Alex Hill: Whispers at White Oak Inn Walkthrough — Game Guide

A detailed guide to completing the game, solving puzzles, and getting all endings.
Alex Hill: Whispers at White Oak Inn Walkthrough — Game Guide
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
17 March 2025


General Hints and Tips

Check your task list for objectives using the hamburger menu (middle icon on left)

Speak with all the main characters at the Inn and shop including: Ronnie, Dennis, Lauren, Shirely and Henry

Call Concilio and Cassandra (and later Lisa) after any major find



- Talk to Concilio

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

Click on door to office

Speak with Cassandra

Speak with Concilio

- Check the Case File

Grab case file off of your desk

'Click to get started'

Drive to White Oak Inn

Enter the Inn

Speak with Ronnie at front desk

Take room key

Open door to room 2 and go to sleep


- Check in with Ronnie

Talk to Shirley

Talk to Ronnie

Call Concilio

Call Cassandra

Check out puzzle box in main room

- Solve the puzzle box

Ask Ronnie about Puzzle Box

Check phone for hint on puzzle box (Latin phrases)

Look around room at various clocks, especially the Grandfather clock

Note the time on the Grandfather clock

Go to the puzzle box and click on dials to get 1 2 1 5

There might be a quicker method, but to do this I clicked on the 2nd dial to get to 2 and

then clicked the third dial to move it incrementally up by one

Return to the second dial and move again to 2 and so on until the middle dials were 2 1

Move the 4th dial to 5

Finally move the first dial to 1

- Talk to suspects

Talk to Ronnie again about other topics

Talk to Shirley in Room 5

Turn around and read the Ghostly Affairs book

Talk to Dennis in his office

Go outside and use the path to find the Grand Air shop

Talk to Lauren

Call Concilio

Call Cassandra

Read Hauntings post on your phone

Talk to Shirley

Talk to Ronnie

- Get the bike part

Talk to Dennis

Pick up bike part from Lauren

- Find a bike pump

Talk to Ronnie

Talk to Dennis

Check near front of shed behind the Inn

Look inside shed window

Look at chest

- Fix the bike

- A Hope Chest

Look at bike with flat behind the Inn

Read how to fix a flat tire on your phone

Drag bike parts from inventory onto the bike

Click on tire, unlock the tire and click on tire again to remove from the bike

Place the yellow tire levels on tire and remove it

Click on tube

Click on slime

Connect pump to tube and pump 4 times

Disconnect pump

Put tube on rim

Put tire on bike

Pump tire to 70PSI

This unlocks the ability for quick travel

Travel to Anew View

Talk to Henry

- Get Henry Talking

Turn left and pickup a magnet

Buy magnet from Henry

Talk to Henry about others

Return to Grand Air and talk to Lauren

Return to Inn and talk to Dennis and Ronnie

- Find the keycard

Go to your room and open suitcase

Get lockpicking kit from middle

Walk outside of the Inn


Head back inside to Dennnis' office

Use lockpick on door

Lock tumbler order: 5, 4, 3, 6, 7, 2, 1, 8

Open middle desk drawer

Pick up compass and read to-do list

Open the top right drawer

- Solve the desk puzzle

- Dennis' laptop

Desk puzzle: N, middle dot, S, middle dot, W, middle dot, E, middle dot

Read Eliza's diary - note the key positions

Get the key and keycard

Turn around and look at bookcase

Pull out book on American Ferries

Click on corner of inside cover

Dennis's password: Maritime1905

Click on Dennis' computer and enter password

Read email and check website

Exit office and head over to shed

Use keycard on scanner

Look at Audrey's chest

Push boxes on left

Read the quote on side of chest

Open chest

Sun on first dial, then flower in middle and bird on right

Read diary

Get game cartridge

Check the garbage bin at the front desk

Complete the word puzzle and read the letter

Check in on Shirley

Go to bed


- Henry and Lisa

- Eliza's shelter

Call Concilio

Call Cassandra

- Check in with Cass

Check back with Shirley

Talk to Ronnie

Get Lisa's phone number

- Call Lisa

Call Lisa

Talk to Dennis

Talk to Lauren

- Help Lauren

Help Lauren with promotion

>$18.99 = 10% sale unless it's a t-shirt then 20%

<$18.99 = 15% sale unless it's a drink then PASS

Helmets are 25% off

Talk to Lauren

Talk to Henry

Call Cassandra

Knock on Shirley's door and enter

Check her bag next to chair

- Shirley's Phone

Hack Shirley's phone by connecting four dots (random)

Look at her photos (note Dennis near fireplace and Henry near gazebo)

Check her ID

Look at her typewriter on way out

Check right side of fireplace and find three keyholes

Enter gazebo, turn around and look up

Read Eliza's poem

Check out boathouse

Do not move boards inside main house but move them and see the entrance in smaller one

Try to open

Check out boat

Look inside boat and see hole

- Fix the boat

Call Cassandra

Talk to Shirley

Go to your room and read note


- Meet at the boathouse

Re-enter shed

Check behind bottles for putty knife

Investigate boathouse

Get boat putty

Walk over by the boat

- Seek the light

Fix boat with putty

Enter boat and head out on the lake

Cross lake and find projector

Get back in boat and head back to boathouse

Find Ronnie

Talk to Cassandra


- Explore the boathouse

Talk to Concilio

Call Cassandra

Call Lisa

Talk to Dennis

- Dennis is angry

Talk to Lauren

Help Lauren with bike repair schedule

Bike repair schedule:

9AM = Juan

9:30 = Karren


10:30 = Nichole

11AM = Tina


12:30 = Bailey


1:30 = Bess

2PM = George

2:30 = Amar

Talk to Henry

Back to boathouse

Click on footprints and follow them

Pick up keys

Call Concilio

Call Cassandra

- Apologize to Dennis

Talk to Dennis

- Make a Tea Latte

Click on coffee machine

Pick up black tea

Pour in water

Add cream

Click on cup

- Bring Latte to Shirley

Bring cup to Shirley

Talk to Dennis

Talk to Lauren

- Look through Lauren's Truck

Check backseat

Check glovebox

Look at photo and directions

Go back to Inn

Turn around and exit


Visit Henry's shop

Use keys to open shop as well as Staff room

Check desk drawer

Click on secret panel

Use magnet on secret panel to open it

Get key and password

Henry's password: Somedaysoon9978

View files on computer

View blueprints - note the secret passage

View crumbled note

Head back to the fireplace in the Inn

Fireplace locks

Turn top dial 3x left (key should be in lower right diagonal position)

Turn middle dial 2x right (key should be on right)

Turn bottom dial 1x right

Turn middle dial 2x right (key should be in bottom position)

Turn top dial 2x right (key should be in upper left diagonal position)

- Explore the Tunnels

Initial path through tunnels:

R, L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R, R

- Explore the Bunker

Check out table with hat and projectors

- More projectors

Check out table with book and typewriter

Read the poem in the book

Check the bookcase

Play the record player

Leave the bunker

Pull the lever

Go to closed gate and click on it

Go back to lever and open gate

From bunker to boathouse:

L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R, L


Gazebo is green ladder

Fireplace is grey ladder

Boathouse is blue ladder

Head back to bunker using reverse directions from boathouse

Find Lauren in bunker

- Open the bunker door

Click on lower right panel of bunker door

*SAVE before starting this puzzle!

First circle in upper left = 1

Second circle is the middle circle = 2

Third circle is lower right = 3

1R, 3L, 2L, 2L, 3R, 2R, 3R, 1L, 1L

2L, 2L, 3R, 3R, 2R, 2R, 3L, 2R, 2R, 1L, 1L,

3R, 1L, 3L, 2R, 2R, 1R, 3R

Ocean/Sunrise at the top, then clockwise





Hourglass (time)

Look under the left bunker

Get pole

Look at door

Click on secret panel

Push button

Pull handle

Put pole into hole

See Lauren run out of bunker

Head out of bunker and pull lever


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