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Walkthrough The Quarry - how to kill all the characters

If in the next walkthrough we discussed the sequence of actions necessary for the survival of each hero, then this guide will be devoted to the worst ending in which no one survives.
Walkthrough The Quarry - how to kill all the characters
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
13 June 2022

The Quarry Walkthrough - Worst Ending (Guide)

How to save all the characters - read in a separate guide

Chapter 4 ( Jacob's Death ): Shortly after chapter 4 begins, you will play as Ryan and return to the campfire with the others. Noises will be heard from the bushes, and Ryan will be able to aim and fire his pistol. Here you have to shoot the gun twice into the bushes, Ryan will think that it is a monster in the bushes, but will actually shoot Jacob.

Chapter 4 ( Death of Emma ): Playing as Emma, you will automatically enter the tree house (whether you take the stairs or the path, you will end up in the tree house anyway). For the first choice in the tree house, select "OPEN HATCH", which will cause the monster to attack Emma.

Chapter 5: Cut off Dylan's arm with a chainsaw.

Chapter 6 ( Death of Abigail ): In the pool room where you play as Abigail, after talking with Nick, he will get angry and throw Abi against the wall (dialogue options do not matter). She will then point her shotgun at him. DO NOT shoot Nick (don't press the button). He will then turn into a monster and rip off Abi's head.

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Chapter 7 ( Preparing for Laura and Ryan's Death ): When Laura is free to roam the police station, immediately return to bed and go to sleep (DO NOT take the syringe from the locker upstairs). On the trailThe next day, she will pretend to be in pain in order to lure Travis into her cell. Here you have to shoot Travis with his pistol. Then you leave him bleeding in the cell (he won't die, he will survive the bullet, and when you exit the prison you will see a pop-up window on the right saying "Travis will kill you"). As a result, in the ninth chapter, he will kill Laura and Ryan.

Chapter 8 ( Death of Nick ): Playing as Laura and Ryan, you will come to a red light tunnel where you will find a monster in a cage and hear a policeman arguing with an old woman upstairs. Laura will aim the weapon at the monster in the cage. Do not stop it (do not press anything during the interrupt event). Laura will then shoot the monster. It turns out that this monster was actually Nick, who transformed in Chapter 6.

Chapter 9 ( Dylan's Death ): In the junkyard, while operating the crane as Dylan, select the following options: CAITLEEN WARNING > BEEP > make a mistake with the QTE (don't press the buttons while holding the torch). This results in the monster attacking Dylan, breaking through the windshield of the faucet and tearing Dylan to pieces. It's important to fail the QTE here so Dylan can't fight off the torch monster.

Chapter 9 ( Ryan's Death ): After Laura and Ryan find the monster in the attic, they fall through the floor. The monster will then attack Ryan, who will draw a shotgun. SHOT the monster - it's a mustYou can break Max's curse so you can play as him and cause his death in chapter 10. After Ryan shoots the monster, Travis stabs Laura (the result of Laura shooting Travis in the chapter 7 prison cell with a pistol). When Travis attacks Ryan, select AGGRESSIVE > fail QTE > Travis shoots Ryan in the face with a shotgun.

Chapter 9 ( Death of Laura ): Laura's death occurs in the same scene as Ryan's. If Laura shot Travis in the jail cell in chapter 7, then Travis will stab her to death right after Ryan shoots the monster (the monster was Chris).

Chapter 10 ( Death of Max ): If the above steps were followed, then Ryan shot the monster Chris at the end of the ninth chapter. This will remove Max's curse and you will start Chapter 10 as him. While Max is walking towards the end of the island, select "sail to shore" during the cutscene at the docks. Immediately in the next cutscene, when Max arrives at the shore, he is killed by a monster.

Chapter 10 ( Death of Caitlin ): When the monster attacks the house, select "WAIT" (do not run) during the first choice, then DO NOT shoot the monster. This results in the monster killing Caitlin.

If Travis didn't kill Laura in Chapter 9, they will work together to hunt down Silas. Then in chapter 10, when Laura doesn't shoot Silas during the final scene, he kills her.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Horror
  • Release date 10 June 2022