VLADIK BRUTAL Walkthrough & Guide

All levels of the game, search for secret weapons, endings and more.
VLADIK BRUTAL Walkthrough & Guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
13 August 2024


Select the desired difficulty level, exit the chamber and go to the right. Use the E button to interact. In the hall with the chambers, go up the central steps and go further. To bend down, press CTRL (the door will not go up higher, so crawl under it). Continue moving in the only possible way. The necessary doors and bars will open for us. In the courtyard, go left, through the passage behind the net, along the wall to the right and go to the car.

Science Center

After the trip, enter the science center. To do this, press the green button. Go to the desired table at the end, take the dosimeter and flashlight. Use the elevator door with the corresponding inscription. Go further in the only way, large round gates will open for us. Go down on the elevator, wait for the command at the bottom, then activate five levers nearby. The lids will open one by one.

After the disaster

After waking up, pick up the crowbar from the floor, jump onto the barrels and other objects to the green ventilation. Break it and move on. Kill the first enemies behind the door, turn the red valve in the room on the left to shut off the gas supply, and move on. Pick up a pistol along the way. Kill all the zombies, go through another door, which the enemies will also break down. A jumper will appear - a dangerous enemy, do not spare shells for him. If necessary, run away using Shift. You can reload on the run. There is a door to the elevator hall on the right, but it is closed. We will return here later!

Break wooden boxes and other things. The locks on the doors can also be broken. Deal with the soldiers. Invisible ones will also appear. Go forward, do not go into the far room, but look for a green button on the instrument panels on the left. Interact to open the door to the elevator hall.

Go back (after collecting supplies) and go through this door. We will meet enemies with shields. You can throw a grenade at them. Having reached three elevators, use the open shaft on the right. Go down the stairs to find a revolver. Go back up. Standing with your back to the elevators, go to the wall on the right, where there is a corpse with a shotgun. There are boxes nearby that you can use to climb up to the ventilation grate.

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Jumping from the ventilation into another room, kill the enemies. In a small room, we find a battery. Take it by pressing the E key and carry it to the next room, on the table with equipment. Install the battery to open the grate with a ladder. Having killed the enemies, go up and press the green button that opens the gate.

Go through the rooms with cocoons. Shoot them in advance to kill the jumpers. We continue moving through the rooms, killing enemies, until we find a pit. After loading, we jump into the pit and fly into the water! We open a couple of doors to find ourselves in a tunnel with rails.

To be continued...

Game from the guide


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