ShowGamer.comChernobylite Guide: How to Improve Relationships and Assemble a Full Heist Team

Chernobylite Guide: How to Improve Relationships and Assemble a Full Heist Team

    Heist is the final task of Chernobylite , which you can go on alone or in a group of several people. There are a total of five companions in the game. The guide below will tell you how to keep good relations with Oliver, Mikhail, Sashko, Tarakan and Olga. Only in this case they will agree to go with you to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant!

    Decisions and their consequences in Chernobylite - what to choose?

    In this Chernobylite guide, we will look at the quest chains of various characters, indicating how the decisions made affect relationships with partners.

    Read also

    Oliver's missions

    How to improve relationship with Oliver in Chernobylite
    How to improve relationship with Oliver in Chernobylite


    • Quests will start by default, without any conditions. Later, Semyonov will contact you by radio.
    • If you kill Semyonov in the quest "Some Excuses", the option with the help or death of Semyonov at the end of the Mikhail chain will not be available.
    • If Semyonov dies in Mikhail's chain (before you get to Oliver's quests), then the "Some Excuses" mission will be unavailable.
    • Oliver will also give the task "Traitor" - the beginning of Olga's quest chain.

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    First, about which quests affect relationships with characters:

    • Quest "Transportation of weapons" . You can pick up ammo or blow it up. If you blow up ammunition, worsen relations with Oliver. If you take the ammo, improve relations with Oliver, but worsen them with Mikhail.
    • Quest "Old Documents" . If you recharge the traps, then improve relations with the Cockroach. If you do not recharge the traps, then improve relations with Oliver.
    • Quest "Old friend" . If you trust Semenov, improve relations with Oliver. If you doubt, there will be no changes in the relationship.
    • Quest "Chain Reaction" . If you give up, improve your relationship with Olga. If you fight, improve relations with the Cockroach.
    • Quest "Some excuses" . If you kill Semyonov, then worsenrelationship with Oliver. If you decide to trust him, worsen your relationship with the Cockroach.

    Michael's tasks

    How to improve relations with Mikhail in Chernobylite
    How to improve relations with Mikhail in Chernobylite


    • No. Michael himself will contact you by radio.
    • If Semyonov dies at the end of Mikhail's chain (before you get to Oliver's tasks), then the mission "Some Excuses" will be unavailable.
    • If you kill Semyonov in the quest "Some Excuses", the option with the help or death of Semyonov at the end of the Mikhail chain will not be available.


    • Quest "Hacking NAR servers" . If you delete the data, there will be no consequences. If you decide to study them, worsen relations with Mikhail, but improve with Oliver.
    • Quest "Michael in trouble" . Recruit Michael to become part of your team. If you have worsened your relationship with him before, apologize. If you don't apologize, then he'll leave. The following quests will only be available if you have hired Mikhail!
    • Quest "The Hermit" . If you help the hermit, improve relations withMichael. If not, then worsen the relationship with him.
    • Quest "Big Fish" . If you shoot at the helicopter, improve relations with Mikhail and worsen them with Oliver. If you do not shoot, then improve relations with Oliver and worsen with Mikhail.
    • You can help or let Semyonov die. It won't affect the relationship.,

    Quests Sashko and Cockroach

    How to improve relations with Sashko in Chernobylite
    How to improve relations with Sashko in Chernobylite


    • No. Sashko will contact you by radio.
    • If you examine the documents during the "A Souvenir from the Past" quest, Kozlov and the NAR will learn about your investigation. They will set a trap that you will fall into during the quest "Some things from the old hideout".
    • Sometimes the Cockroach leaves the team without warning anyone. It has something to do with the Black Stalker and Some Excuses quests and the choice to help Semyonov or let him die.
    How to improve relations with the Cockroach in Chernobylite


    • Quest "Souvenir from the past" . If you take control of the Eye, improve relations with Mikhail and worsen with Cockroach. This is what needs to be done. You will also get a powerful upgrade for the scanner.
    • Quest "Meeting with the Cockroach" . If you burn documents, improve relations with Sashko. If you study the documents, then set a trap for the NAR in the task "A Few Things from the Old Hideout".
    • Quest "A trail of crumbs" . Be sure to take the Cockroach to the team.
    • Quest "Final Exam" . Agree to accept Sashko into the team.
    • Quest "Equipment for real men" . If you press the detonator, improve relations with Sashko and worsen with Olga. If you do not press, then improve relations with Olga and worsen with Sashko.
    • Quest "Attack on the checkpoint" . If you do not press the detonator, improve relations with Mikhail and worsen with Sashko. If you click on the detonator, then just improve relations only with Sashko (if the Hermit is dead). If you helped the hermit in the quest of the same name, then in addition to improving relations with Sashko, you will worsen your relationship with Mikhail.
    • Quest "A few things from the old hiding place" . If you blow up, then worsen relations with the Cockroach. If you uploadnye, worsen relations with Sashko. For this task, you must have Sashko or Cockroach in your team.

    Olga's tasks

    How to improve relations with Olga in Chernobylite
    How to improve relations with Olga in Chernobylite


    • After completing the Traitor quest given by Oliver, Olga will contact you. By radio.
    • If you do not return Konstantin to Olga's village and tell her the truth, she will not join you.
    • There is a bug with the Black Stalker quest. If you complete this quest, the Cockroach may remain in good or neutral relations. But if you enter the tunnel and do nothing, the relationship will become terrible, and the Cockroach will leave the team. If you enter the tunnel and forget about the "Black Stalker" task, then the Cockroach will not go anywhere.


    • Quest "Traitor" . If you allow Konstantin to leave, then worsen relations with Olga.
    • Quest "Voice in the forest" . Provided that Constantine was released. If you release Konstantin from captivity, worsen relations with Sashko.
    • If at first they released, and then released Konstantin , a choice will appearop - give him food or not. If you do not give, relations with the Cockroach will worsen.
    • If you give food to Konstantin , then in the future the task "Black Stalker" will be available.
    • So, if Konstantin was killed or not released in the forest , then you have to decide whether to tell Olga the truth or lie. If you lie, worsen relations with Mikhail and Cockroach. If you tell the truth, Olga will not join you! You will lose all quests below.
    • Thus, if you helped Konstantin or did not tell Olga the truth, you can accept a woman into the team.
    • Quest "On different sides of the barricade" . If you release the captives, worsen relations with Olga. If you don't release them, worsen your relationship with Sashko.
    • Quest "The Truth About the NAR Experiments" . If you delete the data, improve relations with Olga. If you download the data, improve relations with Tarakan, but worsen with Olga.
    • Quest "Black Stalker" . If you tell Olga about Konstantin's plan, worsen relations with Sashko. If you do not tell, worsen relations with Olga. But this task will be available only if you spared, then freed Kostya, and then gave him food.
    • There are no consequences for the choice in relation to Semyonov in the Black Stalker quest.

    Kozlov's tasks

    What to do with Kozlov in Chernobylite
    What to do with Kozlov in Chernobylite


    • You need to complete the tasks "Some Excuses" from Oliver and "The Black Stalker" on Olga's branch.
    • The first task starts at the base. Partners offer to kidnap or kill Kozlov. Which option will be offered depends on the current companions.
    • To get all the quests, Kozlov must survive.


    • Quest "At the base" . If you decide to kill Kozlov, you will have to choose how to do it - poison or shoot him. Poisoning will improve relations with Mikhail, killing with a pistol - with Olga. After that, the chain will be unavailable.
    • If you decide to kidnap Kozlov, you can redirect the wires or cut them. in the first case, relations with the Cockroach will improve, in the second - with Sashko.
    • If you decide to kidnap Kozlov, after the action with the wires, you can again kill him or kidnap him. The kidnapping will worsen relations with Olga, but will continue the quest. If you decide to kill, then improve relations with the character you allow to do it! You can also come to this decision if you first decided to kill Kozlov, but then decided to meet himsya (at the very beginning).
    • If you release Kozlov after the meeting at the office, and the quests "Black Stalker" and "Some Excuses" are completed, then the task "Hard Truth" will begin. If you don't tell Kozlov about your nephew, worsen your relationship with Olga. If you tell, improve relations with Sashko or Tarakan (if you didn’t release or freed the captives in the quest “On opposite sides of the barricade”, respectively).
    • If you decide to keep Oliver, worsen your relationship with Tarakan and Sashko. Otherwise, he will leave the team.

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