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Scary Horror 2 Escape Games Walkthrough Chapter 2

Full Walkthrough Scary Horror 2 Chapter 2. House of Horrors
Scary Horror 2 Escape Games Walkthrough Chapter 2
Julia Kushnaryova
Date of publication
23 January 2023

Walkthrough Scary Horror 2 Chapter 2. House of Horrors

Also read:

Walkthrough Scary Horror 2 Escape Games - Chapter 1 Abduction

Walkthrough Scary Horror 2 Escape Games Chapter 3. Liberation

Click on the flower pot and use the garden shovel three times to get an "H" out of the soil. Pay attention to the inscription in blood on the wall "Hell is here" (Hell is here). This is the key to combining letters into word puzzles.

Click on the door with the board. Place the letters from your bag, "H" and "S" on the board and make a sentence "Hell is here" (Hell is here). Take the key. Use it to open the door and go inside.

Take the ring from the toy truck. Click on the wall posters and remove them to find the key to the lock on the crate. You should have a blue triangle, a yellow star, a red cube, a yellow triangle, a green star. Once unlocked, remove the fabric from the shelf and place it on the top shelf. Take the crowbar.

Return to the hallway and use the crowbar to remove the nails from the corner of the carpet. Take a sewing needle and cylinder. Return to the room.

Go right (next room, bedroom), open the window curtains and take the ball. Click on the table and play the mini-game (see screenshot).

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

"href="../../../storage/uploads/guides/2023-01-23/4d3be43fceb5645a3b2cbeaeae3b5172.jpg"> Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Take the bottle of acid. Click on the bed, take the sewing thread by removing the Snickers. Combine the sewing needle and sewing thread in inventory. Click on the doll on the floor, use the drawing as instructions on how to make the doll - put the white material inside the doll, use the sewing needle and thread to sew it on, then put on the fabric that is next to the doll. Pick up the doll. Click on the shelf above the bed and place the doll there, take the key.

Return to the room to your left, use this key to open the safe on the poster wall. Take the bottle of glue. Click on the table and connect the parts of the photo (see screenshot). This photo is a clue for the dollhouse.

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Return to the corridor. Use the acid bottle on the lock on the metal elevator door. Enter the room. Raise the ax head. Pay attention to the timing in the message on the wall "He will come at 03:55". Click on the wall rings and install the ring from your inv??ntar. By moving the rings, create an image of an elephant (see screenshot). Take the handle from the hole. Set Button "1" to the panel and click on it.

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Corridor 1st floor . Click on the coffee table and take the newspapers. Pick up the trap from the floor. Click on the watchtower, open the door and install the cylinder from your inventory, then set the time to 03:55. Take the headless doll from the hole. Click on the statue and take a piece of paper with a clue. Instead, place the ball from your inventory into the statue's hand and solve the puzzle by comparing the two pictures on the box (see screenshot).

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Take the music sheet from the open box. Return to the elevator and press floor 2.

Room . Return to the room and click on the dollhouse. Place the picture of the doll house on the house and arrange the dolls accordingly. Place the doll in the dollhouse that was found on floor 1. Arrange the dolls as in the photo and the matches.

Spa??nya. Go to the bedroom and place the handle on the clown box on the table. Click on the handle and take the cassette. Click on the bed and catch the spider with the net. Click on the spider's head and take a clue. Return to the room.

Room . Look inside the box and insert the cassette into the player. Listen and take away part of the piano keyboard. Return to the elevator and press floor 1.

Corridor 1st floor . Click on the door on the right and use the clue from your inventory to solve the match puzzle. I got it - 40213. Enter the room.

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Floor 1 Library . Click on the metal statue and take the hand. Pick up the hammer from the floor. Click on the pillow and remember the number and color (70 purple). Go to the next room.

Floor 1 Piano room . Pay attention to the numbers on the window (120 red) and on the piano chair (40 blue). Click on the globe and use the numbers to set the coordinates on the globe by turning it in the desired direction (70 to the right, 120 to the left and 40 to the right). Take the ax handle and combine the ax blade in inventory with it. Pick up the white broken piece from the floor. Go back to the 1st floor corridor.

Corridor 1 floor??zh. Use the ax and remove the wooden plates. Go forward. Click on the paint cans, remove them and take the small cable cutting tool. Click on the red box on the floor and use the hammer to pull it out. Use the hammer to get out of the stairs. take the ladder and solve the puzzle on the ceiling (see screenshot). Take the white broken piece and the metal saw. Return to the library room.

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Floor 1 Library . Click on the fireplace, put the newspaper inside and use the matches to light them. Click on the box on the bookshelf and play a mini-game (rules like tic-tac-toe). Take the key. Use this key to open the fireplace lock and take the poker stick. Use it to get the key to the fireplace. Go to the piano room.

Floor 1 Piano room . Click on the table by the window. Collect the folding knife. Return to the library.

Floor 1 Library . Use the jackknife on the carriage and take the lock. Return to the corridor.

Corridor 1st floor . Click on the coffee table and use the jackknife to open the box. Take the game item. Come back?? piano room.

Floor 1 Piano room . Click on the table next to the window and place a game piece and see how the letters point to that piece. I received ADEHT, which are the letters of the word DEATH (DEATH). Return to the library room.

Floor 1 Library . Click on the box on the floor and use the word from the game - DEATH. Take the button. Return to the corridor where the stairs are located.

Corridor 1st floor . Click on the door and place the found button on the board. Solve the puzzle by placing the dots so that the sum of the adjacent ones is (see screenshot). Enter the office.

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Floor 1 Office . Click on the bust and collect the batteries. Click on the drawer on the table and use the key to open it. Solve the puzzle by restoring the image of the ship (see screenshot).

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Take the smoking pipe from the box and the bottle from the table. Click on the table with the ship model and look at the sheet of paper where you can see what parts are missing. Take two parts of the ship and install it, assemble the remote control. Combine batteries and remote control in your inventory. Take the broom from the chair. Return to the piano room.

Floor 1 Piano room . Combine the two white shards in your inventory and use the glue to join them. Use the glued lamp cover on the lamp. He will light an X on the floor. Use the ax (several times) and destroy the floor at point X. Collect the green piece of material. Return to the corridor.

Corridor 1st floor . Use the metal saw on the metal rods. Enter the antique room.

Floor 1 Antique room . Click on the wooden barrel and take the bottle of oil. Click on the box in the corner and use the cable cutter (several times to cut the wire with metal spikes. Take the knife from the top of the head and the bottle to remove the paint. Click on the deer head. Check the numbers of the blades to solve the puzzle that is yellow = IX (top right), green = IV (bottom right), blue = XII (top left) and red = III (bottom left) Solve the 9x(12-4)/3=24 math problem. garlic and return to the library.

Floor 1 Library . Click on the statue's head and use the oil bottle to oil it. open itand take the pen. Return to the corridor.

Corridor 1st floor . Combine the paint remover and the green cravat in your inventory. Use it on the blue paint on the floor to get code 8162. Go to the antique room.

Floor 1 Antique room . Install the handle on the pulley and turn it. Remove the fragments on the floor and take away the hammer. Return to the library room.

Floor 1 Library . Click on the bookshelf and use the hint from your inventory to click the book in the specific order, according to the hint. Take the piano keyboard part. Go to the piano room.

Floor 1 Piano room . Click on the piano and place the two pieces of the piano keyboard. Use the note sheet to play the melody. Take the trophy. Return to the antique room.

Floor 1 Antique room . Click on the trophy shelf and take the can opener. Return to the corridor.

Corridor 1st floor . Use the can opener to open the red box on the floor. Take the neon sticks. Return to the antique room.

Floor 1 Antique room . Go inside and use the neon sticks in the dark room. Use the garlic paste on the vampire. Pick up the chain from the floor and use it on the coffin, then use the lock from your inventory to lock the blocksbreak the chain. Click on the TV and take the rope from the TV antenna. Adjust the antenna so you can see the remote control on the TV screen, then use the remote control and take the white hat from inside the TV. Click on the wooden crates and take the hook. Combine hook and rope. Click on the metal box on the floor. Enter the code 8162 to unlock it. Collect the ship part. Return to the office. Look at the table and use the bottle from inventory on the empty tray. Take the tool and photo from one tray and place inside the other tray, take the photo. Also take the crowbar from the table. Use the crowbar on the wooden crates in the room and take the metal rod. Return to another room and click on the trophy shelf. Use the photos to arrange the trophies accordingly, including the trophy from your inventory (see screenshot). Collect matches and "1". Use the hook on the wooden barrel to get the directional arrow. Return to the office.

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Floor 1 Office . Click on the bust and place the triangular hat on it. Enter the secret com??atu. Pick up the fishing rod from the floor. Pay attention to the colored symbols (M blue, i>

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Take "3". Click on the hole in the wall and use the metal hand to hold the door. Take the red flag for the ship model. Click on the glass cabinet and take the "7". Return to the office. Click on the board on the wall and place the found numbers there, then arrange them according to the ropes from each letter in alphabetical order.

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Take the cutter and small key. Return to the secret room. Click on the brick wallwell, use the chisel and hammer, combining them to break it. Take the cross from the skeleton. Use the cutter and cut off the head of the skeleton, take it. Use the Small Key and open the glass cabinet, then place the skull and smoking pipe in it. Take the pen and shards of glass. Return to the office. Click on the ship model and set the red flag and another part. Collect a small piece of stone with a symbol on it. Return to the secret room and click on the table with the bear. Place a small stone and solve the puzzle by placing the runes so that they form a symbol in the center as in the picture. Take the elevator button "3". Return to the elevator, set the button and press it.

Floor 3 . Click on the small table in the corner and take the large knife. Click on the table and sharpen the knife. Click on the bear and use the knife. Take the hammer and the fishing hook. Combine the fishing rod and fish hook. Use it to lower the hatch door ladder. Get up. Take the vinyl record. Click on the gramophone, collect the chalk, place the vinyl record and set the handle. Click on the handle. Take candles. Use the broom to clean the floor.

Install black candles and use matches. Then use the chalk to draw a pattern on the floor. Click on the mummy box and take two pieces of wood. Use the cross on the mummy and takeplasma cutter. Go down and use the plasma cutter on the metal head in the corner and collect the nails. Climb up and click on the broken ladder. Take the key and go down. Click on the crow on the table and use the silver key. Collect the shards of broken glass. Climb up and click on the broken ladder, remove the fragments with a hammer and nail new plates. Go to the roof.

Floor 3 Roof . Click on the chimney and place the arrow. Click on the arrow and collect a piece of paper with letters. Click on the statue and take the medical scissors. Click on the nest and take the white cloth. Click on the empty nest and take the butterfly. Return and go down.

Floor 3 . Click on the board with butterflies and place the found butterfly. Solve the puzzle by pointing to pairs of identical butterflies. Take the basket. Go to the roof.

Floor 3 Roof . Use the basket and take the eggs. Solve the knot puzzle. Gather the rope. Go back down.

Прохождение Scary Horror 2 Глава 2. Дом ужасов

Floor 3 . Click on the mummy and cut it with scissors, take the glass shards. Click on the broken mirror and arrange all the pieces of glass in the correct order. Then useUse the sheet of paper with the letters on the mirror to get the correct letters. Go to the roof.

Floor 3 Roof . Click on the statue and select the letters from the clue on the wall. Take the ring. Connect the ring and rope. Place the eggs in the empty nest and a metal rod will appear. Install a rope on it and get down.

Also read:

Walkthrough Scary Horror 2 Escape Games - Chapter 1 Abduction

Walkthrough Scary Horror 2 Escape Games Chapter 3. Liberation