Rise of the Ronin Walkthrough — All Story and Side Quests

At the very beginning, choose one of the three difficulty levels available for completion. If necessary, you can change the difficulty at any time during the game. Create a character, choosing its appearance and starting skills from the Invisible Blades set. Before the start of each task, you have the right to choose the hero you want to play as.
Rise of the Ronin Walkthrough — All Story and Side Quests
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
13 March 2025

Rise of the Ronin Walkthrough on PC

Village of the Invisible Blades

From the very beginning of the location, approach the banner - it serves as a save point and fast travel. Here you can not only save your progress, but also manage your equipment, and perform other important actions. Like Souls-like games, resting at the banner will restore health and combat resources, but at the same time revive previously defeated enemies.

At the training ground, select two types of weapons. A hint in the lower right corner of the screen will tell you which types of weapons are best combined with the selected specialization - it is worth listening to these recommendations. Basic attacks are controlled by simple key combinations.

Try out the received weapons on training dummies, and then follow your ally. In the dialogue, confirm your readiness to go on the road. After defeating the first enemy, do not forget to pick up a healing pill and use it with the "5" key.

Moving forward, you will stumble upon an abyss. To overcome it, use the kaginawa (grappling hook) via the Q key and pull yourself up to the ledge. Later, you will be explained how to use special combat skills activated by the combination of E + "1" or E + "2". When moving outside of combat, you can accelerate using Shift, while doing so does not consume chi. On the way, activate another banner.

Having met the Gunsmith, you will begin training in working with the Dual Blade. To block her attacks, use the right mouse button (RMB) at the moment of impact. First, you will need to parry three single attacks, and then cope with a combined lunge. The correct tactic is to parry the first two attacks, pause and parry the final lunge. Having defeated her, help your partner get up.

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Then the fight with the Gunsmith herself will begin. During the battle, you will be able to switch between characters by pressing the V key. After winning the conversation with her, accept the task: sneak onto the "Black Ship", steal secret papers and, if possible, eliminate Perry.

Infiltrating the "Black Ship"

Having selected a hero, activate the banner and head to the ship. Swim closer, get out on land, crouch and eliminate the first enemy with a stealth strike. After that, eliminate two more enemies, then use the kaginawa to climb higher and move around the boats.

On the deck, you will be explained the difference between ordinary and especially dangerous enemies (leaders). After defeating a formidable enemy, the area will be cleared forever, even if you rest at the banner. After the victory, activate the banner and go down to the hold.

Inside, training in stealth movement will begin. Crouch (C key), slow down (H), sneak up on enemies and eliminate them from the shadows (RMB when a red ring appears around the target).

Up on the upper decks, you will encounter an enemy with a gun. You can parry his shot with the right mouse button, thereby charging your weapon with fire. After defeating him, take the gun. Hold R to aim, and LMB to shoot.

The rest of the way lies either through completely clearing the deck, or through a stealthy route into the hatch on the left. Inside the hold, activate the new banner. Use the kaginawa or the gun to drop red barrels on the enemies, causing explosions. After the battle, get the key to the hold, open the door and take the treasures from the chest.

Up on the other side, defeat the shooter, crawl through the passage and climb the ladder. In the next room, another enemy and useful items await you.

After activating the next banner, take Perry's evidence and the key to the captain's cabin. Examine the chests, then go up to the upper level.

Boss: Matthew Perry

To defeat the boss, you need to perform two fatal blows after his chi is completely depleted. Use barrels to deal damage, parry attacks in a timely manner. His series of four blows is especially dangerous - it is important to catch at least the last attack.

After the victory, the Blue Demon will appear - the fight with him is obviously doomed. Next, you will have to make a difficult choice: which of your heroes will survive and who will fall.

Setting Sun

In the next chapter, defeat the enemy, collect shurikens (X), and move through the village using stealth attacks. Use the kaginawa to get around enemies and attack from a vantage point.

In the final scene, fight the Gunsmith again, using the techniques you learned earlier. To win, you will need to carefully watch her actions and parry her attacks in time.

Bridge to Yokohama

As you descend from the mountains, collect all the plants along the way. Talk to the merchant at the entrance - he will tell you about the capture of the village by bandits and give you a clay pot that distracts enemies (it can be equipped as a long-range weapon).

In the village, you will face five regular enemies and one formidable enemy. Until they are defeated, you will not be able to use the banner. As a reward for winning, you will receive Novice Swords.

By clearing settlements, you will unlock new landmark icons, and for completing all the tasks you will receive valuable rewards. Hidden in the hay near the central banner is a horse flute that allows you to summon a riding horse.

You will also be met by a girl in the village with an additional quest - you need to collect three red herbs that grow on the eastern hill guarded by enemies. For completing it, you will receive materials and skill points.

Don't forget about the kitten on the roof of the northern house: go around the house, climb the fence, pet the cat and get a silver coin to exchange with the merchants.

Go south, climb the path to the marked point and clear out another enemy camp. New interesting places will appear in the east. Visit the Juditen Shrine, where an elite enemy awaits you - the fugitive criminal Nabenoshin Fuguta. Defeat him to get additional trophies.

When you are ready, head north through Yamate. Along the way, you will open the storage, which requires a rusty key. The key will drop from a fearsome enemy after clearing the adjacent area, but be warned: the enemies here are strong and will only be suitable for players with good preparation.

Activate the fast travel points, then talk to the necessary NPC in Ishikawa. The bridge is guarded by warriors, and if you do not have permission, they will not let you pass.

Return to the village, destroy the enemies, use the height to stealthily approach. Here you will receive the first bow. Talk to the old man to open the cave, where the sortie will begin - solo or in co-op.

Moving on, do not forget about the first fearsome enemy at the banner, after which you will unlock access to the black market merchant. At the top of the magistrate, a fight with Gonzo awaits you.

We will continue in a while.

    Game from the guide
    Rise of the Ronin


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