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ShowGamer.comOutriders class guide - the best game builds of 2021

Outriders class guide - the best game builds of 2021

Choosing a class in Outriders is one of the first major decisions to be made at the end of the prologue. In the latest sci-fi action game People Can Fly, classes are called paths and provide you with a set of specific abilities that you will use until the end of the game. Accordingly, you should choose the best path wisely.

Each path corresponds to its archetype. The Trickster is able to teleport behind enemies and stealthily kill them, while the Pyromancer is a kind of fire mage who, you guessed it, likes to set things on fire. Each class has a set of abilities that are perfectly combined with each other. In addition, the developers have tried to make sure that certain effects arise from the interaction between different classes. Thus, each path will be effective, whether you play alone or intend to play the game together with comrades.

This guide only covers a subset of the abilities of each class, provides a brief description of them, and sums it up, in which we suggest which Outriders class is the best for beginners. If you want to learn more about a particular class, look in the article for links to other tutorials on specific paths.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

All Outrider classes

At the time of the game's release, there are four active classes:

  • Pyromancer
  • Technomancer
  • trickster
  • Destroyer

It should be noted that each character has a passive ability to heal, but it manifests itself in completely different ways, as indicated below.


The Pyromancer gains health when he kills enemies he marks with his skills.

You can incinerate entire squads and heal your wounds by burning opponents in a fiery whirlwind.
Pyromancer in Outriders
Pyromancer in Outriders

To begin with, we list the first four abilities of the Pyromancer:

  • Thermal Bomb - causes a burn and knocks the enemy back. If he dies, he also explodes.
  • Ash Blast is an area-of-effect attack that deals ash damage to any enemy caught in the area.
  • Heat wave - allows you to deliver a fiery blow, igniting?? any opponents facing the Pyromancer.
  • Healing - You will regenerate health every time enemies hit by your other abilities die.

The Pyromancer is primarily a mid-range fighter. Thanks to his skills, he is able to set fire to enemies, reduce their mobility, and as a result of their subsequent death, he also restores his health.


Trickster gains health and a partial shield when he melee kills .

You will be able to bend space and time, suddenly popping up behind the enemy, striking and immediately disappearing.
Trickster in Outriders
Trickster in Outriders

Again, let's start with abilities:

  • Thermal Cut - allows you to deal damage to the enemy and slow him down.
  • Slow Trap is an area-of-effect attack that slows all enemies and every projectile that enters the area.
  • Chase the victim - teleport behind your back toselected enemy, receiving an additional bonus in the form of a shield.
  • Healing - Killing nearby enemies extends the shield and restores some health points.

For those who love to play as the Ghost in Apex Legends and enjoy being a sneaky assassin. Trickster is a master of teleportation, who repeatedly gets behind the backs of enemies and inflicts quick and deadly blows on them. Killing nearby enemies will also restore health.


The Destroyer gains health when it kills nearby enemies.

You will stand at the forefront of the attack, covering allies. The earth will shake from your footsteps, and enemies will tremble with fear.

Destroyer in Outriders
Destroyer in Outriders
  • Earthquake - Create a shockwave that damages enemies and knocks them back.
  • Golem - temporarily reduces some of the incoming damage.
  • Gravity Jump - Jump into the air and select the enemy you wantyou're about to fall off. Anyone who gets close will be thrown aside.
  • Healing - Stay close to enemies and you will receive healing for each one you kill.

A real tank that absorbs a lot of damage and at the same time is able to survive by killing nearby enemies. Extends the life of other team members. In the early stages, you will unlock the Golem skill, which will envelop the Destroyer in stone armor. This is a clear demonstration of what the gameplay for this class is aimed at.


The Technomancer gains health when he deals damage to enemies.

By manipulating the Anomaly, you can make buildings move and bend them to your will to help your allies and destroy enemies from afar.

Technomancer in Outriders
Technomancer in Outriders

We continue to study the Outriders classes and now consider the skills of the Technomancer:

  • Repair Wave - Restores health to turrets and allies.
  • Pain setting - with??spawns a rocket launcher that attacks and damages all nearby enemies.
  • The Destruction Tool is a weapon that switches between a minigun and a rocket launcher.
  • Chill - Freezes enemies.
  • Rotten Turret - Equipped weapon fires rotten bullets.
  • Healing - part of the damage received is converted into health points.

This is a support class that should stay away from the fighting. Ideal for loners or healers who specialize in decay and elemental damage, as well as the ability to control vehicles, heal devices and allies.

The best class in Outriders for beginners

I would call the Destroyer the best class, which is due to the straightforwardness of his skills. He is well protected, able to heal when killing enemies. The main thing here is to understand the essence. Use predominantly shotgun and assault rifle to kill enemies up close. Trickster is also a good option. Take a look at at least the first three skills of this character. They match perfectly. Trickster is able to instantly jump behind the back of the selected enemy and plunge him into stasis.



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