We tell you how to pass all the instinct tests in the game.
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
13 December 2022
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Instincts in Goat Simulator 3
You need to complete a few tricks:
Do a back flip . Jump up to "Space", hold RMB and rotate the goat in the opposite direction.
Tips will also appear at the bottom of the screen . Click LMB to butt objects. You can use the E key to lick any object. Hold it, and then your goat will grab the thing, and you can move it. The Q key activates ragdoll mode (playing dead). On "1" you can mark.
Triple jump . To make a triple jump, jump to "Space" and press this key again every time the goat is about to touch the ground.
Fix the instinct . Open the instinct menu and pin any instinct by clicking on the "button" icon on the side of its description.
Reach FTL while sliding .
Add something to all equipment slots . Press TAB, select the "Gear" section and add any items that are available to you. Please note that equipment marked with a lightning bolt has some kind of ability that is activated by pressing the F key. This applies to equipment that you put on your head.
Show emotion . Hold the V key and select any emotion.
Do a double somersault forward or back 720 degrees . Finde high tower or building. Jump off it, hold RMB and start spinning in a circle. Not just forward or backward, but also sideways. That is, hold W+a, W+D, A+S, or S+D.
Extinguish yourself with water . Complete the "Bulk Fishing" event. There is also a reservoir, and explosives. Butt explosives, but not into the water. Wait nearby. After the explosion, your goat will light up. Jump into the water to extinguish yourself.
Jump on the trampoline 10 times in a row . The best time to do this is when you have a paraglider.
Blow up the explosives with explosives . Complete the "Bulk Fishing" event. The pond will have explosives. Butt one so that it stays close to the other.
Get caught by the police .
Drive the fire truck .
Lick someone for a minute . Approach a chicken or other animal and hold the E key to lick it. It is important to stick your tongue to some living being. Just wait 1 minute.