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ShowGamer.comWhere to find all cyberpsychopaths in Cyberpunk 2077

Where to find all cyberpsychopaths in Cyberpunk 2077

As part of the quest "Attack of Cyberpsychosis" (Anatomy of a Murder), you need to find and destroy 17 cyberpsychopaths. We'll tell you where to find them.

Please note that enemies do not need to be killed, but neutralized. This way you will get a lot more money from Regina Jones.

Every time you get close to a cyberpsychopath (and they are hidden under the yellow and black exclamation point markers on the map, indicating secondary tasks), you will be contacted by Regina Jones. It will give information about the nearest target. A marker will appear on the map, the task will be activated. You can leave immediately or later.

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Where to find all cyberpsychopaths in Cyberpunk 2077
Where to find all cyberpsychopaths in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpsychics are most often located in places that say "Side Job - Business", which will not make headlines.

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpsych location 1: Health at a discount

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Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

You can find this Cyberpsycho in Santo Domingo, at Coronado Ranch.

Cyberpsych Location 2: Badlands

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

You can find this Cyberpsycho to the east of the city, in this place.

Location of Cyberpsycho 3: House on the Hill

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

Another was found far to the east of the city, in a small house on top of a hill.

Cyberpsych Location 4: Second Chance

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpsycho hides to ??east of the city, located next to the destroyed car in this place.

Cyberpsych Location 5: Talion

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

You can find Lex in Pacifica, on the Costa View, at this location.

Cyberpsych Location 6: Smoke on the Water

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

Second Cyberpsycho in Pacifica.

Location of Cyberpsycho 7: Under the bridge

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

This one is in Santo Domingo, Arroyo.

Cyberpsych Location 8: Primorye

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Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

Found on the west side of town, in Heywood, Wellsprings.

Cyberpsych Location 9: The Letter of the Law

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

North of Coast #8, back in Haywood, Wellsprings.

Cyberpsych Location 10: Night City Ghost

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

Near Corpo Plaza in the city center.

Cyberpsychic Location 11: Big League Ticket)

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

In North Oak, on the west coast.

Cyberpsych Location 12: Blood Ritual

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

This one is further north, in Watson, Northside. This quest can be problematic. Here is a detailed walkthrough

Cyberpsych Location 13: Deep underground

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077

Another one in Watson, Northside. Northeast of #12.

Cyberpsych Location 14: Scream to the Void

Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077
Locations of all Cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077


Location of Cyberpsych 15. War Demon

Looking for mar??e in the upper right part of the North Side. The enemy will be on the bridge.

Location of Cyberpsych 16. Lieutenant

The next quest marker is in Kabuki, Watson.

Location of Cyberpsych 17. Watchdog

Travel to the side quest marker in Northside, Watson.