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The Plucky Squire Walkthrough

A detailed guide to all collectibles and story chapters.
The Plucky Squire Walkthrough
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
20 September 2024

The Plucky Squire Walkthrough and Guide

Tips before starting the game

·         Hit every tree and bush you come across - they often contain light bulbs, which are the game's currency. If you're also hunting for all the collectibles (pieces of art), they're often hidden behind trees, etc.

·         Be sure to visit every shop you pass. You can exchange light bulbs for weapon upgrades, including new abilities and more powerful attacks. It's worth unlocking everything you can.

·         You can go back to previous pages of a chapter by manipulating the book. Sometimes it's worth doing this because you might have missed a secret or couldn't get to something without abilities that unlock later.

·         There is no save option in The Brave Page: the game relies on autosave. But in principle, this function is enough. If you go to the menu and select the exit option, you will see how long ago you last saved. Usually, the game saves after you visit a store or go to a new page.

Chapter 1 - Sunday Troubles

Exit the house and go right, to the source of the sound. DJ Wizard will ask you to get some wax. Go right and turn the page. In the next area, go right. You will encounter goblins. Attack with Square/X. Dodge with Circle/B. Hit the trees and bushes to get light bulbs (currency). Exit through the north exit on the second page.

Go north again and leave the page - you are now on Honey Hill. The game is now a 2D platformer. Go right, jumping on the ledges. On the new page, continue to the right, using your platforming skills . Be careful of the ledges that collapse under your feet. Continue to the right, jumping over or killing goblins along the way.

On the next page, after the cutscene, head right to find a honey badger eating the honey you need. Boss time! You need to defeat the badger in a boxing match. Press Triangle/Y to perform a jab , and press X/A with the left stick left or right to perform a hook. Watch out for markers on the side of Jot telling you to dodge in any direction with the left stick. Dodging and then jab will often stagger him, allowing you to get in a few good punches. Overall, not too difficult.

Watch the cutscenes, then exit the page to the right. In the next area, move right, dealing with the enemies. Exit the page through the northern exit to head to Tom's Tower.

On the next screen, you will need to pick up words and place them to open a gate. The "gate" is on your left, near a bush. Pick it up with Triangle/Y, then place it between "The" and " swung ". Go right, defeat the goblins, and hit the tree to get " open ". Pick it up and place it to complete the sentence. The gate will open.

Follow the path around and exit the area by heading north. Be sure to visit the shop and buy the Sword Throwing Badge (or artwork if you prefer). The Sword Throwing Badge allows you to throw your sword with the right trigger, which is pretty handy. On the next page, continue following the path and when you try to exit the page on the right, the floor will start to give way underneath you.

Chapter 2 - Book Fortress

After the cutscene, go right, approach the owl totem and press Triangle/Y to jump down. 2D platforming section - continue down, avoiding the rocks and goblins along the way. Meet up with Thresh at the bottom. Return to adventure. Go right, avoiding the boulders that jump. Exit the page on the right side. On the next page, deal with the bull, then go up. Go back down and then right to find Minibeard . To the right of him is the key you need. Enter the pen on the right side, deal with the bulls, then take the key. Take the key on the left and use it to open the path forward. On the next page, you will meet Topsy . Strike the word "forest" with your sword, pick it up and put it on the floor elsewhere. Then go right, pick up the word "ruins" and put it where the forest was. The area will change.

Topsy cookies and drag it to the sandy square on the left. Then you need to swap the words “ruins” and “forest” again. Then go and drag the cookie to the better sandy area on the left. Swap “forest” and “ruins” again to drag the Topsy cookie – it will flip over, revealing the key you need to move on. Take it, open the gate and go north.

On the next screen, there will be a shop on the right with various icons if you have the necessary bulbs. Once done, head north to Tom's Tower. Simply climb up on the next page, then follow the path around the ones after that, avoiding the lightning. You'll need to defeat the slime-like enemies to open the door ahead after falling off the ledge. The bridge will be destroyed on the next page - go left and down the steps to enter the cave. 2D platforming section - go right, drop down, then go left through what appears to be a wall. Drop down and activate the switch at the bottom.

Go back up, then go right where you previously went left, through the door that was previously closed. Keep going right until you can't go any further, then go up, then right to go through the cave and exit. Now from the cave, go left to find the shop again. Exit through the north when you're done. Just go north on the next page.

On the next page, deal with the slimes ahead, then go left to enter the room and grab the key - you'll be attacked by more slimes. Defeat them to open the door. Grab the key, then go to the right side of the area to open the locked door there.

Click on the word "scattered" and then pick it up. Take it to the center of the area and replace the word "stacked" with it to scatter the books ahead. Pick up the word "stacked" and place it where "scattered" was in the room on the right to stack the pages. Drag them to the hole that prevents you from leaving the area to fill it. Exit to the north.

Next up is another page where you simply head north. Head to Tom's Tower to fight Humgrump . But... there's a twist! Time for the first 3D section.

Climb up and follow the oath using the paint palette as a ramp. Drop down near the lunchbox, then stand in front of it and open it using Triangle/Y and Left Stick Down. You will meet Paige. Go left and enter the green swirling portal by holding Triangle/Y.

Go left and talk to the rabbit - he wants a snack. Use the portal again, then go right. Get the carrot in front of the lunchbox, then use the portal again and give the carrot to the rabbit. When the rabbit is out of your way, continue up and exit through the portal ahead. Go right, jump up the blocks, then cross the ruler to reach the yellow block - push it off the ledge, then jump down and move it to access the portal on the wall.

Use the portal, then exit through the portal above. Go right, avoid the bug by holding Circle/B or Right Trigger to sneak up when it's not facing you, then jump onto the sponge on the right.

Continue right and in the next area pick up the cube, then throw it at the cards to knock them over, allowing you to access the portal on the right.

Take the cube with you and enter the portal. Use the cube on the switch on the left to keep the door open, then exit through the portal ahead.

Carefully go right using the Lego platforms , then sneak past the bug ahead and enter the portal on the wall just in time. Go right, exit through the portal, then meet the page on the right again.

Go down past the storybook and down the hard board ramp on the left. Continue left to find another era where you need to sneak past the bugs. Just take your time, hold the right trigger to sneak, and use the paint bottles for cover. Go up and right - jump on the sponge and use the portal at the end.

Move along the wall and exit the portal at the end. Pick up the cube and jump off it from the ledge to the screen. Go up the ramp of the board, then throw the cube at the cards/dominoes to knock them over. Use them to reach the platform with the sign on it.

Go along the ledges and go down. At the end you will get gloves.

After the scene, go down, then go left, dropping off the ledge along the way. You will return to the story book. Go to it and press the left and right triggers to control it.

Use the left stick to turn the page, then use the portal to complete the chapter.

Chapter 3 - Moonbeard

Jump out of the book at the green portal. Press LT and RT near the edge of the book, then use the L stick to flip the page back twice. Enter the new page (it has a sparkling edge that tells you there's something useful there.) Enter the house on the right to get a drink. Leave the book again, then go forward two pages to enter the page with Moonbeard again . Leave the book again to flip the page forward once. Enter again. Grab your sword, then go down the stairs.

Chapter 4

Clear the bugs to open the door on the right, then go through it. Go right and go through the portal. In the real world, go to the right page of the book and go back through another portal. Go left and down. Defeat all the enemies and the door blocking your way will open.

Move forward and kill the enemies on the path ahead before you pick up the key. Then grab the key, move right, drop down and go back through the portal you came from. Return to the left page with the key in tow and go back through the portal. Open the door. On the next page, walk across the moving platforms and activate the switch at the bottom. Climb up and continue to the right.

On the next page, defeat the enemies on the left and right, which will open the door on the left. Go through it, then through the portal. Enter the book on the right side again. Click on the word "drained" and pick it up to remove it from the sentence. Jump down, then go back to where you started and take the word " full ". Go through the portal to return to where you just were and place " full " where you took " drained ".

Once the moat is filled with water, you can walk on the lily pads and flip the switch. This will open the door underwater. Now replace the word " full " with " drained " again.

Jump down and go to the newly opened gate. Take the word " open ". Go left to the rusty gate and replace the word " closed " with " open ". Go through the gate and take the word " tiny ". Jump down and where the huge bug is, replace the word " huge " with " tiny ". Climb up to the next page and follow the path to go to the next page.

Go left and use the green portal to exit the book. Manipulate the book to flip two pages back to where the huge bug was. Enter and pick up the word " huge ". Return it to the current page and replace the word "tiny" with "huge". Now you can walk along the lily pad and leave the page at the top.

On the next page, go under the bridge and approach the fish. You will now complete a mini-game where you need to press X / A at the right moment to grab the fish. It's easy enough, but if you're having trouble, you can skip the mini-game from the menu. Leave the page by going up the bridge. It's now night in the swamp. Go right and through the portal. Manipulate the book and turn the page one page. Enter and take the word "daylight". Go back where you came from and change "night" to "daytime".

The frogs have moved, unlocking certain paths. Go to the lower left area and destroy the enemies. Interact with the block and move it up onto the silver switch. Take the word "solid" from behind the previously blocked door. Change daytime back to night. Take "solid" and move to the right. Change "broken" to "solid".

Now change night to day again. Take the block from the switch and move it to the next area. Change back to night and move the block so that it blocks the frog's movement to your right.

Switch back to day and move the block so you can cross the bridge. Go down the stairs to the next page. Jump straight down - this is a portal that will take you out of the book. Go all the way to the right and enter another portal. Take the box and exit again.

Go to the portal in the upper left corner of the book and time your button press so that you land when the moving platform is at the bottom. Throw the box onto the switch to your right. Go through the door that opens and around it. When you reach it, activate the lever. Jump into the portal below, then re-enter the book in the upper left corner. Pick up the block you used to activate the door and exit the book again. Re-enter it in the upper center.

Place the block on the switch straight ahead and exit the page. On the next page, walk across the log and through the portal. Time for some 3D platforming ! Move to the right and up the blue and pink ramp.

Follow the path around, defeating enemies along the way. Pull the yellow block to reach a higher platform. Go around the ledge and drop down into the next area. Once the enemies are dead, enter the artwork on the wall with the green portal and pick up the blue spring. Exit through the portal and drop the spring to reach the platform on the left.

Follow the path around and enter the green portal when you reach it. Climb up, then interact with the pulley at the top to cross the zipline. In the next area, defeat the enemies, then enter the portal on the right. Defeat a few more enemies. A door will open in another piece of art. Exit through the portal, then jump into the one on the left.

Follow it around, defeating enemies along the way. Pick up the key, then return to the portal. Jump out and go through the portal under the lock. Climb up - the door will open, revealing a portal. Jump out of it. In the next area, go up the ramp, then go forward through the portal. Pick up the spring, then go right to exit through a new portal. Jump over to the right.

Move forward and jump into the portal again. Climb up, avoiding the boulders. At the top, exit through the portal and approach the map. Go through the portal. You will have a turn-based battle with Alowinia , an elf on the map. It looks desperate at first, but don't worry: Paige will come and level the battlefield. After a few devastating blows, Paige will tell you to convince Alowinia that you are not working with Hamgramp . Use the "Talk" option. You will receive a bow, then leave the map through the portal.

Jump into the portal, Paige will open for you, then go down and return to the book. Cross the log and enter the tree. Now you will need to destroy 30 bugs with the bow and arrow. Aim and press X / A to shoot. Go through the door to the next page, and then again. In the next area, go through the portal on your left. Move left and down to go through another portal in the book. Defeat the enemies, then move the stone block onto the switch. Go up and defeat the enemies in the next area.

Go back down and move the block so that it is next to the gap on the platform above. On the right, take the word "stairs." Move it to the left and change "block" to "stairs ." Climb the stairs to defeat the enemies. Now take the word "block" and place it where "stairs" used to be. Climb up and go back through the original portal. Jump straight back into the lower portal and move through the block to defeat the last enemy.

Pick up the book and go through the portals to reach the center of the pages. Throw the book into the dotted area. You will receive a key. Use it to open the door on the right. You will need to fight 3 caterpillars. Each time you hit them on the head, they will become shorter, but will also throw explosives. Stay away, use your ranged attack where possible.

Once they are defeated, grab the book, then go left to throw it at the dotted area. Talk to the snail actors, then leave the page through the door that opens on the right. Follow the next circle of the page. Talk to the snail, then go upstairs. Now you need to fight the boss with a bow and arrow. You need to aim for his eyes using charged shots. But watch out for the smaller bugs at the same time. Leave page at the top , then again .

Chapter 5 - Art!

Once you're free to roam, head up and left to find Uncle Amber . He's lost his Rubboinks (pigs to you and me) and needs your help finding them. Four can be found around town - we've taken screenshots of their locations below. Two more need a little work. There's also Tiny , a giant one you'll no doubt see around town.

Go down from Uncle Umber and you'll see a dog sitting on some sparkling tiles - that must be a teleport point. Talk to him - he won't move until you find his owner. Look for Magri , the guy in the bowler hat near the statue in the lake on the right side. He wants an apple. Go left to the smoothie shop (shaped like a paint roller). Talk to the owner inside, he'll give you an apple. Return to Magri . Talk to the dog and it'll move, revealing a teleport point. Go through it. To get to the rubber bands, you need to go through two teleport points - one in the top left corner and one in the bottom right corner of the book. We've taken screenshots below. Go through both and grab the pigs, returning them to Umber . That's six, only Tiny left.

Leave the book again via the teleportation point. It's time for some 3D platforming. Climb up, then follow the path heading towards the ramp. When you reach the sticker , jump out at the top. Go down, then all the way left, past the house and up to the wall art on the other side. Get to the teleportation point at the other end, then jump out. Go through the paints, then jump across the green platforms onto the cactus. Jump down and pick up the key. Take it to the front door of the house and unlock it. Once you're in the dollhouse, exit the portal. Climb up and hit the cabinet on the right to find the key. Grab it and go through the portal on the wall on the left. Follow the path around the walls until you end up in the purple bedroom. Exit through the portal.

Hit the bed to throw it against the wall and go through this portal. Go into the bedroom next door and exit the portal again. Here, jump on the bed to reach the shelf with the key. Take it and go back to the next bedroom through the portals. Jump into the portal on the wall and use the key. Climb up and exit the next portal into the bathroom. There is a doorway on the left wall, go into the living room. Defeat the enemies.

Go through the bathroom portal again, now moving up past the doorway that just opened. In the next area, drop down and go into the left room. Move the large yellow crate to the left so you can jump into the portal in the window frame. Keep moving up and you'll eventually come out onto the roof. Jump through the open window and grab the gloves. Go through Page's portal that opens - it'll take you back to your book. (When you reach the bottom sticker , stand in the circled area to drop down and access the portal - we almost got caught there!)

Drop down to reach the book, then press both triggers to interact with it. You can now tilt the pages: press the left trigger to lift the right page - Tiny will roll down and land where he belongs. Enter the book through the portal and talk to Amber . Climb the path in the center of the book to reach the next page and talk to Moonbeard. Follow Moonbeard to talk to the Queen.

Chapter 6

Go right to the next page and after talking to Moonbeard, enter the star-shaped portal. It's a cannon. Hold Triangle/Y, then press a direction to enter, then release the button. On the other side, press the lever to open the locked door, then shoot it back.

Go up through the door and onto the next page. Go through the left cannon and around it. Use the cannon to reach a higher platform. Once you defeat the enemies, you will find a strangely shaped key. Pick it up and return to the starting area. Insert the key into one of the locks, then grab the right cannon. You need to defeat all the enemies in this area to get the key. Once you get it, take it back to open the door. On the next page, go right, and on the next, just follow it. On the next, there will be a shop. Talk to the rabbit in the booth, then talk to the rabbit on the right of the screen. Go through the portal. Manipulate the book and turn the page back just once. See the cave on the left? Go to the page and a portal will appear at the top. Go through it, then into the cave.

In the cave, move left and go through the portal. Manipulate the book and tilt the page to make the portal cart move along the rails and stop near the block.

Pick up the block and instead of placing it on the nearby switch, move it to the right to place it on this switch. Cross the bridge that appears and get the key. Now move the block to the switch on the left, take the key across the bridge that appears on the left and open the door. Move the block back to the right switch and use the portal to exit the book. Manipulate and tilt the page so that the cart moves and gets stuck on the bridge. Enter the book, remove the block, then move the cart again. You should now be able to access the center of the area. Open the chest, use the portal and return to the next page.

Use the pass you got from the chest on the center door and go through. Once you get to the top, you will have to complete a rhythm battle of sorts. Just press A/X when the pot lands in front of you, in time with the music. Eventually, you will be thrown a gold pot that will damage your opponent. Do this three times.

Once you're done, move forward and on the next page, move forward again. On the next one, exit through the portal, then tilt the book to move the wooden block to the left. There's a key underneath it. Re-enter the page and use the key on the door in the bottom right corner. In the cave, take the word "metal" and go back outside, changing the word "wooden" to "metal". Exit through the portal and tilt the page to move the block (now metal) back to where it was. Tilt it to the left again: this time it will break through the wall, leaving a passage. Go back through the portal and into a new passage on the left. Watch out for enemies. Take the word " gliwing " back from the doorway and change " metal " to " gliwing ", which will cause the large block to light up, revealing another part of the new area.

Take the key from the bottom left corner (hidden in the bushes) and use it on the door above. Now take the word " cheese " and replace it with " gliwing " so you now have a large block of cheese. Use the portal to exit the book and tilt the page to return the block of cheese to its original position. The large rat will grab it, allowing you to pass. Go to the next page. Defeat all the snakes on the next page, which will open the door allowing you to pass. On the next page, go to the large statue of Trarg , then go to the next page. You will now need to defeat three guards, two of which use your ranged attack. Go right to the next page and continue right. After talking to Moonbeard, go through the portal. Time for some 3D platforming!

Go up from the book and defeat some enemies. A portal will appear on the circle. Enter it, then go right.

You will get a rocket pack on your back! Leave the mug portal. You need to find 3 parts of the rocket father. One on the left, one on the right and one in the center. First you will need to find the left and right. The left one is self-explanatory. Just explore the area using your jet to reach high places. Eventually you will reach another mug. Enter it to get the first part. On the right you will need to light six candles using your jet pack fire. They are scattered around the area - you will find them all in the photos below.

Use your pass on the door, then head up the stairs. Now you'll have to fight the mega eagle. It's a rhythm-based battle, just like before. Watch out for the snakes this time - you'll have to shake to get them off you. Once you're under control again, head left and find a mushroom - sorry, nettle - hidden in the bushes. Pick it up and go through the portal. Manipulate the book to turn the page back to Moonbeard's house and jump through that portal.

Moonbeard will give you the weed killer. Go back to the page you were on before and throw it at the weeds blocking the exit. Go further. Now you need to get past a rather large guard. Go right and defeat the enemies. You will have to go through some more weeds. Go back to the previous page and go through the portal. Flip the page that shows the outside of Moonbeard's house.

Go through and pick up the weed killer. Now go back the way you came and throw the weed killer at the weed. Go into the cave. Go through the portal, then tilt the page so the pillar falls, creating a bridge. Cross it. Pick up the word " fractured " and go through the door in the upper left corner. Defeat the enemies outside, then replace the word " towering " with " fractured ". Exit through the portal (there's one in the cave) and flip the page so you're on the right one (with the guard, Gozzy ). Stamp Gozzy , then tilt the page so the newly broken pillar lands on him.

Return to the book and now make the other pillar broken: replace the word " noisy " with " fractured ". Repeat the process - use the portal, put the stamp on Gozzy , then tilt the book to make the pillar fall. Now you can return to the book and go past Gozzy . In the next area, defeat the enemies, then go up through the door on the right.

Continue up the village. Now it's time to fight the giant tank. Defeat the wave of enemies, then approach the tank and pull one of the handles on the side. Basically, rinse and repeat, but this time there's a saw blade involved. Try to dodge the saw blade to get to the next handle: you can't. A portal will appear, so go through it and use your seal to move the saw blade out of the way. Your buddy Thresh will handle the switch, you'll just have to go back through the portal to deal with the enemies.

Repeat until all the switches are gone. The tank core will then be revealed, so hit it until it is destroyed. Go to the next page and activate the switch to free the villagers. Move to the right side of the page to continue.

Chapter 7

Proceed up the page, defeating enemies along the way. Go through the door to the next page. Defeat all the enemies here, using your ranged attack to force the enemies into the water. Go through the gate at the top of the page to the next one. On the next page, defeat the enemies. The starfish is stuck in the sand, but you can't get it out. Go through the portal and return to the title page of Chapter 7. Enter the portal there and approach the figure under the tree.

Go right on the page and return to the starfish. You will have to defeat a few more enemies. Once you reach the starfish and help it, go up to the next page, then continue moving up. Go up to the next screen. Eventually, you will find yourself blocked. Just before the bridge, there is an “X” on the ground. Press Y/Triangle to dig it up. You will find a warp point and a launch pad. Use the launch pad to head up to the next launch pad. Keep moving between them until you reach a long, winding island.

Now you can walk across the ice to the right. Defeat the enemies on the pirate ship, then go up and dig up three crosses. Two just have currency, one has a launch point. Go back and change the “ice” back to “water”. Use the portal to get to the right side of the page and go through the portal on the tiny island. Use the launch point to get to the pirate ship. Hit the three round spheres before the time runs out to open the chest. Pick up the gem and jump off the left side of the pirate ship to get to the center and place the gem in the eyes of the skull just below the locked gate. Now change the “water” back to “ice”. Move left and find a point where you can climb onto the ground (pictured below).

Defeat all the enemies you can, then open a portal by clearing out some bushes. Head back and turn the ice into water. Use the portal to go back and defeat the remaining enemies. The gate will now open, so grab the gem and place it in the remaining eye socket of the skull. Move through the gate to the next page. Defeat all the enemies, then go through the gate on the right to reach the next page. Defeat all the enemies again to open the gate, but this time you won’t be able to go any further because a bunch of tanks are ready to smash you to smithereens. Moonbeard will create a portal, so jump through it and get ready for another 3D platforming section.

First, go left and follow the arrow and defeat the enemies. When all the enemies are dead, you will open a portal on the circle. Go through it and you will get an amber ball. Go right and you will find some puzzle pieces . Defeat the enemies again to open the portal. You will need to go around the puzzle pieces until you reach another amber ball. It is a bit like a maze. Once you get both balls, go back to the center and you will see a locked gate. On each side there is a portal and a hole in which you can insert a ball. Once both are placed, the door will open.

Head right and make your way through the platforming level. Eventually you'll enter a page and complete the side-scrolling section. Once you're done, you'll reach the second stamp, which allows you to add explosives to the pages to destroy enemies. Go through Page's stickers to reach a table. Exit the portal and head right to reach the book. Use the d- pad to switch your stamp to the bomb stamp, then click on each tank. Press the left trigger once to stamp, then again to detonate. Once they're all gone, return to the page, then move right and up to exit the page. On the next page, go through the portal as soon as it appears and use your explosive stamp to clear the trees to the left and right. Go back through the portal and use the launch pad on the left to reach the new area you cleared. Defeat the enemies, then return the key. Take the key on the right to open the door. Go down the stairs. Now you have a 2D platformer level. Move down and to the right until you reach a portal. Go through it and place the explosive stamp on the button closest to the start.

Go through the upper portal, cross the bridge and pull the lever. A small box will appear. Go back through the portal. Go and place the explosive on the switch in the upper middle that controls the platforms the box appeared on. Keep toggling the switch until the box lands on the floor below (placing the explosive next to the box will knock it aside). Once the box is on the floor, place the explosive on the switch that controls the lower door. Do not detonate it. Go back through the portal.

Pick up the crate and place it on the switch to the right of the one you already activated. Then pick up the explosive and jump up to place it on the switch above. You can now reach the door. On the next page, defeat the enemies, then dig up the X. Use the launcher to reach the gate. Move up. Defeat the enemies, then flip the lever on the left to open the gate. Defeat the remaining enemies. Swap the words "battery" and "goblin". Grab the small battery on the top left and place it on the switch on the right. You should now have a large metal goblin sitting in a hole. Go through the portal and place the explosive on the goblin. Detonating it will release it from the battery hole. Continue placing explosives near the goblin to roll it to the other battery hole - when it's close enough, it should click into place. Go back through the portal. Replace the word "goblin" with "battery" . A bridge will appear on the right side.

Go through and defeat all enemies. Take the pink hammer key and insert it into the lock on the door at the top center of the page. Go through. On the next page, go left and across the bridge. Climb up and turn the page again.

Chapter 8

Go up the path to the next page. Defeat all the enemies. Then head left to find a portal. Go through and use your explosive seal on all the tanks. Go through the portal and head towards the gate that opens. But before you can go through, the mage will block your way. Purple will take over the battle and you will have to play a game similar to bubbles. Shoot colored bubbles to make a row of three or more to clear them. The more you clear, the more damage you will do to the mage. When done, go to the next page.

Chapter 9

Now Jot is in jail and Humgrump has the book. Oh no. Get out of bed and take the path on the left. Take the word "broken" and change it to "closed". This will open the gate. Go through it, then go all the way to the right until you find a vent. Go through it. Jump down and quickly move to the right: a very useful mouse will free the bridge so you can cross before the laser gets you. Once on the other side, go up. Now you will have to go through a stealth section, controlling the mouse. Move one square at a time, being careful not to get caught by the guards. Look for switches that need to be pressed to open the way forward.

In the next area, go left to find Violet's wand. Pick it up, then press the button to open the door. Go through it. Press the large button to open the cell and go inside to find Violet. Exit the cell, then take the path at the top right. Next comes another stealth section with a mouse. Same thing again: don't get caught! This time, you'll have to synchronize your movements with the guards standing on the buttons that activate the doors. The next room is similar, but this time you'll also have to activate the buttons to let the guard through. Once you're done, you'll find yourself in a room with large spinning blades. Move left and use the portal. You can't use your seal because you've lost all your gear. Move left and go through the portal on the sticker . Go down and exit the portal on the other side. Go right, avoiding enemies (remember, you can't attack yet!) At the other end, you'll find another portal on the wall. Enter it.

On the left side, you need to grab a crate protected by a laser. Move down and quickly grab it before it starts moving up. Place it on the button and go up through the door. There are more lasers and crate placements here. Grab the crate on the left and place it on the switch on the right. Remember that you are safe in the center area between the walls. When you go through the door at the top, you need to get through the third laser section. This is the hardest task: the laser will not start moving until you lift the crate. Wait right at the bottom of the screen for the laser to start moving up and follow it to place the crate on the upper switch to open the door. Now quickly run back to the lower right side and when it is safe, go to the upper right side. Now that the laser is below you, quickly go around and go through the door. At the top, go through the portal.

Next, it’s time to sneak past the guards. Head up the right side and down the left side, waiting for each group closest to you to turn in the opposite direction. Continue following the path, stealthily passing the guards. Eventually, you’ll reach a portal. Enter it and you’ll have to solve another laser puzzle. This time, you’ll need to drag a box to a switch on the left. This is easy enough, as the laser can’t reach you when you’re behind the box. Go through the door and out of the portal. Follow the path, sneaking around so the guards don’t hear you. You’ll head towards a black and white patterned area. Grab your seal and head down through the portal. Head down, then exit the portal. Head to the right and you’ll have to stealthily sneak past the bugs again (joy). Luckily, there are only two of them. Jump through the portals, then grab your sword. Yay! Go back the way you came and now you can defeat the bugs with your sword. Pick up the second one and move it to the left to create a step.

Go and get the first one. Climb up the ledge you made with the second beetle (you may need to throw the one you're holding to make the jump) and head back to the portal that leads to where you found your seal. Go through the portal at the top and use the beetle to block the laser. Move up. Defeat all the enemies to open the first door. Press the switch (hidden behind the boxes) to open the second one. Then defeat all the enemies again. Move up and exit the portal.

Now make your way along the rulers, trying not to fall. Follow them, defeating enemies. Eventually you will reach the gloves. Pick them up, then jump into the portal, drop down and exit through another portal. You will encounter a lot of explosives: grab them and throw them at the armies below. Jump down yourself, finish off any stragglers, then go through the portal at the top. Climb up and exit through another portal to get the second seal. Jot now has all of his items.

Go through another portal where you will encounter lasers again. In the first area, go around to the right to grab a box that needs to be placed on the switch on the left. The switch controls the door on the right, so go through and now you need to quickly go down, being chased by a laser. Jump through the portal at the bottom. Now go down and follow the path up, defeating the bugs along the way. Eventually you will reach another portal, so go through.

Go around the cylinder. Go through the exit portal, then go left - you're back on the table. Go through the portal with the notes to go up and return to the book. Manipulate the book and tilt it so that it falls off the shelf. Use the portal to return to the table. Open the book and use the stop stamp on the mechanism, then enter the book with the portal again.

Go through the mechanism and up. Follow the vent to the next page. Defeat the enemies, then go through the gate on the right. Defeat all the enemies in the next room, then go right. Go up the stairs and onto the box, which will allow you to reach the ledge above. Defeat more enemies, then press the button. Take the word "three" and replace "two" with it below.

Go to the top right corner and through the doorway that opens. Defeat the enemies. Take the word "diamond" and replace it with "metal" in the center of the book. Use the portal. Stop stamp one of the boxes so that it stays in the top left corner. Then tilt the page so that the other two are on the left. Go back through the portal and cross the bridge created by the blocks.

Take the word "broken" and use it instead of "diamond". Exit the book through the portal and use your explosive stamp on each of the boxes to find a key. Enter the book, take the key and exit through the door on the left. On the next page, move to the right and collect the drumsticks. Press the yellow button to open the door and go through. In the next room, press the yellow button and enter the chamber to save Thresh . Leave the chamber, then follow the path to the top left corner. Follow the path around, then reach the next page by moving upwards. Defeat all the enemies in the next area. Be careful: there are a lot of them! Use the launchers to reach each platform. Once everything is sorted out, exit through the now open gate at the top of the left page.

On the next page, defeat the enemies, then use the portal on the right side. Tilt the book to move the pipe down, then tilt it again to completely close the book to move the pipe to the left page. The door will now open. Go back through the portal and leave the page through the door. Then move up, defeating the enemies. Throw the sword at the sphere switch in the middle to lower the box and pass. Once on the other side, throw the sword at the switch again to open the way up.

You will need to fight a lot of enemies and then when you are at the top of the page, go through the portal. Now tilt the page to move the giant block to the other side of the page. Close the book to move it to the other page. Now, tilt the page and use the explosive stamp on the metal blocks on the sides of the page to place the block in the position shown in the image below.

You don't have to re-enter the book to hit the switch: you can also use the Explosive Stamp to activate it. Tilt the page again, closing the book and placing the block on the other page. The block should now be on the switch, so use the portal and go through the open door.

Next up are three mouse stealth pages. Here you'll need to be quick and precise with your clicks, paying attention to the switches and hatches. Once you're out, walk across the page and out the other side. On the next page, go through the portal and flip the previous page. Tilt the book to move the Humgrump portrait to the other page. This will open the door. Go back to the page you were on, through the portal, then through the door.

In the next room, simply defeat all the enemies, then head into the elevator. After the elevator, you will enter Humgrump's Castle. Enter through the main door. Head straight up for three pages, then when you reach the black turn, head right. Eventually, you will come to an area filled with snakes. Defeat them all, then head up through the door. Proceed through the next few rooms, and eventually you will encounter Humgrump . The battle with Humgrump initially consists of three parts: a rhythm part, a bubble ball part, and a boxing part. Once you get through these, you will go through a portal to leave the book. Dodge Humgrump's attacks as you climb up to the rocket mug.

Time for some bullet shooting hell . Humgrump in butterfly form has three health bars that you will need to deplete. Keep shooting at him while dodging his attacks. When rocks appear, shoot them to refill your health. Once he is finally defeated, that's it: you have finished The Plucky Squire .

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, Switch, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Adventure, Arcade
  • Release date 17 September 2024