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ShowGamer.comPhasmophobia guide - how to see orbs indicating a ghost

Phasmophobia guide - how to see orbs indicating a ghost

The presence of luminous spheres in the room is a clear sign of the presence of a ghost. Let's figure out how to find them!

To find the orbs, you need to focus. These are items that occasionally appear in the room where the ghost is located. To spot them, you need to use the camera. Explore the space of the room, being in it or being outside it, through the camera lens. If you see a small light located in this area, it means that a ghost is flying here - a phantom, genie, shadow, yurei or mara.

Ghost spheres do not always indicate that the ghost is located in the same room as you. It's just a sign indicating that there is a supernatural power in the building. Orbs can appear even at the moment when the ghost stops hiding and openly tries to destroy you.

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Since we are talking about small particles floating in the air, you can think of this aspect as a play of light. If you see something like this, be sure that the ghost is somewhere nearby. And if he has already moved on to the hunting stage, then perhaps you should back off?