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ShowGamer.comWhere to find all magazines and comics in Mafia: Definitive Edition

Where to find all magazines and comics in Mafia: Definitive Edition

A detailed guide to the location of all magazines in the game

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As you progress through Mafia: Definitive Edition - a remake of the original game - you will be able to find several varieties of collectibles. And magazines are one of them. Below we will tell you how to get all the magazines of each type (unfortunately, there are no Playboy magazines loved by many in the game):

  • Cheap magazines
  • horror stories
  • fantasy stories
  • Comics

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Hint . First of all, I note that the location of each collectible item is shown on your mini-radar. But only if you are next to him, on the same floor. For example, magazines are marked with “open book” icons.

Cheap magazines

There are a total of 20 cheap magazines in Mafia: Definitive Edition.

  1. The "Cocktail Party" mission. Task: pick up Molotva. Look in the same room where you are asked to pick up Molotov cocktails from the tableA.
  2. The task "Dusty-free work". At the beginning of the mission, when you find yourself in Vincenzo's office (go in for weapons), look on the table on the side, under the window.
  3. Mission "Fair Game". After the races, you will need to find out where Poli has gone. Move to the end of the mall to meet Luca. To his right is a table with a magazine.
  4. The task "It's time to get used to." When, together with Pauly, visit Biff, to whom they came for information, enter the back room and take the magazine lying on the sofa.
  5. Mission Saints and Sinners. After entering the brothel, go through the far right door to find yourself behind the reception desk. There is a magazine here.
  6. Mission Saints and Sinners. At the very end of the section with rooftops at the Corleone Hotel, after you go around the cops. This subject is easy to overlook.
  7. Mission Saints and Sinners. Another magazine can be found in the church at the end of the mission, when a shootout with people at the funeral begins. At the beginning of it, inspect the rack against the side wall.
  8. The task "Country walk". After you get into the first ambush and search the corpse near the truck, go along the path in the opposite direction. In the second building there will be one enemy, and there is also a rack with a magazine.
  9. Quest "Omerta". After listening to Vinnie, go right along the trailer and pick up the magazine lying on the box.
  10. The task "Visit to the moneybags." When you are inside the mansion, move to the far left room and behindtake the magazine lying on the table.
  11. The Deal of the Century mission. When you move to the exit from the parking lot, before you go outside, look into the guard's booth on the side of the barrier.
  12. Task "Happy birthday!". Once on the holiday, pay attention to standing in front of Sam. A few steps before him, look at the porch on the left. There is a table with a magazine.
  13. Task "Happy birthday!". When you find yourself on the ship and pick up the weapon, you will be asked to find a comfortable position. Having risen to the captain's cabin with the steering wheel, use the door on the right. Don't rush to go forward to the marker, but instead go around the wheelhouse by going to the left. There will be a magazine next to it.
  14. The task "Lucky is ...". When you go to the diner for Sergio, kill the enemies and inspect all the tables in the main hall. One of them will have a magazine.
  15. Task "Cream of society". Before you open the gate in the last hangar, behind which the car is waiting for you, inspect the crates on the left and take the magazine.
  16. Task "Re-election". Inside the prison. When you find yourself in the cell block, go to the third floor and pull the lever located in the corner. This will open several cameras on the right side (in the same place as the lever). In one of them, in the west, there is a collectible.
  17. The task "Re-election". When you beat the two enemies in the abandoned dining room and go upstairs, exit the room and go into the next room through the door sl??va. Look for a magazine.
  18. The task "Purely for defusing." Once in a warehouse with several offices (about four rooms on the second floor), finish off the enemy and search these rooms. One of them has a cheap magazine.
  19. Task "Small hack". Task: find a manager. Inside the bank, on the top floor, in one of the side offices. The magazine is on the table.
  20. Death of Art Quest Objective: Meet Paulie at his apartment. Inside Thomas Angelo's house at the beginning of the game, in the living room.

horror stories

There are a total of 19 Horrible Histories magazines in the game.

  1. Quest "Omerta". When you visit the bar with Baby Tonny, look at the table from the side.
  2. The Deal of the Century mission. Having reached the room with the valve and put out the fire, inspect the table nearby.
  3. The task "Lucky is ...". When you get to Sergio's house, go along the fence to the right of the car standing by the garage. Do not rush to climb over the fence, but instead pick up the magazine lying in the corner.
  4. The task "Re-election". After Tony finishes off the candidate and falls down, go down a little lower and find yourself in a corridor with several cameras. Behind the far left door is a magazine.
  5. The "Death of Art" mission. Towards the end of the Sam chase, after the library with the globe and insert, carefully inspect each room, because in o?One of them, there is a magazine on the table.

Look for the rest of the magazines in the "Walk" mode:

  1. Opposite Oakwood Church in Oakwood on the map. Not far from the entrance.
  2. In Beach Hill in the eastern part of the map. Look in front of the entrance to the large mansion on the east side of the area (far right, accessed by a path up the hill).
  3. Northwest of Oakwood. In the alley between the garbage cans. The log from the description above.
  4. Inside a wooden hut in Holbrook.
  5. In Holbrook Park (signed on the map), on the southern outskirts.
  6. On the boat bridge north of the Giuliani Bridge on Central Island. Look for the boat lying on its side. You can go under it to pick up the magazine.
  7. In the south of the Workers' Quarter, you need to climb over the fence to find the next issue of the magazine. The log from the description above.
  8. On the floor near a chair, in the area west of Central Station, marked on the map in the Workers' District.
  9. At one of the West River docks in the Workers' District.
  10. In an alleyway between the O and W of CHINATOWN on the map.
  11. Western part of Countryside, at a cabin northwest of Heaven's Peak.
  12. Northeast corner of Countryside, south of Fyer Dam (signed on the map), at the docks, next to the fish chairaka.
  13. In the northeasternmost Countryside building, east of Lake Fyer.
  14. Northeast corner of Countryside, at the docks of Berry Wood Creek Lake marked on the map.
  15. East side of Countryside, by the well behind the church. This is the first building you come across when you drive from the airport towards the Clark Motel (where the road forks).

fantasy stories

There are a total of 20 magazines from the Fantastic Stories series in the game.

  1. The task "Dusty-free work". Talk to Ralphie in the garage and look for a table with a magazine on the side of the car.
  2. The task "It's time to get used to." At a certain point, a firefight will start and you will need to shoot at the enemies hiding behind the barrels. Don't rush to go down to the workshop, but instead look for a white sofa with a magazine near the steps.
  3. Quest "Omerta". In the airport lobby, in the coffee break room
  4. The task "Visit to the moneybags." Before entering the mansion, check out the sunbeds next to the pool.
  5. The task "Bon Appetite!". When Morello's men attack Salieri, move to the kitchen and look for the magazine.
  6. Task "Happy birthday!". Once on the ship, go down one deck and find a door that can be opened. So you get to the kitchen, where there is a magazine on one of the tables.
  7. The task "Purely for defusing." To Federalny customs insulator. In a large room with many boxes (white markers) with three armed enemies. Check out the top office.
  8. The "Death of Art" mission. When the gunfight starts in the gallery, go upstairs, go through the door and look for the magazine on the left hand.

Look for the rest of the magazines in the "Walk" mode:

  1. Under an archway across from Morello's Bar in North Park. The bar is signed on the map.
  2. Near the lighthouse in the lower right corner of the map. It is signed and under the Beach Hill area.
  3. Outside a warehouse in northeast Holbrook.
  4. Downtown. On the roof of the garage, which is located near the letter D in the word DOWNTOWN on the map.
  5. Where the West River Tunnel meets Central Island, on the pedestrian overpass. Search on the bench.
  6. On the boat bridge south of the Giuliani Bridge on Central Island.
  7. At the docks of St. Peter, on one of the piers of the Central Island.
  8. West of Chinatown, opposite the toilet. The log from the description above.
  9. On a small island that is connected to the south by Robinson Park in Chinatown.
  10. In the southwest of Countryside, at the top of the Observation Tower (Overlook).
  11. In the very northwest of Countryside, on the docks overlooking Lake Fyer.
  12. On North??-East Countryside, under the gazebo.

Black mask

There are also Black Mask magazines, and there are quite a few of them in the game - 19 pieces. Search for magazines in the "Walk" mode:

  1. Lansom Stadium in Holbrook, signed on the map. Go left or right from the door of the building and go into the dark corridor under the roof.
  2. Hotel Carleona in Downtown. Signed on the map. Above it (on the map) there is a lane. Follow there and look for a magazine near the stairs.
  3. Oakwood Cemetery in Oakwood. Approximately in the middle, near the expanded bench.
  4. Beach Hill. In the northwest corner of the region, by the bench next to the observation deck.
  5. Oakwood, in the upper right block, on a grill in the backyard of the house.
  6. Oakwood. In the very southwest corner of Oakwood, close to downtown. There is a staircase that you can go down to the coast of St. Paul. Look for the magazine along the stairs.
  7. Holbrook. In the northwest part of Holbrook. Look for a small alley. The magazine will be on the ground.
  8. North park. In the alley east of Pepe's restaurant.
  9. Downtown. In an alleyway south of St. Michael's Church, on the floor next to a wastebasket.
  10. Central Island. Next to the trash can, on the terr??ce of the restaurant.
  11. Central Island. Beneath the newsstand, west of the city theater labeled Moulton's City Theater on the map.
  12. Central Island. At the entrance to the city theater (Moulton's City Theatre).
  13. Central Island. At the entrance to the Lost Haven Gallery.
  14. Working quarter. Before entering the harbor (its western side). The log from the description above.
  15. Working quarter. Inside the Federal Customs Impound (Federal Customs Impound on the map).
  16. Small Italy. On the sidewalk, east of Salieri's bar.
  17. Small Italy. In an alley, east of Little Italy.
  18. Chinatown. On the southern edge of Robinson Park.
  19. Autodrom. To the left of the entrance to the circuit.
  20. Jayhawk Bluff on the map. Along the westernmost road of Jayhawk Bluff (in Countryside), by the only building south of Two Hatch Pond.


But there are fewer comics in the game - only 10 issues.

  1. The task "Dusty-free work". In the motel, where you will need to deal with the gangsters, go up to the second floor and find the door leading to the balcony. In contse balcony, on one of the tables are comics.
  2. The task "It's time to get used to." When you get out of Biff, follow Paulie and at the end of the street, look at the urn on the left, on the corner of the building. There will be comics. Or in the "Walk" mode, go to the letter H from the word CHINATOWN on the map.
  3. Mission Saints and Sinners. On the third floor of the brothel, inspect each room. In one of the rooms there will be a man who will ask you to leave. We'll have to beat him, and then look into the bathroom.
  4. Quest "Omerta". In the bank, when you go to the cells for documents, look for comics on the side (on the lower level, not far from the room with the cells).
  5. The task "Lucky is ...". Objective: Don't let Sergio get away. In the harbor area. Open the map and move to the letter O from the word HARBOR. Look in the compartment of the train.
  6. The "Death of Art" mission. Objective: Meet Paulie at his apartment. In Paul's apartment on the top floor, on a table in the hallway.
  7. In an alley east of the prison on Central Island, where you can climb over a chain-linked fence. Search in the yard.
  8. In the area north of the Workers' Quarter and southwest of Little Italy. Climb over the fence in the parking lot to enter the comic book garden.
  9. Near the chair with the fisherman's hut on the coast south of the Terranova bridge in Chinatown.
  10. In the northeast corner of Countryside, on the balcony of the Clark Motel. You can get up on the logs outside the building. By the way, this pr??met, as it turned out, could be found during the task in which you collect money from protected establishments.
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