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ShowGamer.comPhasmophobia guide - how to find a ghost

Phasmophobia guide - how to find a ghost

We figure out how to detect a ghost in the cooperative horror Phasmophobia, as well as determine its type and get evidence of existence to successfully complete the game

In general, this material will introduce you to all the main stages of the game and gameplay elements.

Phase 1 - Search for the Ghost

So, to begin with, you must understand the following: almost all ghosts live in a particular room of the building. And the goal of the first stage is to find this room. Do the following:

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  1. Let everyone pick up an EMF device or a thermometer, as well as one sound sensor.
  2. Split up. Each player moves to a separate end/part of the building, checking all rooms along the way with an EMF or thermometer.
  3. Somewhere along the way, each player must install a sound sensor.

If you follow my advice, disperse and start exploring each of your rooms, then by significantly expanding the search area, you will quickly find the right one. Sooner or later, one of you will stumble upon a ghost room, but if this phase drags on, but all the sound sensors have already been installed, return to the truck and check which of the sensors picks up more noise. Go to this area and split already inher. And if none of the sensors pick up the signal, then you will have to look in other, remote rooms / parts of the building. Identify them on the map.

The sound sensor is an effective tool that allows you to narrow your search area and save time. Parabolic and salt sensors may also be useful. Discovery speed is an important factor. You need to find the right room before your sanity drops and the ghost begins to hunt the heroes. But as soon as you find it, set the EMF (level 5) and go to the second phase.

Phase 2 - Specter Identification (Type Determination)

This is where things get interesting. Will have to experiment! Now that you know which room the ghost is in, go back to the truck to get the various equipment. It all depends on which method you want to use, but I recommend:

  • Book
  • Spirit Box
  • Camcorder
  • UV flashlight
  • Camera
  • EMF and thermometer if you haven't installed them yet

Use different equipment and collect some evidence for the diary. For example, install and set up a camera, turn off all lights in and around the room, and return to the van (with the whole team) to check if there areglowing spheres. At the moment, there are rumors that only some members of the team can see them. However, try to stay in bright rooms to keep your sanity. And as soon as it decreases to a minimum, the ghost will start hunting for you. You will be forced to move on to the third phase.

Phase 3 - Obtaining Evidence

It is not possible to say for sure when the second phase passes into the third. But if the ghost began to hunt you, immediately go to her. At this stage, your sanity has already dropped to a minimum, the ghost has become more dangerous. It will be wise to stick together, with one player carrying a crucifix and the other carrying an incense stick and a lighter. Do your best to complete the investigation and collect enough clues by identifying the type of ghost. Time is not on your side!

At this stage, you need to get as many good shots as possible in order to maximize profits. Grab your camera and take pictures:

  1. Dirty water in the sink (find the sink by the ghost room and fill it with water).
  2. Fingerprints or handprints (use an ultraviolet flashlight).
  3. Use the book to communicate with the ghost and take a picture of his response.
  4. Bones.
  5. Take a photo of the ghost itselfif he's not hunting you!).
  6. Take a picture of the disconnected EMF (can't confirm if this will make money).

Someone takes pictures, and someone uses a crucifix. Once you've got enough shots, get out of the house before it's too late.

How to protect yourself from a ghost

Sanity is your primary stat. Save it by staying in lighted areas more often. Most likely, at the first stage, you will not particularly worry about your sanity, but everything will change already at the second stage.

It's not yet confirmed if the abandoned crucifix works in the ghost room, but the fact is that you're guaranteed to get some protection if you hold it in your hands. It's the only way to deal with a ghost once your sanity has dropped to zero. The crucifix has a short range, so the person with the item in their hands should stand in the middle of the room. If a ghost is hunting, you can hide behind it in a room or inside a closet, locking the door behind you.

And the incense sticks that previously stopped the hunt no longer do so. A lit wand scares away the ghost only for a while. And one more thing: when hiding, do not do it in a ghost room or hallway. Find any other room!


Hunting is the most dangerous stage of your investigation, during which the ghost can kill the heroes. Distinctive features that indicate that a ghost is hunting you:

  • Flickering lights and lighting fixtures. Not even your flashlight. Hide!
  • Radio interference. If you hear interference when trying to contact your teammates on the radio, the ghost is coming for you! You can still talk locally, but the people in the van can't hear you.
  • Palpitation. It works only if the light flickers and there is interference on the radio. Usually, if you hear a heartbeat, then the ghost is following you exclusively. Break the ghost's line of sight immediately.
  • The total activity graph in the van reached 10. This does not necessarily indicate the beginning of the hunt, but if you see this indicator, and the lights are flickering in the house and you can hear interference on the radio, then consider yourself lucky. After all, you are in a van, not in a building with a ghost. As soon as the indicator reaches "0", contact the team by radio and report that the ghost is no longer hunting.

During the hunt, the ghost most often materializes in the corridor, and then starts the chase. There will be about 8 seconds between the start of the hunt and the chase, so you will have time to hide in the nearest room and close the door behind you. If a ghost tries to materialize next to the gamesan eye that has a crucifix in its hands, then it will take damage. The crucifix will break after the second time, missing from the player's hands. If the hunt has begun, you can either hide or consider leaving the building.



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