Act 2
In the second act you have to get out of neighbor's house. Go to the door and look through the keyhole. Look until you see a strange figure that opens the door.
Leave the room, turn around the corner to the left and see the ventilation shaft. Remove the grate and climb inside. Go through the ventilation, go to the right and go up the stairs to the very top. You will fall into the neighbor's yard. The boxes are scattered around the yard - perhaps you can find inside the house boxes if you break the glass.
You are interested in the springboard located behind the bars in the corner of the yard. The way to it is blocked by yellow boards. There are two ways to get there. The first option - collect four boxes, climb on the roof of the house and put three boxes on each other at the edge, which is closest to the enclosed springboard.
Go down and find a few more boxes. Climb to the roof, climb the "tower" of the three boxes, jump up, look down and install one more box each time. You need about six boxes.
The second option is to use the same boxes, put one on top of the other before the yellow boards blocking the path to the springboard. But they need to be set so that the steps are formed. So you can climb them higher and higher and soon jump to a springboard.
But there is also the third, the longest, but simpler way. Walk around the yard and find a pipe with a red valve. You can’t turn the valve; look the pressure sensor on it. It is necessary to exceed the pressure. Take the valve. Go to the right of the pipe with the valve and you will see another part of the pipe. There is a black switch on which. Turn it, go back to the valve and look at the sensor - it should fill in a third.
Break the glass in front of the switch on the pipe, place a box under it and get inside the kitchen. Open the freezer compartment of the refrigerator and pull out the wrench. The key is unlocked the grate, locked on the bolt with the nut in the yard. Behind it there is a ladder to the top. Climb higher, go to the right, but do not rush to go into the white door. Go along the roof, go down the tube and you will find another black switch at the very edge. Turn it - the pressure is already two-thirds.
There is the third switch in the living room on the pipe (you can get through the kitchen or through the front door and to the right). Turn it, run to the pipe with the valve. Take it with you!
Rise up the stairs behind the bars and boards. Do not rush to go to the door to the right. Place a box (or two) near the railing and jump on the railing. Jump on the railing with boards to the edge to install the valve on the huge tap. Turn the valve to water.
You empty the pool on top of the mansion, so that the hero can go on. But now use the white door, go up and go through the pool. Find a shovel in the pool on the floor. Open the door on that side of the pool, do the same with the next door, remove the golden key hanging on the wall, and
then jump through a hole in the floor into the room with a children's house. There is a lock on the house - you need a key.
Get down downstairs. Find a loose ground in the yard. Apply a shovel. Open the wooden coffin and get out the key. Go back to the children's house, unlock it with the key and open both doors. One of these doors is connected to the toilet. Get down downstairs and go to the kitchen. There is a white door, which was previously locked. Now you can open it and find a soldier with a crowbar in hand in the bathroom.
Run back to the doll house; put a soldier with a crowbar on the sofa on the second floor (in doll house). Look into the room nearby with a real sofa. The soldier will already be here, and you can take a real scrap. Go to the yard and find boarded boards. Pull out the nails and leave the neighbor's mansion to complete the passage of the second act.