ShowGamer.comGuide Lust from Beyond - where to find all the clowns

Guide Lust from Beyond - where to find all the clowns

    There are some particularly difficult achievements in Lust from Beyond, and one of them is related to the search for toy clowns, which the hero places in the puppet theater.

    Other Lust from Beyond guides:

    You can find the first clowns already in the third chapter, when Victor Holloway arrives in Bleakmoor. Really strange things will start to happen in this city, but try not to forget that in parallel with the development of the plot, you need to search locations and collect clowns. If you go to the central area of Bleakmoor, you can find a black car, behind which is a toy theater.

    Locations of all clowns in Lust from Beyond

    All nine figurines are hidden in Bleakmoor:

    1. As soon as the third chapter begins, turn around and move to the end of the city. On the left, there are two crates containing the first clown.
    2. Go to the first intersection, turn right and look for an alcove on your right, between two houses with closed doors. There is a clown on a metal cabinet.
    3. Move deeper into the block, past a house with a terrace and a telephone on the wall. Near the Tiki Bar in the corner, across the street from the payphone, there will be another clown. On one of the stalls by the gazebo.
    4. Go to the bar, face it and go left to find a large staircase. Look for a clown on its top.
    5. When you get to the bar, following the screwdriver, go inside and examine several boxes on the right side.
    6. Once you open the grate with a screwdriver, go down to the poster with Austerlitz's phone number, and then go to the door on the left. There is a table with a clown next to it.
    7. In front of the hotel, on a couch inside the building with the blue door. The key to the blue door is on a brick protruding from the wall to the right of the door itself.
    8. When you leave the inn, look in the corner on the crate for the last clown.
    9. On the second floor of the bar, in a chest. Bolt cutter required!

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    When you install all the clowns in the toy theater to the right of the entrance to the hotel, the cage inside it will open and you will receive four bottles of a magical drink that restores1 unit of health and mental state.

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