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Genshin Impact Walkthrough: Seirai's Storm Chasers (Puzzle Solving)

How to complete the side quest "Seiray's Stormchasers"
Genshin Impact Walkthrough: Seirai's Storm Chasers (Puzzle Solving)
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
2 September 2021

Stormchasers of Seirai is a lengthy questline in Genshin Impact that requires you to solve several lockstone puzzles. By doing this, you will unlock the elite boss Manifestation of Thunder and be able to get rid of the incessant thunderstorm of Seirai Island.

Stormchasers Seirai I

How to start the quest : Go to Inazuma by completing the story quest "The Unchanging God and the Eternal Utopia", which we will talk about a little later. Follow to the capital and chat with Katerina, who is inside the adventurers guild. She will ask you to find out the reason for the incessant thunderstorms on the island of Seirai.

Seek out adventurers on Seirai

If you haven't unlocked the required island yet, the fastest way to get to it on the Wavewalker is from the eastern fast travel point located in the Kannazuka region. When you reach Seirai, try to immediately unlock the Statue of the Seven Archons to see his map.

Прохождение Genshin Impact: «Охотники за грозами Сэйрая»

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Now go to the quest marker and talk to Eiko. Not far from it, you can also activate the anchorage. From the adventurer, we learn about the locking stone, which you will need to explore in order to unravel the mystery of lightning.

Follow the cat tracks

A new marked area will appear on the minimap and as soon as you enter it, a new cutscene will start. In it, Taisuke will tell you about the locking mechanism and unusual cat tracks near it. Start walking along them forward, following the corresponding marks.

Прохождение Genshin Impact: «Охотники за грозами Сэйрая»

Soon you will reach the Asase Shrine, which you will need to explore. By the way, a cat is sitting nearby, but, apparently, it was not he who left traces. Go to the small house. A cut-scene will start in which you will meet a talking black cat. Agree to help her.

Find materials for the offering box

Head to the marked point and inspect the box for collecting offerings. You will need resources to repair it. To do this, head to the village of Koseki. There, deal with several treasure thieves. After the interrogation, go to the bandit camp.

Прохождение Genshin Impact: «Охотники за грозами Сэйрая»

Deal with all opponents there. Then start collecting the materials needed to repair the crate. They will be highlighted with bright quest markers, pointing mostly to wooden boxes.

After collecting all 3 resources, return to the sanctuary and repair the box. Then talk to the talking cat Neko again. She will tell you about locking stones. You will also see instructions for solving the corresponding puzzles - read them carefully.

How to seal a locking stone

Now go to the cobblestone located near the Statue of the Seven. Tell the adventurers about your experience. Then take on the solution of the riddle. To do this, first touch all 3 poles with paper ribbons stuck in the ground next to the stone. You can touch them in any order.

Прохождение Genshin Impact: «Охотники за грозами Сэйрая»

Next, you will need to rotate the bottom and top of the cobblestone so that on the side that is turned towards the pole, the number of ribbons matches the number of pieces of paper on the cane. If you set the stone correctly, the ribbons on it will immediately light up.

In the screenshots above, the stone is shown from different sides after solving the puzzle, so that you roughly know how to turn both parts. Then watch a short cut-scene, after which the task will come to an end. As a reward, you will receive 300 adventure points, 40 source stones, 4 hero experience and 30,000 pestilence.

Stormchasers Seirai II

Touch the paper bands on the poles

Move to the next area with the desired cobblestone. Initially, you will need to deal with a few mobs here. Next, activate the poles with paper ribbons. Two of them are located next to the stone, and the third one will have to be looked for - it is installed on an island floating in the air nearby (a mark on the map will appear after the activation of the first two canes).

Прохождение Genshin Impact: «Охотники за грозами Сэйрая»

Grab the Electro Granum from the Thunder Cherry Branch on the coast and then fly forward to the Phase Gate. Then stand behind them and go through the barrier to reach the chest and pole. Interact with paper tapes and remember their number (3 pieces).

Seal the locking stone

Go back to the stone and start turning its bottom and top parts so that the number of pieces of paper on its faces matches the number of ribbons on the poles (4-2-3). The screenshots below show an already solved version of the puzzle from different angles.

Next, talk to the adventurers again. This will complete the quest, and you will receive 250 Adventure Points, 30 Source Stones, 3 Hero XP, and 25,000 Pestilence.

Stormchasers Seirai III

Touch the paper bands on the poles

Go to the next location of the locking stone. Talk to your companions, and then start looking for poles with paper ribbons. To do this, you need to go through the phase gate. Fly forward and to the left towards another phase gate set on a floating island. Then summon an electro-granum and fly upwards with thunder orbs.

Прохождение Genshin Impact: «Охотники за грозами Сэйрая»

You will see a floating island ahead, on which 3 branches of thunder sakura are located at once. Take the Electro Granum from the one in the middle. Use Thunder Orbs to fly up to the next island. Call the electrogranum again and fly upstairs. When you get to two branches connected to each other by a stone bridge, then use the branch closest to you (shown in the screenshot). If you use the second one, you will be able to fly to the chest, but then you will have to fly back.

So, keep flying up with the help of thunder spheres. Soon you will find yourself on a large island with a teleporter, a locking stone and the first pole. Activate the fast travel point and interact with the paper tapes. Now use the Electro Granums here to reach the other poles located nearby (see images below). Touch them and be sure to remember the number of pieces of paper on them.

Прохождение Genshin Impact: «Охотники за грозами Сэйрая»

How to seal a locking stone

Now go back to the cobblestone and start turning its parts so that the ribbons on its edges light up. The pictures below show the solution to the puzzle. Watch the cutscene to complete the mission. As a reward, you will receive 300 adventure points, 40 source stones and 4 hero experience.

Stormchasers Seirai IV

Touch the paper bands on the poles

Go to the location of the next stone. To do this, you need to take an electro-granum on the edge of the island in the place where the teleport with the previous cobblestone is located and soar up with the help of thunder spheres towards the quest marker. Once on the archipelago with three branches of thunder sakura, use the one in the middle.

Fly forward and grab the next Electro Granum. You will find yourself in front of a destroyed bridge, which will gather as you approach. Walk across it with an Electro Granum in front of it, and gravitate towards the Thunder Orbs to fly forward. As a result, you will reach the next locking stone. There will be poles around it. Activate them all.

Seal the locking stone

Next, you will again need to solve the puzzle with turning the pieces of the stone. The pictures below show the correct option. Then another cut-scene will be shown, in which you will see the formation of a huge stone arena.

Прохождение Genshin Impact: «Охотники за грозами Сэйрая»

Fight Thunder Manifestation

Plan on the formed island. Here you have to fight a new elite boss that looks like an electric version of the Oceanid. However, you will not need to kill his summoned creatures - you need to beat the monster itself, dodging its blows.

We advise you to use Pyro, Hydro and Cryo damage dealers with long-range attacks against him, for example, Kli, Eimiya, Yan Fei, Tartalia or Gan Yu. You should also take a character capable of applying shields to the squad, for example, Zhong Li or Diona. The fact is that this boss has a lot of unpleasant attacks that hit the area. In a separate guide, we examined in detail the battle with this boss.

Прохождение Genshin Impact: «Охотники за грозами Сэйрая»

Keep researching

After you deal with him, take the reward and continue exploring the surroundings. To do this, call the electrogranum and go upstairs. Use the Thunder Orbs again to climb even higher to the quest marker.

Ahead you will see a precious and luxurious chest, which will contain blueprints for the decorative objects "Altar of Purification" and "Staff Clock: Sound of Thunder". There is also 1 electric cooler here. You will also find Strange Feathers to show to Eiko and Taisuke.

Go to the location of the adventurers. Chat with them. In the end, you will keep the strange feather for yourself. This will end the quest chain. As a reward, you will be able to get 350 adventure points, 40 source stones and 2 hero experience. In addition, most of Seirai Island will no longer be affected by the Thunder Disaster. You can also now fight Thunder Manifestation at any time.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, PC, Android, iOS
  • Genre: Action, RPG, Adventure, Quest, Gacha
  • Release date 28 September 2020