turn right. To the right of the tunnel there is a narrow passage with a burning barrel. Enter the building, on the second floor open room 204 (this is your house) to find the last secret (7/7) of the chapter. You can also open the safe with code 524. Enter house 148.

Chapter 2. Underwater

Swim to the depths, open the grate with the valve and get out to the other side. Leave the buildings to find yourself in the harbor. There is a car repair shop on the right. Go around it and use the grate. Take the nail gun and enter the Harbor Office. Shoot the red button, take the employee's key and money. This is the first secret (1/10). Leave the office and open the locker opposite with the key.

Once outside, go to the main gate. After killing the enemies, enter the small building on the left. In addition to the red button that opens the gate, there is a secret hidden under the table (2/10). Enter the harbor area and go left. At the very end there will be a pier with a house. Look inside it for a harpoon with arrows. Sink to the bottom. Kill the sharks, find the cage with Steve's corpse (secret 3/10). There is also a sunken barge on the other side. There is a safe on this barge. Open it to find another secret (4/10).

Return to the harbor entrance gate and look for the only truck. Look inside it to find the secret (5/10). There is also a crane opposite the entrance on which a container hangs. Shoot the cable to make the container fall down. Climb it to find the secret (6/10). Go to the far right corner, where a bandit in a pink suit is standing above. There is a door on the right. Go through it, pick up the foreman's key, go out to the other side and enter the building ahead. After opening the Foreman's Office, click on the two buttons to open warehouses A1 and B1. A1 has a sniper rifle and a machine gun. This is a secret (7/10).

When looking at Foreman's Office, there is another warehouse on the left. Go inside. At the top there will be two inscriptions A1. Lift the forklift by standing on the crate and climb to the other side of the tall stack of crates. There is a gray box on the right. After breaking it, you will find a cache (secret 8/10).

Return from this hiding place, climb the crates under the roof of this warehouse and go to the very end of the metal beams, where there is a red toolbox. There is also a cache there (secret 9/10).

Leave the warehouse, deal with the enemies, but do not enter the depot. Climb up the two red ladders to find a stool and sniper ammo on the roof. This is the last secret (10/10). Enter the depot, go up the stairs on the left, shoot the red button and jump on the box that will drive up to you. Having moved to the other side, go forward and use the booth.

When you're on the other side, go down and go to the ship on the left. Enter the captain's cabin, press the button and go down into the hold. Go downstairs and find a hole in the wall on the left. This will take you to a room with three enemies and a key to the control room. After getting off the ship, go left. At the very end there will be a raised bridge. There is a building nearby. Open it with the key and press the red button. Nothing will happen. Take the key to the power plant from the table. Go back a little, on the right side look for a power plant with a red sign (not far from the ship). Once inside, press the red button. Return to the bridge, enter the control room and press the button again. Go across the bridge and enter the same building you came from at the beginning of the mission.

Chapter 3. Gearbox

After leaving the carriage, go up the steps and look behind the bench on the right (secret 1/8). Go further until you come across a closed gate with a lock. On the left there is a poster with cigarettes. Interact with him to find the cache (secret 2/8).

Find the key in the dispatcher's booth, open the gate and go outside. Walk down the street. There is a tool store on the left. Walk around the store on the left side to see the ventilation. Get inside the room with the safe and use code 362.

Enter the bar opposite, go up to the roof and go to another building. Go left, along the narrow ledge and climb through the window. In one of the rooms there is a wardrobe with a sniper rifle (secret 3/8). Climb back to the roof of the bar, turn around and go to the edge. Climb onto the box and cross to the other side along the two wires. Turn right, towards the edge, take a running jump onto the outside stairs and go up. There will be a secret sniper spot on the roof (secret 4/8).

Go up to the roof of the bar again, cross to the other side along the two wires, jump left and down between the two buildings (secret 5/8) where there is a knife.

Go to the landfill, climb onto the crane, there is a secret on the crane boom (6/8). Also go around the crane booth to find another secret on the window (7/8). Clear the landfill, go around it and find three abandoned houses. Take the barrel and place it under the canopy of the last house. There is a revolver on the second floor of this house (secret 8/8). To complete the task, enter the workshop in the junkyard and talk to Blake. Protect it from enemies, take the key, open the barn, take the car key and leave this location.

Chapter 4. House of Cards

Quite a simple chapter. You can act covertly, but if you don't kill anyone, then complete the additional task. There are 9 clues inside the house, and another one outside by the pool. On the second floor, look for a room with a fireplace that is not burning; there is a button to the left of it. Click on it to find a niche with a secret (1/1). There is a key there on the table. Go downstairs, open the office and press the desk button. Click on the button behind the sliding portrait to go down. Open the room by entering code 782 (on the piano sheet music above). Examine the portraits, open the safe, and then leave the mansion, returning to the car.

Chapter 5. The Moth and the Flame

Clear the first location from enemies and jump from the building billboard on the right onto the canopy of the house. After breaking the window, enter the far door to find a corpse (secret 1/8). After going down to the nightclub, go right and find a pistol in the trunk of the car. Go around the building to the left, jump over the fence and shoot the red canister against the wall to reveal a niche with armor (secret 2/8).

By any means, get to the second floor and exit through the door with steps and the inscription EXIT. Go forward, onto another building, to the right and climb the boxes to the roof of the building with a billboard and a sniper point (secret 3/8). Go in the opposite direction across the bridge, onto the roof of the building, but turn right. Go up the steps and find the secret behind the boxes (4/8). Go down the steps back, forward along the glass roof on the right hand. Turn right, along the narrow ledges along the houses and at the dead end with a burning barrel, look for the secret (5/8).

Go back and cross the bridge again to the roof of another building. Turn left, climb through the window into the illuminated room with a secret (6/8). Another secret (7/8) is a button under the piano on the stage inside the club. Go to the entrance to the nightclub. Go inside and look in the utility room on the left. Hidden under the racks of tools is the key to Malone's office. Go upstairs and enter Malone's office. After killing him, press the red button under the table to open the cache behind the painting and find the final secret (8/8). On the table is the key to the room in which the hostage is locked.

There is also a dressing room on the ground floor. Break the cracked mirror to find Delia's notebook and complete the side quest. Having done this, go down to the basement (for example, you can jump through the hole on the stage near the piano, but you will receive partial damage). Open the locked door and free the girl. Return to the car, lowering the girl to the floor and killing enemies along the way.

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