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ShowGamer.comPhoenix Point faction and diplomacy guide

Phoenix Point faction and diplomacy guide

Since the arrival of the deadly pandorovirus, the world of Phoenix Point has been dominated by three main factions. And you yourself can decide how to interact with each of them, what benefits to receive. Below we talk about everything related to factions and diplomacy.

These factions are called as follows: New Jericho (New Jericho), Sanhedrin and Followers of Anu. Each faction has military power, unique technologies, a certain influence in the world. In addition, all factions have almost opposite opinions on how humanity should be saved. As you explore the world, you will begin to encounter the hideouts of these factions. After you meet the faction itself, you will open the initial research project to learn more about it. In the "Diplomacy" section, you can see detailed information.

New Jericho

New Jericho faction trailer

Of the three factions, this one is considered the most militarized. Their politics revolves around the principles of human purity and the destruction of externalexternal threats - pandorans. The leader of the faction is Tobias West, a former CEO and billionaire sponsoring the war effort.

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In terms of total followers and shelters, New Jericho is in the middle. Their technologies are almost entirely focused on military achievements. The Gauss Weapon is a quick and easy upgrade to your default weapon to deal more damage. Later, you can get a rather impressive armor-piercing weapon.

Another advantage is the Armadillo armored personnel carrier. This is a powerful, armored tank that can withstand a lot of damage. There is also a unique Thunderbird aircraft, a powerful helicarrier with lower speed but greater range and payload compared to the standard Manticore aircraft.

Unique Class - Technician

Along with the regular Assault, Sharpshooter, and Heavy Infantry classes, New Jericho offers a unique Vehicle. This fighter wears an exosuit, can install automatic turrets, heal units and repair vehicles.


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Trailer dedicated to the Sanhedrin faction

These are communists. A faction ruled not by one person, but by the entire Council. The most technologically advanced faction. Their main goal is to find a way to exist in a new ecosystem imposed on humanity. The faction is small compared to the other two, but this disadvantage is successfully covered by advanced technologies. The Sanhedrin emphasizes precision and stealth. Using their technology, you will force your soldiers to use silenced weapons, paralyze enemies. In general, weapons will have a higher range than gadgets from other factions.

Instead of the Thunderbird, this faction has the Helios. This is a smaller, lighter aircraft that can move fewer units than the Phoenix's default aircraft. However, this is offset by range and incredible speed. An excellent device for quick response to any threat!

Unique class - Infiltrator

The fighters of this class are unmatched in stealth and intelligence. The Assassin unit uses silenced weapons at both close and long range, which is extremely useful in many missions. Also?? there is access to drone technology used for reconnaissance and tactical advantage.

Followers of Anu

Disciples of Anu faction trailer

The Exalted is the leader of the Disciples of Anu. An entirely new religion revolving around the Dead God and visions of the Exalted regarding the aforementioned deity. Pandoravirus, according to the Followers, was sent by Anu to cleanse mankind of sins. This faction has the most followers and hideouts, but is not very technologically advanced. Their biotechnologies are based on mutations and the use of a dangerous virus to strengthen a person.

The most important creation of the Followers of Anu is the massive airship Tiamat. It is a partially organic ship, moving at a slow speed but capable of moving up to 8 units. It also has incredible range.

Unique Classes - Berserker and Priest

Followers have two unique classes at once. Berserk - mutated??th warrior, designed for close combat. Uses heavy armor, natural healing, and powerful melee weapons. The second class is Priest. Its mutations allow the unit to control enemy fighters for a short time.

Independent shelters

However, not all of humanity joined one of the three factions. There are many independent hideouts that you are sure to come across as you explore the world. These havens and their leaders show no affinity for any of the three factions. Each independent grouping will base its opinion solely on personal interaction with you. After meeting with such a faction, you will receive a task from their leader. If you complete it, you will get a lot of resources. However, the favor of independent havens is not as important as your interactions with the three main factions.

Phoenix Point Diplomacy

There are several ways in which you can interact with the three main factions. On the Diplomacy screen, you can study your relationship and the relationship of these factions with each other. To increase reputation, you need to complete the missions of a specific faction, choose the appropriate options in random events and help it repel enemy attacks. Will you receive different benefits for d??reaching the threshold value of positive reputation:

  • 25 - You will see all faction-owned hideouts.
  • 50 - you will receive some of the unique technologies.
  • 75 - access to the entire unique technology branch.

But for the transition, you will be required to complete a certain mission for the faction. Otherwise, the values will remain at 24, 49 and 74, respectively.

Trade and recruitment of soldiers

After researching two early technologies, icons will appear on the shelters indicated in the Geoscope. One will allow you to trade resources, while the other will allow you to recruit new units.

Raids and fighting

Over time, the opposing views of the three factions will lead to the fact that they will be at war with each other. You can either participate in this war or completely ignore it. You can either defend a friendly faction or attack the enemy's hideouts. And inside such shelters, useful rewards are often hidden.



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